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== 關於安裝==
== 關於安裝==

=== 安裝二進位套件 ===
Visit the [https://kdenlive.org/download/ download] page of the Kdenlive Web site for up to date information on installing '''Kdenlive'''.  (Aug 2017)

Follow this link for  [[Special:myLanguage/Historical Install Information|Historical Install Information]]

在理想世界裏每件事都是美好的。假如套件包裝志工可貢獻於官方發布版,多媒體編輯軟體只選擇自由解碼器推廣到全世界 {{Smiley}}...試著堅持發布到所有發行版本?

大多數的linux 流通版提供最近的'''Kdenlive''' 二進位軟件,可以透過您的套件管理者程式安裝,然後,在一些狀況,您能在私人的軟件倉庫找到比較新的版本。
=== Configuration Information ===

[http://www.kdenlive.org/downloading-and-installing-kdenlive This] 在 '''Kdenlive''' 官網裏有指示如何依據你所偏好的Linux來使用一些最新的源碼或二進位包. 這些教學包含  Debian, Fedora Gentoo, OpenSUSE, Slackware 及 Ubuntu 這些主要的發行版.
Kdenlive's application-wide persistent settings are stored in the following locations, depending on your platform.  

The current stable release is version  [http://kdenlive.org/discover/0.9.10 0.9.10] released 25th September 2014.<br />
You need to have recent versions of frei0r, kdenlive , mlt and  libvidstab
e.g. <br />
frei0r = 1.4.0+git20140826.72e51041  <br />
kdenlive = 0.9.10  <br />
mlt = 0.9.3+git20141005.22abed67 <br />
libvidstab=2:0.98b  <br />

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==== GNU/Linux ====
==== Debian, Ubuntu 和延伸的版本 ====

''Debian'' 專案  從 "squeeze" (6.0) 版開始搭載 '''Kdenlive''' , 可是如果想要得到最新的更新和修正您還是要考慮一下升級到 "testing" 版或 "sid".
* '''~/.config/kdenliverc''' : contains the general settings of the application. Delete this and restart kdenlive to reset the application to "factory" settings

Once your package managment tool is pointed an appropriate release a simple <code>apt-get install kdenlive</code> should then work.
*'''~/.config/session/kdenlive_104534dcfdb61d887154xxxxxxxxxxx_154yyyyyy_98zzzz''' : temporary session info

Sunab's PPA (see below) is not recommended for Debian because ''Debian uses a different lib layout for multiarch'' (reference: this [https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=269&t=123425#p322708 post] from vpinion)
*~/.cache/kdenlive : cache location storing audio thumbnails, video thumbnails, and proxy clips

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* ~/.local/share/kdenlive/HD : lumas folder inside here contains the files used for  [[Special:MyLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Wipe|Wipes]]
''Ubuntu'' 也從 從"gutsy" (7.10)開始提供 '''Kdenlive''', 基於相同的理由最好是升級到最新的 釋出版比較好.

Sunab offers a stable release of Kdenlive from [https://launchpad.net/~sunab/+archive/kdenlive-release this] PPA.
* ~/.local/share/stalefiles/kdenlive
Once your package managment tool is pointed an appropriate release a simple <code>apt-get install kdenlive</code> should then work.
Note that Sunab's PPA is built against the avconv multimedia libraries that ubuntu/lubuntu/kbuntu etc ship with. It is not built against the "alternative" ffmpeg multimedia libraries that other distros might have. So using this PPA for non-avconv-utilizing distributions might be problematic.  (Thanks  [http://blog.pkh.me/p/13-the-ffmpeg-libav-situation.html avconv/ffmpeg schism] !!!!).
==== Fedora, RedHat 和延伸的版本 ====
RPM 套件目前並不在正式的發行版維護, 所以你須到非正式的套件倉庫裏去找,如  [http://rpmfusion.org/ RPM Fusion] 或是 [http://packman.links2linux.de/package/kdenlive packman]. 依照這些網站的建議去取得
然後輸入指令 <code>yum install kdenlive</code>
==== Gentoo, Arch, BSD ports ====
最新的( up-to-date )系統已經準備好建構的腳本, 所以分別執行<code>emerge kdenlive</code> 或 <code>pacman -S kdenlive</code> 或 <code>pkg_add kdenlive</code>, 等等.

