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{{Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar|Lokalize}}
<languages />
|[[Image:Lokalize.png|128px|left|Lokalize]]||    ||'''Lokalize is the localization tool for KDE SC 4'''

Lokalize is a replacement for KBabel which is now discontinued.

Welcome to the KDE community and to the UserBase wiki. Whether you are completely new to KDE software, a previous user or a current fan, these pages will help you learn more about both the KDE community and its software, as well as assist you in getting started. But first, something to whet your appetite!

[[Image:Lokalize-scr-1.png|thumb|500px|center|Lokalize with French translation of Konqueror]]
Here's an example of a KDE desktop. Please take note that it may look differently depending on your version of the software, and distribution. As an example, here is a screenshot of a desktop from the 4.x series, the latest version of the Software Compilation:

Some more info on Lokalize can be found on [http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Summer_of_Code/2007/Projects/KAider the Lokalize summer of code page]

==Lokalize under Windows==
Install KDE using kdewin-installer:
Leave defaults in all steps except package list.
In package list select kdesdk (all dependencies will be installed automatically). Complete kdewin-installation process.

::''Here was a link to lokalize052009.exe, that replace a vanilla Lokalize with the latest Lokalize version from trunk. This link is now broken :-(''

Technical details: you install KDE 4.3 in standard way,
You can see more screenshots of current and previous releases in the [http://www.kde.org/screenshots/ Screenshots] page.
and then add custom-compiled Lokalize binaries and data.

== Let's Go! ==

==Compiling Lokalize from KDE trunk==
Now that we've got your attention, it's time to get to know KDE, up close and personal.
Install kdelibs headers package (for example in Debian it's kdelibs5-dev). Then:
svn checkout --depth=files svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdesdk/ or
svn checkout --depth=files svn+ssh://youraccount@svn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdesdk

cd kdesdk && svn up cmake doc lokalize
mkdir build
* [[What is KDE|What is KDE]]? - Get to know what KDE is (and some other interesting stuff)
cd build
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mkdir $HOME/kde43
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* [[Live CDs - a way to choose your distro|Live CDs]] - Try out KDE software, without installing!
cd lokalize
* [[Plasma|All about Plasma]] - Tame that funky, shiny new beast on your desktop
make -j2
* [[Getting_Help|Getting Help]] - How and where to find help
make install

Then run lokalize via $HOME/kde43/bin/lokalize

==Tips and tricks==
=== Search in files ===
TM now keeps track of where each translation pair came from. So when you want to search for string in the files on disk, you just drag the directory with those files onto translation memory tab (F7) to update TM, wait a minute or two, then type your string into right field of Translation Memory tab, then press Enter.
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Then you click on one of results and this opens appropriate file, on appropriate entry. When you want to do another search during the same day, you skip updating step and just type what you're searching for. You can filter TM search results by filename using the field left side of the F7 panel (Filemask).
== Author ==
Nick Shaforostoff <shaforostoff AT kde.ru>
== External links ==
* [http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdesdk/lokalize/index.html Handbook]
* [http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdesdk-apidocs/lokalize/html/index.html KDE SC 4 API Reference]

[[Category:Getting Started]]

Revision as of 18:22, 29 August 2010


Welcome to the KDE community and to the UserBase wiki. Whether you are completely new to KDE software, a previous user or a current fan, these pages will help you learn more about both the KDE community and its software, as well as assist you in getting started. But first, something to whet your appetite!

Here's an example of a KDE desktop. Please take note that it may look differently depending on your version of the software, and distribution. As an example, here is a screenshot of a desktop from the 4.x series, the latest version of the Software Compilation:

You can see more screenshots of current and previous releases in the Screenshots page.

Let's Go!

Now that we've got your attention, it's time to get to know KDE, up close and personal.

  • What is KDE? - Get to know what KDE is (and some other interesting stuff)
  • Quick Start - Whether you are just beginning to find your way around, or ready to contribute, this is your springboard
  • Glossary - Let's talk the KDE talk
  • Live CDs - Try out KDE software, without installing!
  • All about Plasma - Tame that funky, shiny new beast on your desktop
  • Getting Help - How and where to find help

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