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KWin Rules Window Attributes/da: Difference between revisions

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{{Tip/da|Knappen '''Detektér vinduesegenskaber''' udfylder værdier for de forskellige egenskaber — formere information se [[Special:myLanguage/KWin_Rules_Window_Matching|Vindue-matchning]]. For eksempel bliver egenskaben '''Størrelse''' sat til højden og bredden af det valgte vindue.}}
{{Tip/da|Knappen '''Detektér vinduesegenskaber''' udfylder værdier for de forskellige egenskaber — formere information se [[Special:myLanguage/KWin_Rules_Window_Matching|Vindue-matchning]]. For eksempel bliver egenskaben '''Størrelse''' sat til højden og bredden af det valgte vindue.}}

{{Tip|'''Yes/No''' arguments are used to toggle on or off attributes. Leniency with grammar helps one understand how a setting will be processed. {{Smiley}} For example, the attribute '''Skip taskbar''', when set to '''No''' means do not skip the taskbar.  In other words, show the window in the taskbar. {{Smiley}}}}
{{Tip/da|'''Ja/Nej'''-argumenter bruget til at slå en egenskab til eller fra. Grammatisk overbærenhed hjælper dig til at forstå, hvordan indstillingen virker. {{Smiley}} For eksempel betyder det , at opgavelinjen ikke springes over, hvis egenskaben '''Skip opgavelinje''' sættes til '''Nej'''. Med andre ord vises vinduet i opgavelinjen{{Smiley}}}}
<span id="Size_&_Position"></span>
<span id="Size_&_Position"></span>
====Size & Position====
====Size & Position====

Revision as of 08:25, 9 March 2012


Egenskaberne, som kan påvirkes er grupperet efter funktion i tre faneblade:

  1. Størrelse og position
  2. Arrangement og adgang
  3. Udseende og rettelser

Hver egenskab har et antal parametre, som bestemme, hvordan den anvendes.


Hver egenskab accepterer som minimum følgende parametre. Yderligere argumenter for hver enkelt egenskab er anført i definitionen af de enkelte egenskaber.

Påvirk ikke
Lad denne egenskab være uændret
Anvend i begyndelsen
Åbn vinduet med denne egenskab og tillad at den ændres efterfølgende.
Brug egenskaben defineret i denne regel, men hvis den ændres efter at vinduet er åbnet, så gem den nye værdi og brug den i stedet.
Indstillingen kan ikke ændres efter at vinduet er åbnet.
Anvend nu, Påtving midlertidigt
Anvend eller påtving indstillingen en gang og nulstil så egenskaben.

Forskellen på dem viser sig når vinduet åbnes. Anvend nu tillader at egenskaben ændres, mens Påtving midlertidigt forhindrer, at egenskaben ændres før alle påvirkede vinduer er lukket igen.


Hvis reglen ikke har indstillinger for andre egenskaber, så slettes reglen umiddelbart efter at være blevet anvendt, hvis parameteren er Anvend nu, mens den først slettes efter at det sidste vindue, som den påvirker er blevet lukket, hvis parameteren er Påtving midlertidigt.



Knappen Detektér vinduesegenskaber udfylder værdier for de forskellige egenskaber — formere information se Vindue-matchning. For eksempel bliver egenskaben Størrelse sat til højden og bredden af det valgte vindue.


Ja/Nej-argumenter bruget til at slå en egenskab til eller fra. Grammatisk overbærenhed hjælper dig til at forstå, hvordan indstillingen virker. For eksempel betyder det , at opgavelinjen ikke springes over, hvis egenskaben Skip opgavelinje sættes til Nej. Med andre ord vises vinduet i opgavelinjen

Size & Position

Position the window's upper left corner at the specified x,y coordinate.


KWin's origin, (0,0), is the upper left of the desktop.

