Kopete/MSN/da: Difference between revisions
Importing a new version from external source |
Importing a new version from external source |
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Endnu ingen understøttelse. | Endnu ingen understøttelse. | ||
==Winks | =="Winks" og "Nudges"== | ||
Nudges implemented in KDE 3.5 | Nudges implemented in KDE 3.5 |
Revision as of 09:04, 4 November 2010

For st få mere at vide om MSN-protokollen, kan du se msnfanatic
I KDE 4.3
Intet er ændret i forhold til at sende filer; den gamle protokol bruges stadig. Den nye protokol er dog blevet delvist implementeret for at være i stand til at modtage filer. Du kan således nu modtage filer fra dine kontakter uden problemer.
I den fulde protokol udveksles et par meddelelser for at bestemme de to computeres evner og finde ud af, om filoverførser er mulig med en direkte forbindelse eller ej. Den direkte forbindelse er endnu ikke implementeret i Kopete, så alle dine overførsler foretages gennem chat-sessionen (filen modtages i en skjult meddelelse).
Offline beskeder
De virker
Tilpassede emoticons
Kopete kan modtage tilpassede emoticons fra dine kontakter.
Eksport af emotikon-temaet er en planlagt funktion, men er ikke implementeret endnu i KDE 3.4.
Vis billeder
Billeder kan senden og modtages. Hvis du synes, at billedet virker for småt i værktøjslinjen, så kan du se detfulde billede i tooltippet. For at se det store billede hele tiden (som i msn) kan du overveje at importere et tema fra indstillingsvinduet.
Understøttelse af webcam
Endnu ingen understøttelse.
"Winks" og "Nudges"
Nudges implemented in KDE 3.5 Winks not implemented, plans?
Fixing MSN Error 715: Email Address not Verified
This error happens when the email address in your .net passport has not been confirmed to belong to you. Maybe you ignored the email they send out with a link to verify your email address? This is, unfortunately, not easy to fix (there appears to be no easy way to get that email resent), but there is a way to sort it out:
Method 1
The basic strategy we will follow is based on the observation that if we change the .NET Passport's primary email address, we get resent the confirmation email. So, if you change the primary email address to something else, then change it back, you will be given the opportunity to verify your email address again.
There's a caveat, however. Doing this may mess up MSN contacts in your contact list (though I didn't have any trouble), so make a backup copy of your contact list.xml file first, and if you're really nervous, write down your friends' Passport addresses first.
Here's how to change your primary email address:
- Go to www.passport.net and log in with the passport you use for MSN Messenger.
- Navigate to , then choose
- Visit the link under your email address which says "I need to change this"
- Enter your new desired email address and your password, hit the button
- Wait for your confirmation email
- Visit the link in the email. Click the button, then log in.

The first time through (changing your primary email address to something else) you don't need to verify, and can ignore the last two steps.
Method 2
There is supposedly an easier way. From Microsoft Newsgroups, I have discovered the following link: messenger which will begin the Email verification process.
You can also go through the "Contact Us" page and as you complete the form there is a specific option to request a new verification email address. A direct link to this is
Method 3
Even easier is the following: Go to your accounts page:
If your email is not validated there is a highlighted message at the top of the page stating that your email isn't validated and a link to:
Where a link/button is displayed to "Send me verification email".