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Writing an Application Manual/da: Difference between revisions

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Importing a new version from external source
Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Importing a new version from external source
Line 16: Line 16:
** Prognavn/Manual/Involver dig #link til techbase etc
** Prognavn/Manual/Involver dig #link til techbase etc

{{Remember|1=<span  style="color:red;">Please do not use any kind of punctuation in your page names</span> &mdash; punctuation like question marks or periods creates serious problems for the wiki software, in particular for the translation system.}}
{{Remember/da|1=<span  style="color:red;">Undgå enhver brug sætningstegn i sidenavne</span> &mdash; sætningstegn som spørgsmålstegn og punktummer giver alvorlige problemer for wikisoftwaren, ikke mindst for oversættelsessystemet.}}

You will need a scratchpad to experiment with section headings/pages.  You can use either your UserTalk page, or the discussion pages attached to the area where you are working.  It's helpful if you remove anything no longer required, once the job is completed.
You will need a scratchpad to experiment with section headings/pages.  You can use either your UserTalk page, or the discussion pages attached to the area where you are working.  It's helpful if you remove anything no longer required, once the job is completed.

Revision as of 06:34, 28 June 2011


Manualer vil blive inkluderet som undersider af programmets hovedside. For nemheds skyld vil jeg omtale hovedsiden som Prognavn. Strukturen bliver så noget i retning af:

  • Prognavn
    • Prognavn/Vink og tips
  • Prognavn/Manual # Indholdsfortegnelse
    • Prognavn/Manual/En introduktion til Prognavn
    • Prognavn/Manual/Konfigurationsmuligheder** Prognavn/Manual/Første gang du bruger Prognavn
    • Prognavn/Manual/afsnit 1
    • Prognavn/Manual/afsnit xxx
    • Prognavn/Manual/Vink og tips
    • Prognavn/Manual/Fejlløsning
    • Prognavn/Manual/Programfejl
    • Prognavn/Manual/Involver dig #link til techbase etc


Undgå enhver brug sætningstegn i sidenavne — sætningstegn som spørgsmålstegn og punktummer giver alvorlige problemer for wikisoftwaren, ikke mindst for oversættelsessystemet.

You will need a scratchpad to experiment with section headings/pages. You can use either your UserTalk page, or the discussion pages attached to the area where you are working. It's helpful if you remove anything no longer required, once the job is completed.


  • Once you have made the decisions (that can be a lengthy procedure), create appropriate links on the Contents page. It is, of course, possible to insert a section later if you find you've missed something.

Building your Manual

  • Use the red links to create the page, and write up a section at a time.
  • Note on the Discussion page anything you will need to refer to later, such as links that can't yet be created.


It's important to be consistent, particularly in Manuals, so here are some general rules:
  • Take care with heading levels - we start at second level (Mediawiki uses top level for page-name), using ==
  • Make application name formatting consistent (avoid using Amaroks, do use Amarok's).
  • Ensure that all images are in PNG format (you can use JPEG (.jpeg, not .jpg) as well, but in this case you should convert your images to PNG later. Save work by converting them before you start .
  • Remove all non-printable characters from image names.

Preparing the Manual for Translation