The width and height of the window.
Maximized horizontally, Maximized vertically, Fullscreen
These attributes are used to toggle the maximum horizontal/minimum horizontal/full-screen window attribute.
Place the window on the specified (Virtual) Desktop. Use All Desktops to place the window on all Virtual Desktops.
Minimized, Shaded
Toggle the Minimize and Shading window attribute. For example, a window can be started Minimized or if it is started Minimized, it can be forced to not.


Maximized attribute is emulated by using both Maximized horizontally and Maximized vertically or Initial placement with the Maximizing argument.

Initial placement
Override the global window placement strategy with one of the following:
  • Default - use the global window placement strategy.
  • No Placement - top-left corner.
  • Smart - place where no other window exists.
  • Maximizing - start the window maximized.
  • Cascade - staircase-by-title.
  • Centered - center of the desktop.
  • Random
  • Top-Left Corner
  • Under Mouse
  • On Main Window - restrict placement of a child window to the boundaries of the parent window.
Ignore requested geometry
Toggle whether to accept or ignore the window's requested geometry position. To avoid conflicts between the default placement strategy and the window's request, the placement strategy is ignored when the window's request is accepted.
Minimum size, Maximum size
The minimum and maximum size allowed for the window.
Obey geometry restrictions
Toggle whether to adhere to the window's requested aspect ratio or base increment.

In order to understand this attribute, some background is required. Briefly, windows must request from the Window Manager, a base increment: the minimum number of height X width pixels per re-size request. Typically, it's 1x1. Other windows though, for example terminal emulators or editors, use fixed-fonts and request their base-increment according to the size of one character.

Arrangement & Access

Keep above, Keep below
Toggle whether to keep the window above/below all others.
Autogroup with identical
Toggle the grouping (commonly known as tabbing) of windows.
Autogroup in foreground
Toggle whether to make the window active when it is added to the Autogroup group.
Autogroup by ID
Create a group via a user-defined ID. More than one rule can share the same ID to allow for seemingly unrelated windows to be grouped.
Override the default window behavior to either Tiled or Floating.
Skip taskbar
Toggle whether to display the window in the taskbar.
Skip pager
Toggle whether to display the window in pager:

Skip switcher
Toggle whether to display the window in the ALT+TAB list.
Assign a shortcut to the window. When Edit... is clicked, additional instructions are presented.

Appearance & Fixes

No titlebar and frame
Toggle whether to display the titlebar and frame around the window.
Active/Inactive opacity
When the window is active/inactive, set its opacity to the percentage specified.


Active/Inactive opacity can only be affected when Desktop Effects are enabled.

Deprecated as of >4.8
Focus stealing prevention
When a window wants focus, control on a scale (from None to Extreme) whether to honor the request and place above all other windows, or ignore its request (potentially leaving the window behind other windows):
  • None - Always grant focus to the window.
  • Low
  • Normal
  • High
  • Extreme - The window's focus request is denied. Focus is only granted by explicitly requesting via the mousing.


See Accept focus to make a window read-only - not accept any keyboard input.

Accept focus
Toggle whether the window accepts keyboard input. Make the window read-only.
Ignore global shortcuts
Toggle whether to ignore global shortcuts (as defined by kcmshell4 keys) while the window is active.
Toggle whether to display the Close button on the title bar.


A terminal window may still be closed by the end user by ending the shell session however using Accept focus to disable keyboard input will make it more difficult to close the window.

Window type
Change the window to another type and inherit the characteristics of that window:
  • Normal Window
  • Dialog Window
  • Utility Window
  • Dock (panel)
  • Toolbar
  • Torn-Off Menu
  • Splash Screen
  • Desktop
  • Standalone Menubar


Use with care because unwanted results may be introduced. For example, a Splash Screen is a automatically closed by KWin when clicked.

Block compositing
Toggle whether to disable compositing while the window exists. If compositing is enabled and the rule specifies to disable compositing, while any matching window exists, compositing will be disabled. Compositing is re-enabled when the last matching window terminates.