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{{Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar|Games}}
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= Giochi e passatempi =
= Giochi e passatempi =
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[[Welcome_to_KDE_UserBase/it|Inizio]] >> [[Applications/it|Applicazioni]] >> [[Applications/Games/it|Giochi & passatempi]]
[[Welcome_to_KDE_UserBase/it|Inizio]] >> [[Applications/it|Applicazioni]] >> [[Applications/Games/it|Giochi & passatempi]]

[[Image:Kdegameslogo.png|left|64px|Games]] The KDE Community recognizes the value of recreation and fun in life. That's why the KDEGames team have delivered a wide variety of games with stunning graphics and engaging gameplay, keeping you entertained and occupied for hours. Pick a card, avoid bouncing balls, or even conquer the world, all from the convenience of your computer. But be careful. It's addicting.

[[Image:Kdegameslogo.png|left|64px|Games]] La comunità KDE riconosce il valore del divertimento e del gioco nella vita. Questa è la ragione per cui la squadra di KDEGames ha prodotto una vasta gamma di giochi con grafica molto curata e coinvolgente modalità di gioco che ti intratterranno per ore. Scegli una carta, evita palline rimbalzanti o addirittura conquista il mondo, tutto comodamente dal tuo computer. Ma fai attenzione, dà dipendenza.
{{Info|The '''KDEGames Team''' dreams of creating only the most enjoyable and amusing playware, by paying greater attention to gaming details and using the latest KDE technologies. Visit the team's website at [http://games.kde.org http://games.kde.org].}}

{{Info_(it)|La '''squadra di KDEGames''' desidera creare giochi divertenti e piacevoli facendo molta attenzione ai dettagli del gioco e utilizzando le più recenti tecnologie KDE. Visita il loro sito su [http://games.kde.org http://games.kde.org].}}
'''''Note: The applications below all link to their KDEGames pages'''''
'''''Nota: I collegamenti delle applicazioni sotto elencate puntano tutti sulle relative pagine di KDEGames'''''


== Arcade ==
== Arcade ==
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kbounce KBounce]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kbounce KBounce]'''
:Riempi almeno il 75% del campo per avanzare al livello successivo evitando le palline rimbalzanti.
:Fill at least 75% of the field to advance to the next level while avoiding bouncing balls.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kdiamond KDiamond]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kdiamond KDiamond]'''
:Scambia due diamanti vicini per formare una linea di tre diamanti simili con lo scopo di eliminarne più che puoi entro il limite di tempo.
:Swap two adjacent diamonds to form a line of three similar diamonds to eliminate as much as you can within the time limit.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kgoldrunner KGoldrunner]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kgoldrunner KGoldrunner]'''
:Raccogli tutto l'oro mentre eviti i nemici che ti inseguono. O scava buche per intrappolarli ed oltrepassarli.
:Collect all the gold while avoiding pursuing enemies. Or dig holes to trap and walk over them.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=klines KLines]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=klines KLines]'''
:Muovi le sfere colorate per formare una linea di 5 simili il più velocemente possibile per farle sparire prima che il tavolo da gioco si riempia di sfere multicolore.
:Move colored balls to form a line of 5 similar balls as quickly as possible to make them vanish before the board fills up with multicolored balls.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kolf Kolf]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kolf Kolf]'''
:Un gioco del golf in miniatura con vista dall'alto in 2D che può gestire fino a 10 giocatori.
:A top-down 2D miniature golf game that can accommodate up to 10 players.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kollision Kollision]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kollision Kollision]'''
:Utilizza il mouse per schivare le palline rosse. Stai attento perché le palline aumentano in numero e in velocità.
:Use your mouse to dodge red balls in the field. Be careful as the ball increase in number and vary in speeds.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=ksame KSame]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=ksame KSame]'''
:Pulisci il campo di gioco dai marmi multicolore eliminando quelli con lo stesso colore che sono verticalmente o orizzontalmente allineati.
:Clear a field full of multicolored marbles by eliminating marbles of the same color that are either vertically or horizontally aligned.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kspaceduel Spaceduel]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kspaceduel Spaceduel]'''
:Elimina il satellite dei tuoi avversari mentre controlli il tuo che ruota attorno ad un sole. Non avvicinarti troppo o il tuo satellite brucerà.
:Eliminate your opponents satellite while controlling your own satellite revolving around a sun. Don't get too close or your will burn up.

