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Put the example into a box
Alec (talk | contribs)
"Remember me" check box?
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== OpenID Issues ==
== OpenID Issues ==
Moved to http://userbase.kde.org/Userbase_Technical_Issues
Moved to http://userbase.kde.org/Userbase_Technical_Issues
:Is it possible to have userbase remember my Login, so that I don't have to relogin each time I close the window? It's really annoying... --[[User:Alec|Alec]] 02:06, 25 October 2008 (UTC)

==Length of this page==
==Length of this page==

Revision as of 02:06, 25 October 2008

This page is for discussion about content. If you want to discuss technical issues concerning UserBase, please use Userbase Technical Issues

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Cool Site

I think your site really rocks. How can I help? --exampleuser 11:25, 19 September 2008 (UTC)

What are your interests? --danimo 11:30, 19 September 2008 (UTC)
I read mailing lists a lot so I could help out with FAQ collection. --exampleuser 11:35, 19 September 2008 (UTC)

And now for the actual questions:

Content from http://wiki.kde.org/

Will http://wiki.kde.org/ still be alive? Should the content of http://wiki.kde.org/ migrated to UserBase and TechBase? Now we have a lot of webpages and wikis. Some of them are outdated.

Cheers, --Mark Ziegler 12:49, 20 September 2008 (UTC)

As I understand it, wiki.kde.org will eventually disappear, once all the useful content is migrated to either UserBase or TechBase. I think I've already migrated most of the UserBase level pages - so now I should go through w.k.o. and mark them as also in UserBase. It would be a good idea if devs could check their more tech pages and migrate those to TechBase. We're aiming for a clear division between user-centric and developer-centric, accepting that some advanced users will be on the brink of both. --annew 16:35, 19 September 2008 (UTC)
I will take care of some pages at w.k.o I created myself, move content and set links to userbase. --Mark Ziegler 12:49, 20 September 2008 (UTC)

Icons on the main page

When you click on an icon on the main page (and presumably others too), you go to the mediawiki page about the icon, and not, as most people probably expect, to the title link. Well, at least, i expected that.

What you actually see when you do that is the information that is stored on the UserBase image gallery. I suspect that that is a built-in, and we can't change it, but I will find out. The clickable link is the bold title beside the icon. If you have any ideas for making that clearer, please tell us.--annew 17:45, 19 September 2008 (UTC)
Apparently it is possible to link the icons, though it needs a plugin. Since we'll have to add a link to every icon on the site that may take a few days, but we'll get it fixed. Thanks for reporting the problem. --annew 19:08, 19 September 2008 (UTC)
Why not having an html table like mainpage at amaroks wiki? Source: http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=edit . That was done quick and works fine. --Mark Ziegler 11:03, 22 September 2008 (UTC)
I added a solution now, using the ImageMap extension and converted the welcome page. Syntax looks a bit clumsy, but maybe we can make this into a template. Will play around with it later. --danimo 23:27, 22 September 2008 (UTC)
Should we start using it or wail until a template is ready? I used it here:http://userbase.kde.org/Getting_Help for a first try. --Mark Ziegler 09:59, 23 September 2008 (UTC)
In the meantime I converted many pages using given syntax. While editing I discovered different sizes of icons. To have it more consistent I gave all icons a size of 48px, only a few had been different. Is that ok? --Mark Ziegler 16:18, 23 September 2008 (UTC)
Um... I purposely varied icon sizes to in Applications/Group pages. Notice that each Applications/Group has a short description at the top, whose icon size is the same as the ones in the list in Applications? That's because it's a section header, so the icon is not for an application icon but purely decoration, to give a sense of continuity from the main list. Also notice that there are "minor" non-application stuff in Applications/Desktop at the bottom? They're just there as a sort of footnote and not really applications in themselves. --Jucato
I haven't touched the top icons. The bottom icons in Applications/Desktop and all icons in Troubleshooting are 48px. Please convert them back if I was wrong. --Mark Ziegler 17:11, 23 September 2008 (UTC)


Are there any plans to have pages in other language than english? In Techbase it is really nice to have it. Specially users are frequently using only there native language. Cheers. --Mark Ziegler 12:52, 20 September 2008 (UTC)

The multilanguage template is in place, see (and use) this template. --danimo 16:17, 20 September 2008 (UTC)
Should we add i18n template to every page or just for main pages? --Mark Ziegler 09:59, 23 September 2008 (UTC)
Is it possible to just provide a wiki platform, and let users to fill it in our own native language instead of translating the original page? I mean, for example, make a page http://userbase.kde.org/zh_TW/ or a site called http://zh_TW.userbase.kde.org/. -- Franklin
The problem as I see it is that information would not be exchanged across all available languages. I don't know the answer to that, so would welcome any suggestions. --annew 09:21, 23 September 2008 (UTC)

KDE versions.

