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KWin Rules Window Matching/da: Difference between revisions

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Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Importing a new version from external source
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* <menuchoice>Maskine (værtsnavn)</menuchoice> &mdash; begræns matchning til et værtsnavn knyttet til vinduet.
* <menuchoice>Maskine (værtsnavn)</menuchoice> &mdash; begræns matchning til et værtsnavn knyttet til vinduet.

{{Tip|While it's possible to manually enter the above information, the preferred method is to use the <menuchoice>Detect Window Properties</menuchoice> button.}}
{{Tip/da|Selv om det er muligt at angive ovennævnte information, så er den foretrukne metode at bruge knappen <menuchoice>Detektér vinduesegenskaber</menuchoice>.}}

For each field, the following operators can be applied against the field value:
For each field, the following operators can be applied against the field value:

Revision as of 20:16, 8 March 2012


Fanebladet Vindue-matchning bruges tilat angive de kriterier, som KWin bruger til at bestemme, om reglen skal anvendes på et givet vindue.

Ingen eller flere af de følgende kan angives (hvis ingen angives, så matches ethvert vindue):

  • Vinduesklasse (program) — matcher klassen
    • Match hel vinduesklasse — medtag matvhning af sekundær klasse..
  • Vinduesrolle — begræns matchning til vinduets funktion (fx main window eller chat window)
  • Vinduestyper — begræns matchning til en vinduestype: Normalt vindue, Dialogvindue osv.
  • Vinduestitel - begræns matchning til en vinduestitel.
  • Maskine (værtsnavn) — begræns matchning til et værtsnavn knyttet til vinduet.


Selv om det er muligt at angive ovennævnte information, så er den foretrukne metode at bruge knappen Detektér vinduesegenskaber.

For each field, the following operators can be applied against the field value:

  • Unimportant - ignore the field.
  • Exact Match
  • Substring Match


Both Exact Match and Substring Match implement case insensitive matching. For example, AB matches the string AB, ab, Ab and aB.

Detect Window Properties

The Detect Window Properties function simplifies the process of entering the matching-criteria.

  1. For the application you'd like to create a rule, start the application.
  2. Next, in the Window matching tab, set the number of seconds of delay before the Detect Window Properties function starts. The default is zero seconds.
  3. Click on Detect Window Properties and
  4. When the mouse-cursor turns to cross-hairs, place it inside the application window (not the title bar) and left-click.
  5. A new window is presented with information about the selected window. Select the desired fields:
    • Secondary class name - some applications have a secondary class name. This value can be used to restrict windows by this value.
    • Window role
    • Window type
    • Window title

Click the OK button to back-fill the Window Matching criteria.

By using a combination of the information, a rule can apply to an entire application (by Class) or a to a specific window Type within the Class - say a Toolbar.