== Giochi da tavolo ==
== Giochi da tavolo ==
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=bovo Bovo]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=bovo Bovo]'''
:Gli avversari si alternano nel posizionare i loro pezzi sul tavolo cercando di connettere cinque pezzi in una fila non interrotta mentre tentano di bloccare i pezzi dell'avversario.
:Opponents alternate in placing their pieces on the board trying to connect five pieces in an unbroken row while trying to block the opponent's pieces.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kbattleship KBattleship]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kbattleship KBattleship]'''
:Il gioco della battaglia navale per l'ambiente KDE. I giocatori cercano di affondare le navi altrui senza sapere dove sono.
:Battle Ship game for KDE workspaces. Players try to sink each other's ships without knowing where they are.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kmahjongg KMahjongg]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kmahjongg KMahjongg]'''
:Rimuovi tutte le tessere impilate dal tavolo trovando ogni coppia di tessere il più velocemente possibile.
:Remove all the stacked tiles from the board by finding each tile's pair as fast as possible.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kreversi KReversi]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kreversi KReversi]'''
:Cattura i pezzi del tuo avversario e convertili nel tuo colore. Prendi il controllo sulla maggioranza del tavolo di gioco per vincere.
:Capture your opponents pieces and turn them over to your color. Get control over majority of the board to win.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kshisen KShisen]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kshisen KShisen]'''
:Simile a Mahjongg tranne che per le tessere non impilate una sull'altra. Trova una coppia per rimuoverle dal piano di gioco.
:Similar to Mahjongg, except the tiles are not stacked on top of one another. Find a tile's pair to remove them from the board.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kfourinline KFourInLine]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kfourinline KFourInLine]'''
:Sii il primo ad ottenere quattro pezzi del tuo colore allineati in qualsiasi direzione.
:Be the first to get four connected pieces of your color into a straight row of any direction.

== Carte ==
== Carte ==
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kpat KPat]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kpat KPat]'''
:Un rilassante solitario. Sistema le carte in un certo ordine, sia con lo stesso colore o alternando i colori, nel più breve tempo possibile.
:A relaxing solitaire game. Arrange the cards in a certain order, either by the same color or alternating colors, in the shortest time possible.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=lskat LsKat (Lieutenant Skat)]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=lskat LsKat (Lieutenant Skat)]'''
:Un gioco di carte per due giocatori basato sul gioco tedesco Skat. Vinci con punteggio superiore a 60 punti in una partita.
:A two-player card game based on the German Skat game. Win by scoring more than 60 points in one game.

== Dadi ==
== Dadi ==
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{|style="width:75%" cellpadding="4"
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kiriki Kiriki]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kiriki Kiriki]'''
:Guadagna il maggior numero di punti facendo rotolare 5 dadi fino a tre volte in un singolo turno.
:Earn the most score points by rolling 5 dice up to three times in a single turn.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kjumpingcube KJumpingcube]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kjumpingcube KJumpingcube]'''
:Conquista tutti i quadrati sul tavolo di gioco sia occupando quelli vuoti che conquistando quelli del tuo avversario. Un quadrato con punteggio più alto distribuirà i suoi punti attorno causando l'occupazione dei quadrati vuoti. Attenzione alle reazioni a catena!
:Conquer all squares on a board either by occupying an empty square or conquering your opponent's. A maxed out square will distribute its points around it, causing empty squares to be occupied. Watch out for chain reactions!

