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[[LatteDock|←Latte Dock]]
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[[File:LLoXdgK.png|right|Latte Dock!]]

= Q: How to make Telegram indicators work with Latte? =
[[Special:myLanguage/LatteDock|←Latte Dock]]

'''A:''' you need the **libunity9** package installed and in Telegram desktop file at the command section: `env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=unity`
== How to make Telegram indicators work with Latte? == <!--T:2-->

_e.g._ `env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=unity /home/john/bin/Telegram/Telegram -- %u`
You need the "libunity9" package installed as well as the following in the Telegram desktop file at the command section: {{Input|1=env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=unity}}

= Q: How can I use a plasma taskmanager instead of the one provided by Latte? =
''e.g.'' {{Input|1=env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=unity /home/john/bin/Telegram/Telegram -- %u}}

'''A:''' You can follow the steps below:
== How can I use a plasma task manager instead of the one provided by Latte? == <!--T:5-->
# Disable from `Tweaks` page the `Automatic applet shrinking when it is needed`
# Remove the `Latte Tasks` plasmoid from `Tweaks` page
# Enable the `Justify alignment`
# Set `zoom to 0%` from `Appearance` page _(this is optional, Latte blocks automatically applets that use fillWidth/Height)_
# `Drag n' drop any plasma taskmanager` you want onto Latte dock

= Q: How to add a "History" applet to Latte-dock ? =
You can follow the steps below:

  - Create a folder
# Disable from <menuchoice>Tweaks</menuchoice> page the <menuchoice>Automatic applet shrinking when it is needed</menuchoice></translate>
  - drag it to the latte-dock as folder view
  - click with the right mouse button on the new applet
  - click on folder view setting
# Remove the <menuchoice>Latte Tasks</menuchoice> plasmoid from the <menuchoice>Tweaks</menuchoice> page</translate>
  - edit the `"specify a folder field"` with `"recentdocuments://"`
# Enable the <menuchoice>Justify alignment</menuchoice></translate>
# Set <menuchoice>Zoom On Hover</menuchoice> to 0% from the <menuchoice>Appearance</menuchoice> page "(this is optional, Latte automatically blocks applets that use fillWidth/Height)"</translate>
# Drag n' drop any plasma taskmanager you want onto Latte dock

= Q: I've moved Latte-Dock on the left screen side, but when I move the cursor it stays hidden. How can I fix it? =
== How to add a "History" applet to Latte Dock? == <!--T:8-->

'''A:''' This is a known issue and the procedure is explained here [#676](https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock/issues/676)
* Create a folder

* drag it to the Latte Dock as folder view

= Q: How to provide uniformity for active applets (same active line) across all my docks with Latte 0.7? =
* click with the right mouse button on the new applet

'''A:''' Plasma uses the `tabbar.svg` file in order to provide how an active applet would look like. This file is located at your `theme directory/widgets/tabbar.svg`. So if the user wants to use the same line (color and thickness) found at Latte Tasks plasmoid to its applets also and the same time not messing with some lines shown at top and some at the bottom he can try the following:
* click on <menuchoice>Configure Folder View</menuchoice>

# Go to `theme directory/widgets/` and rename `tabbar.svg` to `tabbar.svg.old`
# execute at command line `kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental` to update your cache
* edit the <menuchoice>Custom location</menuchoice> with {{Path|1=recentdocuments://}}
# restart Latte
# go to `Tweaks -> Active Applet Indicator -> Everywhere`

this way you will be able to have the same active line for all your applets and tasks and one which is animated also ;)
== I've moved Latte Dock to the left side of the screen, but when I move the cursor there it stays hidden. How can I fix this? == <!--T:14-->

<p align="center">
<img src="https://thumbs.gfycat.com/LeftGiganticDaddylonglegs-size_restricted.gif" width="650">
This is a known issue and the procedure is explained here: [https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock/issues/676 #676]

= Q: How can I activate the **Internal Tasks Separator**?=
== How to provide uniformity for active applets (same active line) across all my docks with Latte 0.7? == <!--T:16-->

# activate [Edit Mode](https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock/wiki/F.A.Q.#q-how-can-i-enable-edit-mode-in-latte)
Plasma uses the {{Path|1=tabbar.svg}} file in order to provide how an active applet would look like. This file is located at your {{Path|1=theme directory/widgets/tabbar.svg}}. So if the user wants to use the same line (color and thickness) found at Latte Tasks plasmoid for its applets as well while at the same time not messing with some lines shown at the top and some at the bottom, they can try the following:
# right click on _Tasks Plasmoid_ to show its context menu
# activate the _**Internal Separator**_ through the context menu

<p align="center">
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/FSWWzt1.png" width="650">
# Go to {{Path|1=<theme directory>/widgets/}} and rename {{Path|1=tabbar.svg}} to {{Path|1=tabbar.svg.old}}</translate>
# execute the command {{Input|1=kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental}} to update your cache</translate>
# restart Latte</translate>
# go to <menuchoice>Tweaks</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Active Applet Indicator</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Everywhere</menuchoice>

This way, you will be able to have the same active line for all your applets and tasks as well as one that is animated. <!--(-->;)

