Krecipes/da: Difference between revisions
Created page with "* Laver indkøbslister og daglige forslag til en given diættype" |
Created page with "* Er baseret på SQL med understøttelse af forskellige databasetyper (i øjeblikket understøttes SQLite, MySQL og PostgreSQL)." |
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* Laver indkøbslister og daglige forslag til en given diættype | * Laver indkøbslister og daglige forslag til en given diættype | ||
* | * Er baseret på SQL med understøttelse af forskellige databasetyper (i øjeblikket understøttes SQLite, MySQL og PostgreSQL). | ||
* Should be as flexible as possible to have the possibility to extend it in future. | * Should be as flexible as possible to have the possibility to extend it in future. |
Revision as of 05:56, 18 November 2014
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Krecipes er et program, som lader dig håndtere dine opskrifter, lave indkøbslister, vælge en opskrift baseret på tilgængelige ingredienser og planlægge din menu/diet på forhånd. | ![]() |
Målet med dette projekt var at lave et opskriftsværktøj til KDE som:
- Kan håndtere en database med opskrifter med en let anvendelig brugerflade
- Gør det muligt at tilføjes nye ingredienser og enheder og fjerne dem
- Være en hjælp ved diæter, beregne kalorier, vitaminer, kulhydrater osv. i opskrifterne
- Laver indkøbslister og daglige forslag til en given diættype
- Er baseret på SQL med understøttelse af forskellige databasetyper (i øjeblikket understøttes SQLite, MySQL og PostgreSQL).
- Should be as flexible as possible to have the possibility to extend it in future.
- Laver en database over opskrifter med en behagelig brugerflade ved brug af SQLite, MySQL eller PostgreSQL.
- Opskrifter kan søges efter navn eller efter ingredienser, som skal bruges eller som ikke må bruges.

- Du kan også søge på kilde, antal portioner, tidsforbrug og adskillige andre kriterier.
- Opskrifter indskrives og redigeres i en lignende skærm, Indtastningen hjælpes ved at bruge menuer med tekstforslag.

- Ingredienser og instruktioner kan indsættes fra en tekst eller en webside
- Opskrifter kan udskrives

- Filer kan importeres fra en eksisterende Krecipes-database
- Det er også muligt at importere data fra MasterCook 4, 5 or 6, Meal-Master, RecipeML, Rezconf or “Now You're Cooking”
- Du kan eksportere til mange forskellige formater
- Fuld understøttelse for backup og gendannelse af databasen
- En indkøbsseddel kan laves på baggrund af udvalgte opskrifter
- Næringsværdi kan bruges til at hjælpe dig med at planlægge en diæt

- Du kan søge efter opskrifter baseret på, hvad du har i køleskabet

- Omregningstabeller hjælper dig til at gå fra amerikansk til europæisk mål og vægt

- Creates a recipe database, using SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL, using a comfortable interface
- Recipes can be searched by name or by ingredients included or to be omitted. Simply type in the a part of a recipe name and all those recipes are instantly available to view, edit, or print. If you'd like to fine-tune your search, the advanced search also allows you to search by title as well as any combination of categories, ingredients, preparation time, authors, servings, or instruction text.

- It's also possible to search on source, yield, preparation time, and several other criteria
- Recipes are entered an edited on a similar screen. Entry is speeded by the use of drop-down menus using text prediction
Edit Recipes
Using the three input tabs, you will fill in the details of your recipes. On the first tab is the title, authors, categories, preparation time, and yield. On the next you may input ingredients, and on the last is the instructions.

- Ingredients and instructions can be pasted in if a text file already exists
- Recipes can be printed for inclusion in scrapbooks, etc.

