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Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Importing a new version from external source
Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Importing a new version from external source
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===== Når jeg starter Amarok ser jeg en tom spilleliste. Hvordan får jeg spor ind i den? =====
===== Når jeg starter Amarok ser jeg en tom spilleliste. Hvordan får jeg spor ind i den? =====

:Use the ''Collection'' on the left side to navigate to the desired artist/album/track. Then drag the files into the ''Playlist'' part on the right. You can use ''Dynamic Playlists'' or the ''Automatic Playlist Generator'' to populate your playlist. You can also drag files in from any file manager, such as '''Dolphin'''. You may also double-click a track, artist or genre in your ''Collection'' or file-system, or right-click and <menuchoice>Add to Playlist</menuchoice> or <menuchoice>Replace Playlist</menuchoice>.   
:Brug '''Mediekilder''' i venstre side til at navigere til den kunstner, det album eller det spor, som du vil høre. Træk så filen ind i feltet '''Spilleliste''' i højre side. Du kan også bruge '''Dynamiske spillelister''' eller '''Automatiseret spillelistegenerator''' til at opbygge din spilleliste. Du kan også trække filer ind fra enhver filhåndtering så som '''Dolphin'''. Du kan også dobbeltklikke på et spor, en kunstner eller en genre i '''Mediekilder''' eller i filsystemet eller højreklikke og vælge <menuchoice>Føj til spilleliste</menuchoice> eller <menuchoice>Erstat spilleliste</menuchoice>.   

===== How do I remove tracks from the Playlist? =====
===== How do I remove tracks from the Playlist? =====

Revision as of 13:29, 24 December 2011

Ofte stillede spørgsmål

Hvad er Amarok?

Amarok er en musikafspiller. Mere information kan findes i oversigten over funktioner og samlingen af skærmbilleder. Se Kom godt i gang hvis du ikke kender Amarok. Du kan finde Amaroks håndbog her.

Hvad er forskellene imellem Amarok 2 og de tidligere versioner?

  • Amarok 2 er en næsten fuldstændig omskrivning af kildekoden og har således ikke meget at gøre med Amarok 1.4. Hvis du mangler en funktion, så skriv dit ønske på Bugzilla.
Her har du en kort oversigt over nye funktioner:
  • Måske den vigtigste nye funktion er Service-fundamentet, som integrerer musikkilder på netværket direkte i Amarok. Dette inkluderer online musikbutikker, medieservere, musik opbevaret på nettet med mere. På grund af dette har du nem adgang til musik fra Magnatune, Jamendo, Last.fm, MP3Tunes Locker, Ampache og mange andre. Du kan forvente, at flere store (og små) navne vil dukke op efterhånden som 2.x udgaverne udvikles. Se Internet mediekilder for mere information.
  • En anden spændende funktion er feltet Kontekst som udgør den centrale del af Amaroks vindue og erstatter den gamle Kontekstbrowser fra 1.x-serien. Den viser information om den musik som spilles lige nu, for eksempel albumomslag, vurdering, mærker, samgtekster, information om kunstner, beslægtede numre og kunstnere og guitar- og bastabulaturer. Takket være den anvendte Plasma-teknologi kan feltet Kontekst udbyde mange slags informationer som AJAX, video og animationer, alt på en iøjefaldende måde. Mere om Kontekstfeltet her.
  • Som ledsager til feltet Kontekst har vi udviklet en ny pladsbesparende spilleliste. For at spare plads i vandret retning grupperer den spornavn, albumnavn og albumkunst sammen og muliggør yderligere gruppering efter albumnavne. Desuden kan du omarrangere den så meget du har lyst, Hvis du foretrækker den gammeldags 1.4-spilleliste, så kan du også få det. Se mere i Ændring af layout for spillelisten.
  • En anden værdifuld nyskabelse er understøttelse af video. Det er rart at kunne se sine musikvideoer i Amarok.
  • Vi må ikke glemme de Dynamiske spillelister, som udvider de gamle Dynamiske spillelister. De lader dig definere en automatisk opbygget spilleliste baseret på specifikke kriterier kaldet "bias", som påvirker det tilfældive udvalg af spor. Dynamiske spillelister får selskab af den nye Automatiseret spillelistegenerator, som bruges til at generere lister til bestemte formål og af bestemte længder. Se Dynamiske spillelister og Automatisk generering af spillelister for mere information.
Der er mange flere nyttige funktioner som avanceret scripting, dynamiske samlinger, forbedringer af brugerfladen, forbedret håndtering af medieenheder, en ny håndtering af podcasts, understøttelse af andre platforme med mere.


