KDE Wiki Sandbox:Privacy policy/da: Difference between revisions
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====Cookies==== | ====Cookies==== | ||
Hvis din browser tillader det, så kan der blive sat cookies med server-data og login-status. Brugere mindes om, at hvis de gemmer brugernavn og adgangskode i en browser, så vil den information være tilgængelig i op til 30 dage. Enhver bidragyder, som bruger en offentligt tilgængelig maskine rådes til at slette alle sådanne cookies og browserens cache. | |||
====Page History==== | ====Page History==== |
Revision as of 11:37, 12 March 2011
Hvad dækker dette dokument?
Dette dokument omhandler, hvordan personlig information bruges og opbevares på webstedet UserBase.
Om UserBase-wikiens natur
Enhver registreret bruger opnår ret til at redigere indhold, diskussionssider og brugersider, herunder også andre brugeres sider. Det forventes, at disse rettigheder ikke bliver misbrugt. Misbrug vil føre til, at synderen mister alle rettigheder til at redigere indhold.
UserBase er en offentligt tilgængelig wiki. Alt indhold, som udgives på UserBase er underlagt Creative Commons Share-Alike-licensen og Gnu Free Document License. Links til disse licensers fulde tekst findes på hver side. Forfatterne til alle redigeringer, bidrag, rettelser osv. kan identificeres og kan kontaktes af enhver anden registreret bruger.
Alle kan læse UserBase uden at skulle have en konto. Enhver form for bidrag forudsætter dog, at brugeren har en konto. Registrerede brugere har links i sidepanelet til forskellige indstillingssider. På den første af disse er der et felt, hvor man kan angive en e-mail-adresse. Det er valgfrit, men vi anbefaler, at du bruger den, for ellers kan vi ikke hjælpe dig, hvis du mister din adgangskode. Din e-mail-adresse er ikke offentligt tilgængelig. De øvrige indstillingssider har hovedsaligt med sidernes udseende at gøre; dem bør du kikke på ved lejlighed.
For at kontakte en anden bruger skal du bruge hans/hendes "Talk"-side. Dette sikrer, at I begge kun kendes ved jeres brugernavne på UserBase.
Fra tid til anden får nogle brugere ekstra rettigheder ved at blive knyttet til en brugergruppe. For eksempel skal en potentiel oversætter bede om at blive knyttet til gruppen Translator for at få adgang til oversættelsessystemet.
Indsamling og opbevaring af personlig information
Formålet med indsamling af personlig information
Personlig information indsamles af sikkerhedsgrunde og for at få UserBase til at fungere uden problemer. Eksempler på brug af denne information inkuderer, men er ikke begrænset til
- Juridisk ansvarlighed. Når en bruger opretter en konto, så tjekkes brugerens identitet ikke. I tilfælde af groft misbrug skal der være en måde at efterforske sagen på.
- Opsamling af statistik. For at sikre en stabil drift er det muligt at indsamle statistik fra de rå opkoblingslogger. Information fra disse logger bliver ikke gjort offentligt tilgængelig.
- Undersøgelse af tekniske problemer. Rå logger kan undersøges af systemadministratorer, når de undersøger tekniske problemer, herunder opsporing af web-crawlere, som ikke fungerer ordentligt.
Vi gør alt, hvad vi kan for at beskytte personlig information, med det er brugerens ansvar at overveje de mulige konsekvenser af den information, der angives på dette websted. Det skal også bemærkes, at før vi begyndte at kræve registrering af alle bidragydere blev alle brugere, som redigerede indhold uden at være logget ind identificeret ved deres IP-adresse, som kan ses af alle i redigeringshistorikken.
Opbevaring af personlig information
IP og anden teknisk information
I forbindelse med ethvert bidrag registreres forfatterens IP-adresse sikkert på serveren. Den fjernes igen efter et fast tidsrum. Der er ingen offentlig adgang til denne information.
Hvis din browser tillader det, så kan der blive sat cookies med server-data og login-status. Brugere mindes om, at hvis de gemmer brugernavn og adgangskode i en browser, så vil den information være tilgængelig i op til 30 dage. Enhver bidragyder, som bruger en offentligt tilgængelig maskine rådes til at slette alle sådanne cookies og browserens cache.
Page History
All edits, contributions and translations are normally retained indefinitely and can be viewed in the Page History. Deleting a page hides it from view, but users in the higher levels of access groups will still be able to access the information. Permanent deletion will normally only occur when required by law.
User Contributions
UserBase offers RSS and Atom aggregation feeds. Aggregation is made according to the user's registration and login status. Other information regarding user contribution, such as the number of edits made, is publicly available in the User Contributions list on Special Pages.
When Reading UserBase
UserBase securely logs accesses in the same way as other websites. That information is not publicly available.
When Editing or Translating Pages
The IP address of a contributor is stored for a time on the server. While system administrators can view that information it is not publicly available.
On UserBase Discussion pages
Discussions normally take place either on user talk pages (associated with a user's personal page) or on talk pages associated with a page. Only your username is publicly visible although the server logs will have a record of your entry. Such discussions are controlled by the same privacy rules as other pages.
By email
It is possible to email a user. If you do, your email address will be visible to him. The recipient's email address will not be shown to you. By its nature such an exchange will be outside of UserBase and will not be governed by the site's privacy policy.
You may request help on IRC channels, specifically on irc.freenode.net#kde-www. Such conversations are outside of UserBase's control and are not covered by this privacy policy. Be aware that in some circumstances your IP address may be visible to other users.
Access to and Release of Personally Identifiable Information
UserBase is run by volunteers, a small number of which have privileged access rights. Should you need to contact one of those at any time you are advised to consult Special:ListGroupRights. Access to personally identifiable information is limited to users with a high level of access rights.
Policy for Release of Personally Identifiable Information
Data not publicly available may be released by those with high access rights in any of the following circumstances:
- In response to a valid order from a legal entity
- At the request of, or with the permission of the owner of the information
- When necessary for the investigation of abuse complaints
- Where the information pertains to page views generated by a spider or bot and its dissemination is necessary to illustrate or resolve technical issues,
- Where there has been persistent vandalism, abuse or disruptive behaviour, information may be released to a service provider or carrier with a view to requesting a targeted IP block or initiating other complaints procedures.
- Where there is a threat to the rights, property or safety of UserBase, its users or the public.
Except as described here, it is the policy that personally identifiable information will not be released.
Third Party Access and the User's Rights
Should UserBase administrators receive a valid compulsory order from a law enforcement agency the administrators will attempt to reach the user in question by email to an address provided in the User Preferences page to notify him. This will normally happen within three business days of receipt of the order.
UserBase administrators would be compelled to comply with such an order, and cannot advise a user in such a case. However, the user would have the right to resist by filing a motion to quash the order. In that case legal advice should be sought. In this situation, UserBase administrators, on receipt of a court-filed motion to quash the order, would release no information until an order from the court to do so is received.
Users are not obliged to supply an email address. It should be noted that if no address is provided, it will not be possible to follow this procedure of notification.
The administrators of UserBase respect your privacy, and every care is taken to protect it. However it is impossible to guarantee that user information will remain private. Access by unauthorized agencies may be possible despite all our efforts to protect your data. It is the responsibility of the user to consider the consequences of such unauthorized access.
In cases of conflicting information between a translated version of this page and the original version in the English language, the English version will take precedence over the translated version.