(Redirected from Amarok/Manual/MenuAndCommandReference/HiddenFeatures)
Some less used features have not been added to the menus, as those are corner cases and to avoid too many lines in Context Menu options.
Those features can usually be enabled in the configuration files of Amarok, located in $HOME/.kde/share/config ($HOME/.kde4/share/config on some systems). There are three configuration files:
Configuration files
This is the main configuration file for Amarok. It is separated in different sections in alphabetical order, easy to distinguish by the [] header. The usual sections are the following:
- [Collection]
- [Collection Browser]
- [Collection Folders]
- [Cool Streams]
- [Cover Fetcher]
- [DownloadDialog Settings]
- [File Browser]
- [General]
- [General Options]
- [KFileDialog Settings]
- [Locale]
- [MainWindow]
- [Playback]
- [Playlist Search]
- [Playlist Sorting]
- [Plugins]
- [Podcast View]
- [Podcasts]
- [Saved Playlists View]
- [Script Manager]
- [Service_Ampache]
- [Service_LastFm]
- [Service_Magnatune]
- [Service_Mp3tunes]
- [Session]
- [Shortcuts]
- [TagDialog]
- [TagGuesser]
- [xy Applet]
Add to that the configuration for the various scripts a user has installed, which are also set here.
This is the configuration file for the Context View section. It typically looks like this:
- [Containments][1]
- ActionPluginsSource=Global
- activity=
- activityId=
- desktop=-1
- formfactor=0
- geometry=0,0,463,845
- immutability=1
- lastDesktop=-1
- lastScreen=-1
- location=0
- plugin=amarok_containment_vertical
- screen=-1
- zvalue=0
- [Containments][1][Applets][6]
- geometry=0,310,463,533
- immutability=1
- plugin=albums
- zvalue=0[/code]
- [Containment 0]
- firstShowingApplet=0
- plugins=currenttrack,upcomingEvents,wikipedia,similarArtists,lyrics
- [Directories-default]
- prefixes[$d]
- [Emoticons]
- emoticonsTheme[$d]
- [General]
- XftHintStyle[$d]
- desktopFont[$d]
- font[$d]
- menuFont[$d]
- smallestReadableFont[$d]
- taskbarFont[$d]
- toolBarFont[$d]
- [Notification Messages]
- confirmNewSession[$d]
- [PreviewSettings]
- UseFileThumbnails[$d]
- [Toolbar style]
- ToolButtonStyle[$d]
- [WM]
- activeFont[$d]