Kan jeg bruge Amarok uden KDE?
Amarok har brug for dele af KDE for at kunne køre, men den kører fint under Gnome og andre skrivebordsmiljøer, herunder Windows og OS X. For at Amarok skal kunne køre, så skal kdelibs og kdebase-runtime være installeret.
Nogle funktioner, som on-screen-visningen, kræver, at din vinduesmanager er indstillet til at understøtte de relevante freedesktop.org-standarder. Mere om at køre Amarok på andre platforme her.
Hvorfor bruger Amarok KDElibs?
Vi understøtter Amarok på alle platforme. Vi bruger KDElibs of Qt, fordi de giver os et glimrende udviklingsmiljø. Ud over Linux og BSD virker Amarok også på Windows og MacOS, og der findes installationssoftware, men desværre har vi (endnu) ikke ressourcer til at yde fuld understøttelse af disse operativsystemer. Næsten alle vore udviklere bruger frie operativsystemer, og disse er vores første prioritet. Vi tager meget gerne imod udviklere med Windows- eller OS X-baggrund, som er villige til at hælpe med og forbedre Amarok på disse platforme.

Generel brug

Hvordan kan jeg kontrollere Amarok fra tastaturet?
Der findes tastaturgenveje; se vores Oversigt over tastaturgenveje for mere information.
For at kontrollere Amarok fra konsollen skriver du
amarok --help-all
for at få en fuldstændig liste med tilgængelige kontrolkommandoer.
Hvor kan jeg få hjælp med Amarok?
Der er flere muligheder. Hvis du har problemer have med installationen af Amarok, så er det ofte bedst at søge hjælp hos eksperter i din Unix- eller Linux-distribution. Du kan få hjælp fra andre brugere og udviklere i Amaroks forum og i Amaroks IRC-kanal på irc.freenode.net i kanalen #amarok.
Bemærk, at bugzilla ikke er beregnet til support. Du kan raportere om fejl her, hvis du seriøst ønsker at hjælpe med at rette en fejl i Amarok.

Spørgsmål om spillelisten

Mere om Spillelisten her.
Når jeg starter Amarok ser jeg en tom spilleliste. Hvordan får jeg spor ind i den?
Brug Mediekilder i venstre side til at navigere til den kunstner, det album eller det spor, som du vil høre. Træk så filen ind i feltet Spilleliste i højre side. Du kan også bruge Dynamiske spillelister eller Automatiseret spillelistegenerator til at opbygge din spilleliste. Du kan også trække filer ind fra enhver filhåndtering så som Dolphin. Du kan også dobbeltklikke på et spor, en kunstner eller en genre i Mediekilder eller i filsystemet eller højreklikke og vælge Føj til spilleliste eller Erstat spilleliste.
How do I remove tracks from the Playlist?
Select the track(s) you want to remove, and press the Delete key. Or right-click the selection and choose Remove From Playlist.
How can I load a playlist?
Just drag and drop the playlist file into the Playlist, like you would do with any other file. It's that simple!
How can I save the current playlist?
Use the Save Playlist As button in the Playlist toolbar. Slow-click the disc icon to chose to save to your harddisk, or to the database.