== Logica ==
== Logica ==
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=katomic KAtomic]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=katomic KAtomic]'''
:Un gioco divertente ed istruttivo basato sulla geometria molecolare. Forma una molecola componendo gli atomi presenti.
:An educational and fun game based around molecular geometry. Form the resemblance of a molecule by sliding atoms around.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kblackbox KBlackbox]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kblackbox KBlackbox]'''
:Un gioco tipo nascondino. Utilizza un laser e marcatori per indovinare la posizione di atomi nascosti nella scatola.
:A game of hide and seek. Use lasers and markers to guess the location of hidden atoms in the box.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kmines KMines]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kmines KMines]'''
:Scopri tutte le caselle senza innescare una mina. Un classico gioco tipo Minesweeper.
:Uncover all the squares without triggering a mine. A classic Minesweeper game.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=knetwalk KNetwalk]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=knetwalk KNetwalk]'''
:Costruisci una rete connettendo tutti i terminali al server ruotando gli elementi che rappresentano i cavi. Utilizza il minor numero di rotazioni possibili.
:Construct a network by connecting all terminals to the server with wires by rotating these elements around. Use as few rotations as possible.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=ksquares KSquares]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=ksquares KSquares]'''
:I giocatori si alternano nel collegare due punti adiacenti per formare un quadrato. Il giocatore con il maggior numero di quadrati completati vince.
:Players take turn in connecting two adjacent dots to form a square. The player with the most number of completed squares win.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=ksudoku KSudoku]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=ksudoku KSudoku]'''
:Riempi la griglia in modo che ogni colonna, riga e settore quadrato del campo di gioco contenga solo un elemento per ogni simbolo.
:Fill the grid so that each column, row as well as each square sector on the game field contains only one instance of each symbol.

== Strategia ==
== Strategia ==
{|style="width:75%" cellpadding="4"
{|style="width:75%" cellpadding="4"
default [http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=konquest Konquest]  
default [http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=konquest Konquest]
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=konquest Konquest]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=konquest Konquest]'''
:Costruisci un impero interstellare inviando navicelle per conquistare altri pianeti, compresi quelli del tuo avversario.
:Build an interstellar empire by sending ships to conquer other planets, including your opponent's planets.
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=ksirk KsirK]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=ksirk KsirK]'''
:Conquista il mondo con le tue armate. Attacca e conquista i paesi vicini ed espandi il tuo esercito. Tutto comodamente dal tuo computer.
:Conquer the world using your armies. Attack and conquer neighboring countries and expand your army. All at the comfort of your computer.

== Giochi per bambini ==
== Giochi per bambini ==
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</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=ktuberling KTuberling]'''
</imagemap>||'''[http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=ktuberling KTuberling]'''
:Un gioco di costruzione di personaggi per bambini. Trascina diverse parti del viso sull'Uomo Patata e crea la faccia più divertente che puoi.
:A character constructor game for kids. Drag different facial parts onto Mr. Potato and come up with the funniest face you can.

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''Nota: queste applicazioni non fanno parte di KDE Games''
''Nota: queste applicazioni non fanno parte di KDE Games''
{|style="width:75%" cellpadding="4"
{|style="width:75%" cellpadding="4"
default [[Amor]]
default [[Amor|Amor]]
desc none
desc none
:Amor è un'animazione che si posiziona sopra la tua finestra attiva. Temi diversi possono compiere differenti trucchi.
:Amor is an animation that sits on top of your active window. Different themes can perform different tricks.
default [[KTeaTime]]
default [[KTeaTime|KTeaTime]]
desc none
desc none
KTeaTime è un comodo timer per preparare il tè.
:KTeaTime is a handy timer for steeping tea.
default [[KTux]]
default [[KTux|KTux]]
desc none
desc none
:KTux è uno screensaver con Tux in una navicella spaziale.
:KTux is a Tux-in-a-spaceship screen saver.
default [[KWeather]]
default [[KWeather|KWeather]]
desc none
desc none
:KWeather è un'applicazione che ti permette di vedere il tempo previsto da una stazione meteo locale.
:KWeather is an application that allows you to watch the weather provided by a local weather station.


