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:在 17:00 整点的时候你从「工作活动」切换到「空闲时间活动」中。
:在 17:00 整点的时候你从「工作活动」切换到「空闲时间活动」中。

''More info'':  
:[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma#Activities|Creating Activities]]
<span id="Akonadi"></span>
<span id="Akonadi"></span>
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::[http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/PIM/Akonadi Techbase - Akonadi]
::[http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/PIM/Akonadi Techbase - Akonadi]
<span id="Containment"></span>
<span id="Containment"></span>
返回 [[An_introduction_to_KDE/zh-cn|KDE 介绍]]
[[Special:myLanguage/Baloo|Baloo]] is a file indexing and search service that '''Dolphin''' and '''Elisa''' use to get metadata for files and to allow global searches. In a terminal type, <code>balooctl check</code> to find out whether an index was created already. <code>balooctl disable</code> and <code>balooctl status</code> are helpful instructions as well.

''More info'':
''More info'':
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<span id="D-Bus"></span>
<span id="D-Bus"></span>
:一个服务间的消息系统(inter-service messaging system)。由 Red Hat<sup>®</sup> 开发,深受 KDE3 ''DCOP'' 系统的影响,之后取代了它。
:An inter-service messaging system. D-Bus allows multiple programs to  Developed by Red Hat<sup>®</sup>, it was heavily influenced by KDE3's ''DCOP'', which it supersedes.

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<span id="Dolphin"></span>
<span id="Dolphin"></span>
:KDE SC 4 的默认文件管理器。他拥有侧边面板(''地址''),导航主要依靠主窗口上的「面包屑(breadcrumb)」路径。支持拆分窗口,视图可以单独应用到个别的窗口。可以在侧边面板中挂载和卸载USB设备。其他目录也能添加到「地址」面板。''树形结构视图''也有提供。
:The default file manager in KDE Plasma.  It has a side panel (''Places''), but navigation is mainly by the ''breadcrumb'' trail above the main window. It has various advanced features such as split windows and individual views in different windows. Mounting and umounting USB devices can be done in the side-panel. Other directories can be added to the Places panel.  A ''Tree view'' is also possible.

''More info'':
::[http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolphin 维基百科- Dolphin_(software)]
:[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolphin_(software) Wikipedia - Dolphin (software)]
::[http://dot.kde.org/2007/03/01/road-kde-4-dolphin-and-konqueror Road to KDE 4: Dolphin and Konqueror]
:[[Special:myLanguage/Tutorials/File_Management|The UserBase File Management Tutorial]]
::[http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070405-afirst-look-at-dolphin-the-kde-4-file-manager.html Ars Technica: A First Look at Dolphin]  
::[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4HS1v0a9Xs Youtube - KDE 4 rev 680445 - Dolphin]
::[http://introducingkde4.blogspot.com/2007/12/dolphin.html Introducing KDE 4 Blog - Dolphin]
::[[Dolphin/File_Management|UserBase 文件管理教程]]
<span id="Flake"></span>
<span id="Flake"></span>
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<span id="KHTML"></span>
<span id="KHTML"></span>
:KHTML 是 KDE Plasma 桌面的 HTML 渲染引擎,被使用在 '''Konqueror''' 浏览器中。它也提供一个KPart 以使得所有的 KDE 程序都能显示网页内容。新的引进,Qt Webkit 也能用于 Plasma 和其他程序的开发。
:''KHTML'' is a HTML rendering engine that was the base of WebKit, the engine that powers many browsers still in use today (e.g. Safari).
<span id="Kickoff"></span>
<span id="Kickoff"></span>
:Kickoff is a launch menu in KDE Plasma in which apps are sorted by functional groups. Right-click also offers the possibility of adding applications to the desktop or panel. Rapid access to a less-used application is made possible with the search box. There are also alternatives, such as the fullscreen app dashboard.  
:Kickoff is a launch menu in KDE Plasma in which apps are sorted by functional groups. Right-click also offers the possibility of adding applications to the desktop or panel. Rapid access to a less-used application is made possible with the search box. There are also alternatives, such as the fullscreen app dashboard.  

''More info'':
::[http://home.kde.org/~binner/kickoff/sneak_preview.html Kickoff Sneak Preview]
:[http://en.opensuse.org/Kickoff Design documentation]
::[http://en.opensuse.org/Kickoff 设计文档]
<span id="KJS"></span>
<span id="KJS"></span>
:KDE 平台的 ''JavaScript'' 引擎。
:KDE 平台的 ''JavaScript'' 引擎。
<span id="KInfoCenter"></span>
<span id="KInfoCenter"></span>
:KDE 信息中心(KInfoCenter)最初作为 [[#KControl|Kcontrol]] 的一部分,直到 KDE 3.1 独立出来。KDE SC 4 中直到 4.4,他被[[#System Settings|'''系统设置''']]中的设置模块取代,特别是 [[#Solid|Solid]],在 KDE SC 4.5 中将作为单独的一个程序重新引入。  
:'''KInfoCenter''' originated as part of [[#KControl|KControl]] standing alone from KDE 3.1. It can display data about your system such as energy usage, hardware info and many more.   