Playback Questions

How do I play audio CDs?
When you insert an audio CD, it will be shown as a local collection. Drag to the playlist or Pop-Up Dropper, or right-click the selected tracks and choose Add to Playlist or Replace Playlist.

What media types does Amarok support?
Amarok does not play music by itself, but lets Phonon do that job, specifically the VLC, GStreamer or Xine backends of Phonon. Therefore, whatever files they can play, Amarok can play. To analyse file tags, Amarok uses Taglib, which supports most file types that contain metadata.
What is Phonon? What are Phonon backends?
Phonon is the multimedia framework of KDE 4. You can find more information here.
Usually the VLC backend works better than the Xine one, although this is not always true. We also suggest you try the Gstreamer backend, although it is still in development. You can find more details on installing backends in the download page.
Amarok won't play mp3s, what can I do?
Have a look at the mp3 information page. You probably lack the codecs required by your particular phonon-backend (VLC, Gstreamer, or Xine).
I can't get any media to play in Amarok, why not?
Test the sound frameworks at the command line:
(The xine-ui package contains xine-check)
The output from these commands should help you identify the problems you are having and how to fix them.
I have a second soundcard and I'm using ALSA. How do I make Amarok use it instead of the default?
Configure this in the Phonon system settings module. Settings -> Configure Amarok -> Playback -> Configure Phonon
Where's the equalizer?
The equalizer is only available if you are using a Phonon-backend which supports it, which the modern ones now do. You can find it in the Tools menu. You can get more information about configuring Phonon-backends in your distribution in the download page.
How do I turn on visualizations?
Visualizations are not implemented yet, but they will be very soon.
How can I add podcasts?
Go to Podcast section in the left toolbar and then select Add Podcast... Add the podcast URL where indicated. More about podcasts here.
We also have some services, such as gpodder and Podcast Directory to help you find great podcasts. Enable services in the Settings menu: Configure Amarok -> Plugins.
How can I use Amarok to stream to my own radio station?
If you want to stream directly to an icecast or shoutcast server the answer simply is: it is not supported. You could use IDJC for that.