How can we easily indicate at each page, for which KDE version this information is valid ? Maybe some templates, at least with 3.x, 4.x, distribution-specific. Or each app can have box on their page with info about "what you have to do to have this app on your system". So for example for konqueror there will write that it is available in every kde install. For plasmoids there will be info that you need kde4 and packages this and that. Etc. --Ajuc 15:02, 21 September 2008 (UTC)

I vote for it. Having a small indicator for kde3 or kde4 would be nice. --Mark Ziegler 11:00, 22 September 2008 (UTC)
I would like to see that, as well as indicators for skill levels where appropriate. To get started we really need some dedicated icons, though. I don't think they need to be as detailed as oxygen icons, so maybe this is something we could do ourselves? Open to suggestions on that.
I just created two templates for those:

Please put comments in the Discussion tab of Template:KDE3 and Template:KDE4 if there's something you need done with it. --Jucato

Also, suggestions on form of icon - a circle with KDEx? circle with Skillx? They may be difficult to read at small sizes. Please give us some ideas. --annew 11:55, 22 September 2008 (UTC)

hm, what about things that are written for 4.2 only for example (new features)? could it be done that the changes appear then when 4.2 is released? and perhaps a new icon is needed then to distinguish 4.1 and 4.2. Katastrophe 00:23, 26 September 2008 (UTC)

The contents of the wiki should reflect information about the current stable release when it's available. Features planned for future releases can be found in [1] while new features or changes are provided in release announcements. For features that are available in the current stable but not in previous stable releases, those should just be noted when appropriate. I don't think a separate icon tag is necessary.
However, when a new feature like that is added it would be wise to mention which version first carries it. --annew 07:18, 26 September 2008 (UTC)

KDE4 feature from KDE 3

There is a very useful feature in KDE 3 that I am waiting for in KDE 4. The ability to click anywhere on the desktop and have it pull up my application menu. I do not know what this feature is officially called, but This is really the last big piece of functionality that I am waiting on before taking the plunge to KDE 4 on all of my machines.

Please, keep up the good work.


Please record wishes on bugs.kde.org - developers may not see these pages. --annew 11:55, 22 September 2008 (UTC)

Dictionary page with terms not known by non-linux users

When describing programs, or writing tutorials, I often have to use words, new users won't understand. Like K-menu, Home folder, terminal, etc.

It would be nice, to have pages to link to, when desribing such things, instead of putting short descriptions everywhere.

I'd add these pages, but I don't know where to add them. Maybe we can create Dictionary page, which will list all such terms. --Ajuc 11:36, 23 September 2008 (UTC)

I've found Glossary page, but it is oriented for more advanced users, and I can't link to each word separatelly (or can I?). Also, there's no place for words like "Home folder", etc (not closely binded to KDE). OK, I've found out - linking is done by Glossary#Term --Ajuc 12:20, 23 September 2008 (UTC)
Glossary is exactly for this purpose. At the moment the words there might look advanced, but it will hopefully grow. Feel free to use it. UserBase is for users, both beginners and advanced, and anyone in between. --Jucato

User name/password login

The links to log in with a user name/password don't work - they show the OpenID login page instead. I'd rather not use OpenID for two reasons: I don't like the idea of having my ID stored on the internet; and what happens to your identity if the OpenID provider you choose happens to close down - do you lose your identity and all your logins?

The whole idea behind OpenID is that you must NOT store your ID on the net except for your ID provider, so instead of spreading your identity details around the net, you only need to expose it once and if you like you can go with a speudonym from thereon. As for the OpenID provider closing down scenario: Yahoo, Verisign, livejournal or blogger.com (see http://openid.net/get/) are certainly not going to close down. I also strongly advise you to check the terms and conditions to see which provider you want to trust and if they grant the availability of their service. OpenID is about choice and security, not the other way around. --danimo 21:15, 25 September 2008 (UTC)

Besides how can I change my UserID? I was registering with OpenID and completely overlooked that point.

You cannot. Sorry. If you want I can disassiciate your OpenID account from your current nick so you register anew. There is however no way to delete a nick. It's not the fault of openid, but a (deliberate) limitation of MediaWiki. --danimo 21:15, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
Ok. Please delete username Seajey, user id 54 --Seajey 10:03, 26 September 2008 (UTC)

Rendering in different Browsers

Moved to http://userbase.kde.org/Userbase_Technical_Issues

OpenID Issues

Moved to http://userbase.kde.org/Userbase_Technical_Issues

Is it possible to have userbase remember my Login, so that I don't have to relogin each time I close the window? It's really annoying... --Alec 02:06, 25 October 2008 (UTC)

Length of this page

To make reading easier I propose that we clean up this page from time to time, removing threads that are resolved for the present. On this occasion I propose to remove

Content from http://wiki.kde.org/

Icons on the main page

Dictionary page with terms not known by non-linux users and

User name/password login

unless I hear objections in the next 24 hours. Bear in mind that it is possible to retrieve text from History, should it be necessary. --annew 14:00, 3 October 2008 (UTC)

I would be good to have a page where we can discuss about technical issues. IMHO users should start here to ask for content or to place their ideas, technical issues should not be discussed here --Mark Ziegler 14:48, 3 October 2008 (UTC)