= Q: Can I change the Previews delay in Latte taskmanager?=

'''A:''' You will need to alter your layout text file
== How can I activate the "Internal Tasks Separator"? == <!--T:21-->

# Close Latte
# Open your layout text file from `~/.config/latte`
# Try to locate your Latte plasmoid settings. Fast way to do this, search for `isInLatteDock=true` text
# activate [https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock/wiki/F.A.Q.#q-how-can-i-enable-edit-mode-in-latte Edit Mode]</translate>
# the following text sets previews delay to 150ms. Take note that this is the lowest value that can be set and work correctly.
# right click on "Tasks Plasmoid" to show its context menu</translate>
# activate the "Internal Separator" through the context menu
== Can I change the preview delay in the Latte task manager? == <!--T:24-->
You will need to alter your layout text file:
# Close Latte</translate>
# Open your layout text file from {{Path|1=~/.config/latte}}</translate>
# Try to locate your Latte plasmoid settings. A quick way to do this is to search for <code>isInLatteDock=true</code> </translate>
# The following line sets preview delay to 150ms. Take note that this is the lowest value that can be set and work correctly.</translate>
# Open Latte
# Open Latte


= Q: Can I disable **Unified Global Shortcuts** feature introduced with v0.8?=
== Can I disable the "Unified Global Shortcuts" feature introduced with v0.8? == <!--T:28-->

'''A:''' If you want Latte to trigger activation/new instance global shortcuts only for Latte plasmoid this is possible from v0.8.1 by disabling parameter `unifiedGlobalShortcuts` at file `~/.config/lattedockrc`
If you want Latte to trigger activation/new instance global shortcuts only for Latte plasmoids, this is possible from v0.8.1 by disabling the parameter <code>unifiedGlobalShortcuts</code> in the file {{Path|1=~/.config/lattedockrc}}


= Q: Can I have different BorderlessMaximized windows option between different layouts?=
== Can I have different '''Borderless Maximized''' windows options between different layouts? == <!--T:31-->

'''A:''' Yes, this is possible. First enable this functionality at Latte preferences
1. Yes, this is possible. First enable this functionality in Latte's Preferences settings:


2. Enable/Disable afterwards this functionality per layout at Latte Layout Settings.
2. Enable/Disable this functionality per layout on the Latte Layout settings afterwards.


Latest revision as of 09:53, 28 November 2021

Latte Dock!
Latte Dock!

←Latte Dock

How to make Telegram indicators work with Latte?

You need the "libunity9" package installed as well as the following in the Telegram desktop file at the command section:



env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=unity /home/john/bin/Telegram/Telegram -- %u

How can I use a plasma task manager instead of the one provided by Latte?

You can follow the steps below:

  1. Disable from Tweaks page the Automatic applet shrinking when it is needed
  2. Remove the Latte Tasks plasmoid from the Tweaks page
  3. Enable the Justify alignment
  4. Set Zoom On Hover to 0% from the Appearance page "(this is optional, Latte automatically blocks applets that use fillWidth/Height)"
  5. Drag n' drop any plasma taskmanager you want onto Latte dock

How to add a "History" applet to Latte Dock?

  • Create a folder
  • drag it to the Latte Dock as folder view
  • click with the right mouse button on the new applet
  • click on Configure Folder View
  • edit the Custom location with recentdocuments://

I've moved Latte Dock to the left side of the screen, but when I move the cursor there it stays hidden. How can I fix this?

This is a known issue and the procedure is explained here: #676

How to provide uniformity for active applets (same active line) across all my docks with Latte 0.7?

Plasma uses the tabbar.svg file in order to provide how an active applet would look like. This file is located at your theme directory/widgets/tabbar.svg. So if the user wants to use the same line (color and thickness) found at Latte Tasks plasmoid for its applets as well while at the same time not messing with some lines shown at the top and some at the bottom, they can try the following:

  1. Go to <theme directory>/widgets/ and rename tabbar.svg to tabbar.svg.old
  2. execute the command
    kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental
    to update your cache
  3. restart Latte
  4. go to Tweaks -> Active Applet Indicator -> Everywhere

This way, you will be able to have the same active line for all your applets and tasks as well as one that is animated. ;)

How can I activate the "Internal Tasks Separator"?

  1. activate Edit Mode
  2. right click on "Tasks Plasmoid" to show its context menu
  3. activate the "Internal Separator" through the context menu

Can I change the preview delay in the Latte task manager?

You will need to alter your layout text file:

  1. Close Latte
  2. Open your layout text file from ~/.config/latte
  3. Try to locate your Latte plasmoid settings. A quick way to do this is to search for isInLatteDock=true
  4. The following line sets preview delay to 150ms. Take note that this is the lowest value that can be set and work correctly.
  5. Open Latte



Can I disable the "Unified Global Shortcuts" feature introduced with v0.8?

If you want Latte to trigger activation/new instance global shortcuts only for Latte plasmoids, this is possible from v0.8.1 by disabling the parameter unifiedGlobalShortcuts in the file ~/.config/lattedockrc



Can I have different Borderless Maximized windows options between different layouts?

1. Yes, this is possible. First enable this functionality in Latte's Preferences settings:

2. Enable/Disable this functionality per layout on the Latte Layout settings afterwards.