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!su -
!su -
|Shell command to switch user, usually to root. Used, when you need special rights to do something. You will be prompted for the root password before su takes effect. NB: remember to type <code>exit</code> when you are done. This gets you back to your regular user.
|Skalkommando til at skifte bruger, sædvanligvis til root. Bruges når du har brug for at gøre noget med specielle rettigheder. Du vil blive bedt om root's adgangskode før su virker. NB: husk at skrive <code>exit</code> når du er færdig. På den måde får du din normale bruger tilbage.

Revision as of 15:16, 31 March 2012

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Udtryk Forklaring Læs mere
distro, distribution En samling af software, som udgør et fuldstændigt operativsystem med skrivebord og programmer. Sammenlignet med en bil, så svarer det til alt undtagen motoren Nogle Linux distroer
live CD/DVD En fuldstændig distribution på en CD eller DVD. Den lader dig se en distro uden at installere den. Kan køre på Windows uden st installere noget på din harddisk. Sikker men langsom. Nogle Live CD'er
repo, repository Samling af ekstra software, som kan downloades og installeres på din maskine. Se din distributions hjemmeside for mere information
terminal Linux' kommandolinje . Hvis du bliver bedt om at skrive en kommando, så er det her det sker. Konsole
Pakkehåndtering Program til at gennemse repo'er og tilføje eller fjerne software. Distroer har ofte deres egen pakkehåndtering. Dette er den foretrukne måde at installere eller fjerne software på en sikker måde. Software installeret på denne måde vil automatisk blive holdt opdateret med de seneste sikkerhedsopgraderinger og fejlrettelser. Nogle pakkehåndteringsprogrammer
root Administratoren af din maskine. Selv om du administrerer din egen maskine er det alligevel bedst kun at logge på som root nåe det er absolut nødvendigt. Sædvanligvis vil du blive bedt om root's adgangskode, hvis du skal gøre noget, det kræver administratorrettigheder, så du behøver ikke at skifte bruger.

Root betegner også roden af filhierarkiet, skrevet som /..
konsol Linux' kommandolinje Konsole
shell, skal Linux' kommandolinje Konsole
su - Skalkommando til at skifte bruger, sædvanligvis til root. Bruges når du har brug for at gøre noget med specielle rettigheder. Du vil blive bedt om root's adgangskode før su virker. NB: husk at skrive exit når du er færdig. På den måde får du din normale bruger tilbage.
sudo Like su, but it only grants root privileges for one command, so the command you want to run should immediately follow sudo. You will still be prompted for the root password. but will not need to exit.
path Full specification of a file giving its placing in the file system. For example /home/myUser/Documents/Greetings.txt (an absolute path), or Document/Greeting.txt (path relative to my home directory).
bug anything that may be wrong with an application or the underlying framework. Reporting bugs
bko Short name for the KDE bug reporting site bugs.kde.org
user A user account. Most Linux system are set up with at least one ordinary user (you) and an administrator, root.
session When you log in to your system, an application or some server you start a session, which lasts until you log out of it again.
logon The act of starting a new session on a system. This usually requires a username and a password. Several users might be logged on to a system simultaneously, although only one would be active at a time.
logout The act of ending a session on a system. The system will then wait for another logon rather that just shutting down.
desktop The workspace you see, when you log in. It typically has a panel with a start menu and other widgets. The workspace itself can also hold various widgets.
activity Activities
pager A widget to switch between virtual desktops Pager
task manager A widget that you will often see in your desktops panel. It will contain a small button for each application you are currently running. You can use it to switch between those applications.
systray A widget that you will often see in your desktops panel. It contains icons for some system services such as the clipboard and the Device Notifier. System Tray
thumbnail A small (often icon sized) preview of the content a file
screenshot An image of what is on your screen at a particular time - sometimes required when you ask for help KSnapshot
window decorations The edges around windows including the title line and its buttons, for example the close button.
theme A set of settings for the visual appearance of an application giving it a distinctive look and feel
panel A widget that holds other widgets. You can have one or more panels on your desktop. A panel is always placed along one of the edges of the screen. Panels
widget Widget
kio slave KIO
kpart KPart
virtual terminal
virtual console
Virtual desktop Virtual Desktops
xko where x is some letter. Abbreviation for some KDE web site. Examples: fko = forums.kde.org, bko = bugs.kde.ord and so on.
Konvi short for Konversation, the IRC client Konversation
Nepomuk Nepomuk
Akonadi Akonadi
Strigi Strigi
KDE The community of contributors and users of KDE technologies What is KDE
KDE SC The periodic releases of the KDE frameworks and core utilities — the Software Collection
KDE Software Besides the KDE SC a number of other software projects are developed under the KDE umbrella and actively supported by the community
Plasma The KDE workspace and supporting technology. Plasma workspaces comes in several varieties, Plasma Desktop, Plasma Netbook and Plasma Active
Plasma Desktop The KDE workspace variety designed for traditional computers, ie. systems with traditional input devices such as keyboard and mouse and with large displays
Plasma Netbook The KDE workspace variety designed for devices with small screens such as notebooks
Plasma Active The KDE workspace variety designed for smartphones and similar compact devices
Planet Short for the planet.kde.org. The Planet aggregates blogs about all things KDE planet.kde.org
Dot Short for dot.kde.org. The Dot is the official news site for KDE dot.kde.org
Get Hot New Stuff Technology that allows applications to offer users the option to easily download and install plugins, artwork, scripts or similar additions using a unified interface Get Hot New Stuff
tar ball An archive format for distributing files. To use the files contained in a tar ball you need to unpack it (see Archive Management in Dolphin).
snapshot Latest development version of an application. Not as polished and well tested as the stable version.
sources Text files containing source code of some software. It has to be compiled and installed before it can be used.
Context menu A menu with items relevant for a particular object. Typically, it pops up when you right click the object.