General questions

What are scripts?
They are little pieces of software that add some functions to Amarok. There are a lot of scripts, and you can find them in kde-apps.org or you can find and install them inside Amarok using the Script Manager (until Amarok 2.4.1). More details here. After Amarok 2.4.1, you will find the Script Manager from the Settings menu, Configure Amarok -> Scripts.
Can I use Amarok 1.4 scripts in Amarok 2?
No. A new and powerful scripting API has been created, which provides huge improvements but won't let you use your old scripts. The new scripting system is based on QtScript and will significantly reduce Amarok's dependencies, a huge problem for non-technical and cross-platform users, and will greatly reduce the amount of external processes launched at runtime. Another advantage is that the new API will allow much deeper integration with Amarok than the old scripting system. Amarok Scripting API.
What are Moodbars?
Moodbars show the mood of a song in the progress bar. More about Moodbar here.
Can I play video files?
Amarok is mainly a music player so no video file management, collection support, DVD playback, subtitles, or any other sophisticated features are available. However, the video applet lets you play YouTube video clips inside Amarok.
Is it Amarok, AmaroK or amaroK?
It is Amarok! The former spelling was amaroK, but it was changed due to its strange look.
How are track scores determined?
Amarok assigns a score (a number 0-100) to a song based on how many times you've listened to it and whether you skip the song without it finishing. Every time the song finishes playing, the score is changed.
Here you have an example script that can calculate scores:
if( playcount <= 0 ) # not supposed to be less, but what the hell.
       newscore = ( prevscore + percentage ) / 2
       newscore = ( ( prevscore * playcount ) + percentage ) / ( playcount + 1 )
You can easily create your own script with your own algorithm. Look at the Script-Writing-Howto for further information.
How do I manually change a track's score?
You may change the score manually in the Edit Track Details dialog, available by right-clicking on a track, and choosing the Summary tab. Before Amarok 2.4.1, this is called the Statistics tab.
But I also want that stars system like in other players!
Amarok, of course, supports an user-defined rating system, and you can rate your tracks with a single click using the Current Track applet. You can also do this in the context menu (right-click) Edit Track Details -> Summary tab (before Amarok 2.4.1, this is Edit Track Details -> Statistics). If you have the rating stars displayed in your playlist layout, you can also edit there, with the slow double-click.
Can I drag and drop Plasma applets from the main window to the Desktop?
No, but there are many Plasmoids available for your Desktop, which will let you display information provided by Amarok as well as control Amarok.
Can I use removable media inside Amarok?
Amarok has a greatly improved support for the media devices based on Solid, the KDE hardware layer, that doesn't need a lot of configuration. You should be able to just plug in your device and access it within Amarok. Also, thanks to the Dynamic Collections, your media devices could become part of your music collection, and be searchable and accessible within the Collection Browser when it's connected.
You can transfer your songs, albums and artists from your local collection by right-clicking Copy to Collection -> Your device; and you can also do it in the other way: right-click Copy to Collection -> Local Collection. More about Amarok and devices here.
How can I save a stream?
First of all, load the stream into the playlist. There are several ways to do this: downloading the file, for example from shoutcast.com, and opening it with Amarok; using the menu Playlist -> Add stream; among others.
Once the stream is loaded, you can save it by clicking on Save current playlist which is under the Playlist, and giving it a meaningful name. The Stream will then be added to the Saved playlists view for later reference.
Can I use the old Amarok's collection in Amarok 2? Will my tags, score are ratings be lost?
A database importer is available. You will be able to keep your ratings and statistics just fine. More here.
Where do I find the settings for Amarok?
`kde4-config --localprefix`/share/apps/amarok
`kde4-config --localprefix`/share/config/amarokrc


How can I obtain a backtrace?
If Amarok has crashed and you want to report it, visit the Debugging HowTo. The bug report must be sent in bugs.kde.org after verifying if it has already been reported.
Amarok just freezes! How can I help get this fixed?
You can obtain a backtrace of a frozen instance of Amarok using gdb like so:
$ gdb -p `pidof amarok` 

 (gdb) thread apply full bt all
Then just post the backtrace to PasteBin, as described in the Debugging HowTo.
Amarok takes a lot of time to start
If this happens you have to check what scripts you have installed and what internet services are running, because some of them may slow down the startup. Also, if you have streams in the playlist when you open Amarok, the startup can take a little longer.
On the other hand, if you don't use KDE, but a different desktop environment, startup time can be increased very slightly because there are more libraries to be loaded.

Development questions

How do I get a GIT version of Amarok?
How to obtain and build Amarok Git. Check here for a local build: Building from Git Locally: Full Summary
Why isn't Amarok part of KDEmultimedia?
The developers don't want the man telling them when they can release. (Meaning, packages in the KDE SC proper have a release schedule that doesn't fit with Amarok's fast-paced development.)
I've found a bug / I've got a great idea for Amarok!
Please report it at bugs.kde.org. If you have a list of suggestions or wishes it may be best to send them to our mailing list: amarok@kde.org. Simply posting the idea to our IRC channels or on an obscure wiki page or blog won't help much as the information will get lost.
Do you accept patches?
Happily! Your best course of action is to let us know what you plan to do before you do any work so we can discuss it, but don't fret; we haven't turned down a patch yet! Discussion is mostly to help you patch the correct bits of Amarok. Submit your patches and code contributions to git.reviewboard.kde.org. See also How to Submit Patches to Amarok. If you have a bug fix then just go ahead; this is open source after all.
Why did you choose the name Amarok?
Amarok is an album by British composer Mike Oldfield. Project founder Mark Kretschmann happens to like it a lot, and he thought the name had a nice sound. Plus, of course, it contains the all important K.