Revision as of 18:14, 27 June 2010

Giochi e passatempi

Inizio >> Applicazioni >> Giochi & passatempi


The KDE Community recognizes the value of recreation and fun in life. That's why the KDEGames team have delivered a wide variety of games with stunning graphics and engaging gameplay, keeping you entertained and occupied for hours. Pick a card, avoid bouncing balls, or even conquer the world, all from the convenience of your computer. But be careful. It's addicting.


The KDEGames Team dreams of creating only the most enjoyable and amusing playware, by paying greater attention to gaming details and using the latest KDE technologies. Visit the team's website at http://games.kde.org.

Note: The applications below all link to their KDEGames pages


Fill at least 75% of the field to advance to the next level while avoiding bouncing balls.
Swap two adjacent diamonds to form a line of three similar diamonds to eliminate as much as you can within the time limit.
Collect all the gold while avoiding pursuing enemies. Or dig holes to trap and walk over them.
Move colored balls to form a line of 5 similar balls as quickly as possible to make them vanish before the board fills up with multicolored balls.
A top-down 2D miniature golf game that can accommodate up to 10 players.
Use your mouse to dodge red balls in the field. Be careful as the ball increase in number and vary in speeds.
Clear a field full of multicolored marbles by eliminating marbles of the same color that are either vertically or horizontally aligned.
Eliminate your opponents satellite while controlling your own satellite revolving around a sun. Don't get too close or your will burn up.

Giochi da tavolo

Opponents alternate in placing their pieces on the board trying to connect five pieces in an unbroken row while trying to block the opponent's pieces.
Battle Ship game for KDE workspaces. Players try to sink each other's ships without knowing where they are.
Remove all the stacked tiles from the board by finding each tile's pair as fast as possible.
Capture your opponents pieces and turn them over to your color. Get control over majority of the board to win.
Similar to Mahjongg, except the tiles are not stacked on top of one another. Find a tile's pair to remove them from the board.
Be the first to get four connected pieces of your color into a straight row of any direction.


A relaxing solitaire game. Arrange the cards in a certain order, either by the same color or alternating colors, in the shortest time possible.
LsKat (Lieutenant Skat)
A two-player card game based on the German Skat game. Win by scoring more than 60 points in one game.


Earn the most score points by rolling 5 dice up to three times in a single turn.
Conquer all squares on a board either by occupying an empty square or conquering your opponent's. A maxed out square will distribute its points around it, causing empty squares to be occupied. Watch out for chain reactions!


An educational and fun game based around molecular geometry. Form the resemblance of a molecule by sliding atoms around.
A game of hide and seek. Use lasers and markers to guess the location of hidden atoms in the box.
Uncover all the squares without triggering a mine. A classic Minesweeper game.
Construct a network by connecting all terminals to the server with wires by rotating these elements around. Use as few rotations as possible.
Players take turn in connecting two adjacent dots to form a square. The player with the most number of completed squares win.
Fill the grid so that each column, row as well as each square sector on the game field contains only one instance of each symbol.


Build an interstellar empire by sending ships to conquer other planets, including your opponent's planets.
Conquer the world using your armies. Attack and conquer neighboring countries and expand your army. All at the comfort of your computer.

Giochi per bambini

A character constructor game for kids. Drag different facial parts onto Mr. Potato and come up with the funniest face you can.

Altri giochi da KDE

Ci sono altre applicazioni offerte da KDE non sono necessariamente giochi, ma offrono divertimento e utilità. Dai un'occhiata a questi passatempi. Potresti trovare qualcosa di interessante.

Nota: queste applicazioni non fanno parte di KDE Games

Amor is an animation that sits on top of your active window. Different themes can perform different tricks.
KTeaTime is a handy timer for steeping tea.
KTux is a Tux-in-a-spaceship screen saver.
KWeather is an application that allows you to watch the weather provided by a local weather station.