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Plasma/Kickoff/zh-cn: Difference between revisions

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BFW (talk | contribs)
Created page with "=== “应用程序“选项卡 ==="
BFW (talk | contribs)
Created page with "=== “计算机”选项卡 ==="
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=== The Computer Tab ===
=== “计算机”选项卡 ===

Revision as of 14:42, 9 February 2012

Kickoff 程序启动器


Kickoff 可以轻易的切换到传统的程序菜单模式,右键菜单图标,选择切换经典菜单风格。当然,如果你那样做的话就没法享受到 Kickoff 的搜索框。
Kickoff Menu Style(default)
Switch to...
Classic Menu Style

打开 Kickoff

要打开 Kickoff,只需轻点Plasma桌面右下角(通常情况下是此位置)的按钮。在 Kickoff 的顶部你会看见搜索框,在底部你会看见五个选项卡: 收藏夹应用程序计算机最近使用 以及 离开。你所选的选项卡的内容会在中间显示。被隐藏的内容通过滚动菜单即可显示。你也可以调整 Kickoff 的大小:用你的鼠标指针抓住 Kickoff 的右上角(光标会变为双箭头光标)并移动来改变大小。


Add to Favorites Tab
Delete this favorite
Drag to sort favorites via mouse



This tab gives you access to all installed applications, divided into several categories like Office or Internet. Click on a category to see what applications are available in that category. To return to the overview, click on the back button that occurs on the left of the application list. Right clicking on an application entry brings you some options for the entry: Copy to the Favorites tab, Panel or Desktop.


On the Computer tab you will find some links to system applications (like System Settings), your favorite places (configured via Dolphin), and available storage media. Again, right-clicking those entries will bring you some options to Copy them to the desktop or panel.

The Recently Used Tab

Your recently-used applications and documents are presented on this tab. Note that only applications launched via Kickoff are taken into account for this list. A right-click on an entry brings you the usual context menu with copy options and additional options to clear the recently used history.

The Leave Tab

This tab gives you several options to leave your KDE session or shutdown your computer.

Search Field

Search name
Search description

Instead of browsing through all the tabs and categories you can simply enter a search term. The search field has focus when opening the menu, so you can simply start typing. The search will not only match against applications names, but also against their description. So if you need a browser, but don't know the name of the installed browsers, simply type "browser" in the search field. This should result in a list of all available browsers.

Add to Desktop and Panel

Program on desktop and panel
Category on desktop and panel

All program items and categories can be added to desktop and panel, right click and select Add to ...

Alternative Application Launchers

Besides Kickoff, other application launchers are available which may fit your needs better. See the page Plasma application launchers for more details.