Search results
- {{Info/zh-cn|这里提供的信息覆盖 Plasma 桌面 4.5。<br /> ...[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.3|4.3]] - [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.4|4.4]] - '''4.5'''}} ...7 KB (380 words) - 12:00, 5 July 2013
- {{Info_(zh_TW)|這裡提供的資訊覆蓋 Plasma 桌面 4.5<br /> ...[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.3|4.3]] - [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.4|4.4]] - '''4.5'''}} ...7 KB (357 words) - 12:00, 5 July 2013
- ...myLanguage/Plasma/Netbooks|Plasma Netbook]] environment was removed in KDE Plasma 5 and replaced with the Application Dashboard menu. 一個預設的 Plasma 桌面有四個關鍵組件: ...11 KB (571 words) - 15:30, 31 October 2022
- ...设备的技术, 目前有两个变种: 我们大多数页面的关注点Plasma Desktop, 以及用于平板电脑和手机的新桌面环境Plasma Mobile. Plasma Netbook环境在KDE Plasma5被应用仪表板菜单取代。 典型的 Plasma 桌面环境看起来像这样: ...11 KB (471 words) - 15:32, 31 October 2022
- {{Info|The information presented here covers Plasma Desktop 4.5. <br /> Versions available: [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.3|4.3]] - '''4.5''' <br /><br /> ...7 KB (876 words) - 11:50, 26 March 2017
- ...lasma Mobileです。 [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/Netbooks|Plasma Netbook]] はKDE Plasma 5では削除され、アプリケーションダッシュボードメニューに置き換えられました。 * '''[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/Panels|パネル]]''、タスクバーとも呼ばれます。ランチャー、ウィンドウ一覧、時計、システムトレイなどを配置する場所です。 ...13 KB (1,071 words) - 11:37, 18 November 2023
- {{Info|The information presented here covers Plasma Desktop 4.5. <br /> Versions available: [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.3|4.3]] - '''4.5''' <br /><br /> ...8 KB (948 words) - 11:44, 26 March 2017
- {{Info|Informaţia prezentată aici se referă la Plasma Desktop 4.5. <br /> ...[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.3|4.3]] - [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.4|4.4]] - '''4.5'''}} ...8 KB (892 words) - 12:00, 5 July 2013
- {{Info/ca|La informació aquí presentada cobreix l'escriptori 4.4 de Plasma. <br /> Versions disponibles: [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.3|4.3]] -'''4.4'''- ...7 KB (845 words) - 21:14, 20 May 2012
- {{Info|Информацията, представена тук, обхваща Plasma Desktop 4.5. <br /> ...[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.3|4.3]] - [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.4|4.4]] - '''4.5'''}} ...10 KB (348 words) - 11:51, 5 July 2013
- {{Info/es|La información aquí presentada es para Plasma Desktop 4.4.'' <br /> ...yLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.3|4.3]] - '''4.4''' - [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.5|4.5]]}} ...7 KB (939 words) - 21:16, 20 May 2012
- {{Info|Informationerne på denne side omhandler Plasma Desktop 4.4.<br /> ...yLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.3|4.3]] - '''4.4''' - [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.5|4.5]]}} ...6 KB (806 words) - 21:15, 20 May 2012
- ...myLanguage/Plasma/Netbooks|Plasma Netbook]] environment was removed in KDE Plasma 5 and replaced with the Application Dashboard menu. A typical Plasma desktop looks like this: ...11 KB (1,865 words) - 09:44, 21 December 2022
- ...myLanguage/Plasma/Netbooks|Plasma Netbook]] environment was removed in KDE Plasma 5 and replaced with the Application Dashboard menu. Kekhasan <i>desktop</i> Plasma tampak seperti berikut ini: ...11 KB (1,870 words) - 09:46, 21 December 2022
- {{Info/ca|La informació aquí presentada cobreix l'escriptori 4.5 de Plasma. <br /> Versions disponibles: [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.3|4.3]] - '''4.5''' <br /><br /> ...8 KB (1,022 words) - 17:15, 1 November 2022
- {{Info|La información aquí presentada es para Plasma Desktop 4.5. <br /> ...[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.3|4.3]] - [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.4|4.4]] - '''4.5'''}} ...8 KB (1,080 words) - 11:56, 5 July 2013
- ...myLanguage/Plasma/Netbooks|Plasma Netbook]] environment was removed in KDE Plasma 5 and replaced with the Application Dashboard menu. Een typische Plasma desktop ziet er als volgt uit: ...12 KB (1,865 words) - 09:45, 21 December 2022
- ...ety.Prostředí [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/Netbooks|Plasma Netbook]] bylo z Plasma 5 odstraněno a nahrazeno aplikaci Dashboard menu. Typické pracovní prostředí Plasma vypadá jako: ...12 KB (1,901 words) - 09:45, 21 December 2022
- {{Info/ru|Представленная здесь информация относится к рабочему столу Plasma 4.5. <br /> ...[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.3|4.3]] - [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.4|4.4]] - '''4.5'''}} ...11 KB (348 words) - 12:00, 5 July 2013
- ...myLanguage/Plasma/Netbooks|Plasma Netbook]] environment was removed in KDE Plasma 5 and replaced with the Application Dashboard menu. A typical Plasma desktop looks like this: ...12 KB (1,993 words) - 00:28, 21 December 2022