- Files can be imported from an existing Krecipes database
- As well as from "MasterCook" 4, 5 or 6, "Meal-Master", "RecipeML", "Rezconf" or “Now You're Cooking”
- It is also possible to export to many formats
- Backup and Restore of database is fully supported.
- Add recipes to your shopping list. When you are done, Krecipes will list all the ingredients necessary, combining units for you automatically, and give you a list ready to print.
- Nutrient values can be used to help you plan any diet
Diet Helper
- You can search for recipes based on what you have in your store cupboard. Plan out your meals for a day, a few days, or even weeks. Give Krecipes information on what you'd like each of your meals to contain, limit the amount of particular nutrient property (fat, energy, etc.), and Krecipes will do the rest.

- Conversion tables help you move between Americal measure and metric

Advanced Database Management
Krecipes takes full advantage of the power of relational databases. Categories, ingredients, units, etc. are stored as separate identities which are linked to recipes when used. You can rename one of these in one place, and all recipes using that element are automatically updated.
When importing recipes from an external source, you may find many misspellings and strange capitalization. Simply rename these elements in the "Data" panel to correct all your recipes. For example, you may have the categories "Vegtables" and "Vegatables". Rename "Vegtables" to "Vegatables" and the merge feature will put all the recipes under these two categories into the right category.
Dette er kun en skitseagtig oversigt. Der er mange flere funktioner at udforske i håndbogen. Projektets hjemmeside har links til fora, hvor du kan få hjælp eller diskutere programmet.
We welcome anyone with knowledge of C++ to contribute code, but even if you're not a programmer, here's some other ways you can help, see below
Unless specified elsewhere, you should send contributions to the Krecipes group in KDE Review Board
Reporting bugs
You can use the KDE Bug Tracking System to report bugs.
- If you want to translate krecipes you should work inside your local KDE translation team. If you are keen you may want to lurk here. Check the current state of Krecipe's translations for your language and, if you feel brave, ask to join a translation team :)
- User interface: We could always use help translating into as many languages as possible. Note that the current 2.0 branch is not on string freeze, however some translation teams are working in krecipes anyway, so feel free to join your local translation team and work.
- Handbook: Currently the handbook in english is very outdated, please wait for instructions.
- Sample recipes: We are figuring out a technical solution and proper workflow to do this, please wait for instructions.
Giving Feedback
Give us your feedback in the Krecipes Forums or in #krecipes IRC channel at FreeNode.
The handbook is being updated for the KDE 4 port of Krecipes and unfortunately it's not finished yet, you can check it here.
Downloading And Compiling The Latest (2.0-beta2) Release
You can download the latest release or see other releases in the "files" section of the sourceforge page. You can see main changes in this version in the ChangeLog page.
Building The Latest Release Just untar the package first:
tar -zxf krecipes-[VERSION_NUMBER].tar.gz
And compile
cmake . make make install
Downloading, Building And Installing The Latest Development Version With Git
The project is being developed under extragear/utils in KDE's servers.
To download the source code, do:
git clone git://
To update the source code, do:
cd krecipes git pull
To build and install it in the default prefix (usually /usr/local):
mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make make install
To build and install it in other prefix, for instance ~/.kde/:
mkdir build && cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/.kde/ make make install
Also if you install it in ~/.kde/ you may want to set the following variables in your .bashrc (or wherever it's appropiate for you):
export PATH=~/.kde/bin:${PATH} export MANPATH=~/.kde/man:$(manpath) export KDEDIRS=~/.kde:/usr export XDG_DATA_DIRS=~/.kde/share:${XDG_DATA_DIRS} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/.kde/lib
To uninstall it:
cd build && make uninstall
- Krecipes devel mailing list
- Krecipes IRC channel; named #krecipes, located at FreeNode
The Old Krecipes Crew
- Jason Kivlighn
- Unai Garro
- Cyril Bosselut
- Colleen Beamer (who wrote the handbook)
People who worked actively in the KDE 4 port but who are not working in the project at the moment
- Daniel Sauvé
- Laurent Montel
The current developers
- José Manuel Santamaría Lema
- Martin Engelmann