==== Windows ====
==== Windows ====

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* %LOCALAPPDATA%\kdenlive\cache : cache location storing audio thumbnails, video thumbnails, and proxy clips
目前沒有'''Kdenlive''' 的原生Windows 版本。然而你可使用一些虛擬化技術
[[Special:myLanguage/What_is_a_distribution|Linux distribution]] 即可在  '''Windows'''執行 '''Kdenlive'''. 在 [http://www.kdenlive.org/forum/kdenlive-windows this page]這裏可以找到一些忠告.
There is also the [http://sourceforge.net/projects/kdenlive-on-win/ kdenlive on win] project on source forge which "consists of an Ubuntu VirtualBox image that is preconfigured to run Kdenlive". The project was last updated 2012-08-09.
==== MacOS ====
'''Kdenlive''' 和 '''MLT''' 可在在 Mac OS X之上編譯及執行. 套件可以在 [http://www.macports.org/ MacPorts] 專案取得.
MacPorts 是源碼為主(source-based )的系統- 那裏沒有Kdenlive的二進位程式打包. 因此 '''Kdenlive''' 和它數量龐大的相依套件,如多媒體庫,KDE, 和 Qt 都必須編譯過. 這過程會發很長的時間及佔用很多磁碟空間! 更麻煩的是, 一些套件沒有正確的建構是蠻常見的; 對初學者來說不是簡單的任務,過程會令人不耐煩或灰心 "faint of heart."
更多細節可參閱 [http://www.kdenlive.org/user-manual/downloading-and-installing-kdenlive/pre-compiled-packages/mac-os-x-packages-macports this]
You may have some success getting support for the MacPort of '''Kdenlive''' on the Mac Ports forum on [http://mac-os-forge.2317878.n4.nabble.com/MacPorts-f3.html MacOS Forge].
=== 從源碼安裝 ===
假如你想測試最近被提交的源碼或是您個人的修正(patches), 你必須自己建構 '''Kdenlive''' (有時可能包含 '''MLT''') .
您可以使用您發行版的套件建構程序來配合軟件管理系統處理安裝/升級/移除(install/upgrade/remove) 二進位檔和資料, 最後分享你的建構檔 (或貢獻給套件維護 - 請分別參考各發行版的使用手冊).
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假如您偏愛自行建構和安裝 '''Kdenlive''' 到你的本機 (不喜歡在 <tt>/usr</tt>, 比較偏好在 <tt>/usr/local</tt> 或 <tt>$HOME/my_local_builds/kdenlive-last-release</tt> 或其他位置).
特例推薦使用[http://www.mltframework.org/twiki/bin/view/MLT/BuildScripts#Kdenlive build script] 腳本<ref>若是您的發行版比 ''Debian 6'' 或 ''Ubuntu 10.04'' 及延伸版還舊, 你必須把腳本裏的設定變數設成 <code>ENABLE_SWFDEC=0</code> </ref>
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===從Sunabs PPA安裝 ===
Olivier Banus (AKA Sunab) 提供了個人的套件倉庫(PPA)給最新的開發樹使用如Frei0r-plugins, MLT and '''Kdenlive'''. 如何使用這個來源來安裝 Kdenlive 可參閱[https://launchpad.net/~sunab/+archive/kdenlive-svn launchpad.net]
Note:  Sunab  also maintains a [https://launchpad.net/~sunab/+archive/kdenlive-release PPA] of the offical current release of Kdenlive  (as noted above) as well as the current release minus one at [https://launchpad.net/~sunab/+archive/ubuntu/kdenlive-release-old  ppa:sunab/kdenlive-release-old].
If you need to back out a release to the previous release then:
* delete all packages (kdenlive, mlt, ...) from the kdenlive-release ppa (manually or with ppa-purge)
* disable ppa:sunab/kdenlive-release in the package manager/software sources
* enable the  [https://launchpad.net/~sunab/+archive/ubuntu/kdenlive-release-old  ppa:sunab/kdenlive-release-old]  in the package manager/software sources
* install '''Kdenlive''' from ppa:sunab/kdenlive-release-old
===Installing from daily builds  ===
Dan Dennedy provides automatic daily builds that contain the latest git versions of Kdenlive, MLT, Frei0r, FFmpeg and some other important libraries.
You can test this packages without changing your system. Just download the package and extract it to a folder of your choice.
Inside that folder is a "start-kdenlive" executable that will start for you the latest Kdenlive.
Execute this by typing ./start-kdenlive in a terminal.
Daily builds are currently provided for Ubuntu (should be compatible with OpenSuse 12 and Debian 7) and Fedora.
See the [http://builds.meltytech.com/kdenlive/latest.rss daily builds rss feed] which provides links to the builds for the above mentioned distributions.
Be sure to choose the correct download for your system. 
kdenlive-fedora17-x86_64-YYYYMMDD.tar.bz2  is for 64bit fedora<br>
kdenlive-ubuntu12.04-x86_'''64'''-YYYYMMDD.tar.bz2  is for 64bit ubuntu - (release 12.04 or higher) or other debian based distros<br>
kdenlive-ubuntu14.04-x86-YYYYMMDD.tar.bz2  (no 64 in the name ) is for 32bit ubuntu  - (release 14.04 or higher) or other debian based distros<br>
Daily builds are often an easy solution if you are having troubles with your instal and can be preferable to builing your own because you don't need to install a build environment (which can be problematic on old distro).
Daily builds are likely to work even if your distro doesn't match the reference ones, as these references are older (with ascendant compatibility libs) and the important libs are embedded - it normally works without problem.

The potential downside is that the daily builds are built from the unstable development stream and may contain bugs. On the plus side your daily build version and your main version of '''Kdenlive''' can live simultaneously on your machine.
* %APPDATA%\kdenlive : contains user library clips, speech models, profiles and titles

或參閱 [http://kdenlive.org/downloading-and-installing-kdenlive Kdenlive homepage]
* %PROGRAMFILES%\kdenlive\bin\data\kdenlive\lumas : lumas folder inside here contains the files used for [[Special:MyLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Wipe|Wipes]]

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Latest revision as of 17:23, 23 June 2021


Visit the download page of the Kdenlive Web site for up to date information on installing Kdenlive. (Aug 2017)

Follow this link for Historical Install Information

Configuration Information

Kdenlive's application-wide persistent settings are stored in the following locations, depending on your platform.


  • ~/.config/kdenliverc : contains the general settings of the application. Delete this and restart kdenlive to reset the application to "factory" settings
  • ~/.config/session/kdenlive_104534dcfdb61d887154xxxxxxxxxxx_154yyyyyy_98zzzz : temporary session info
  • ~/.cache/kdenlive : cache location storing audio thumbnails, video thumbnails, and proxy clips
  • ~/.local/share/kdenlive/HD : lumas folder inside here contains the files used for Wipes
  • ~/.local/share/stalefiles/kdenlive


  • %LOCALAPPDATA%\kdenlive\cache : cache location storing audio thumbnails, video thumbnails, and proxy clips
  • %APPDATA%\kdenlive : contains user library clips, speech models, profiles and titles
  • %PROGRAMFILES%\kdenlive\bin\data\kdenlive\lumas : lumas folder inside here contains the files used for Wipes