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:KDE 输入/输出框架,为操作文件(不管是本地或是远程服务器)提供了一个单独的 API。此外,KIO Slaves 还为个别协议提供支持。一些尤其有用的协议是 http,ftp,sftp,smb, nfs,ssh (fish),man,tar 和 zip。   
:KDE 输入/输出框架,为操作文件(不管是本地或是远程服务器)提供了一个单独的 API。此外,KIO Slaves 还为个别协议提供支持。一些尤其有用的协议是 http,ftp,sftp,smb, nfs,ssh (fish),man,tar 和 zip。   

''More info'':
:[[Special:myLanguage/File transfers|文件传输教程]]
:[[Special:myLanguage/File transfers|A tutorial on file transfers]]
::[http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/KIO 维基百科 - KIO]  
:[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KIO Wikipedia - KIO]  
::[http://www.linux.com/feature/124686 Linux.com - Master the KIO slaves]
:[http://www.linux.com/feature/124686 Linux.com - Master the KIO slaves]  
::[http://osdir.com/Article2159.phtml Breaking the Network Barrier]  
<span id="Kiosk"></span>
<span id="Kiosk"></span>
:[http://techbase.kde.org/KDE_System_Administration/Kiosk/Introduction Kiosk] 是个用来限制 KDE 平台系统中用户能力的框架,理想的使用是在锁定环境下,比如网吧。KDE 3 和 KDE 4 都有提供,但管理工具 '''Kiosktool''' 只是 KDE3 独有。它可以被用于设置 KDE 4 程序,或可以手动编辑文件维护 '''kiosk''' 配置。
:[http://techbase.kde.org/KDE_System_Administration/Kiosk/Introduction Kiosk] is a framework for restricting user capabilities on a ''KDE platform'' system, ideal for use in locked-down environments such as Internet cafés. It has been unmaintained for quite some time now.
<span id="KPart"></span>
<span id="KPart"></span>
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<span id="KRunner"></span>
<span id="KRunner"></span>
:从 KDE 传统菜单里访问到的迷你命令行, 键盘快捷键是 Alt+F2, 或者右击桌面。在'''KDE SC 4'''中输入部分名称将显示所有可能的匹配。
:The mini-command-line that is accessed from the Classic menu, the keyboard shortcut ''Alt+F2'', or a right-click on the desktop.

''More info'':
::[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1-SFSmwTXw Youtube - KDE SC 4.1 KRunner]
:[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/Krunner | KRunner wiki]

<span id="KWin"></span>
<span id="KWin"></span>
:KWin 是窗口管理器。这就窗口装饰修改和主题应用的地方。KDE SC 4 扩展KWin提供对桌面 3D 混成特效的支持。
:''KWin'' is the window manager of KDE. This is where window decorations can be changed and themes applied.

''More info'':
:[http://dot.kde.org/1180541665/ 通向KDE4之路: KWin Composite]
:[http://francis.giannaros.org/blog/2007/12/03/kde4-desktop-effects-kwin-composite-video-tour/  KDE SC 4 桌面特效视频展示]
:[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrFz7IxXppU Youtube - KDE SC 4.0 KWin 混成特性视频]
:[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WBLlc6xCQ4 Youtube - KWin 混成特性设置&介绍]
<span id="Pager"></span>
<span id="Pager"></span>
:分页器(Pager)是个显示你桌面上窗口的位置的小程序或面板部件,通常如果你有多个[[#Virtual Desktops|虚拟桌面]]时显示预览。
:分页器(Pager)是个显示你桌面上窗口的位置的小程序或面板部件,通常如果你有多个[[#Virtual Desktops|虚拟桌面]]时显示预览。
<span id="Panel"></span>
<span id="Panel"></span>
:查看 [[#Kicker|Kicker]]。KDE SC 4 中 kicker 这个命名被抛弃了,规范用词是面板(panel),Applets 大部分被 [[#Widget|部件(Widget)]] 取代。
:See [[#Kicker|Kicker]]. In '''KDE Plasma''' the name "kicker" is dropped, and the name "panel" is the norm.  "Applets"; are largely replaced by [[#Widget|Widgets]]

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<span id="Phonon"></span>
<span id="Phonon"></span>
:Phonon(直译就是“声子”)一个跨平台的多媒体 API,与已有的框架交互,比如 gstreamer xine 引擎。KDE 2 和 3 的音频播放依赖于 aRts 。Phonon 取代了它。
:A cross-platform multimedia API, interfacing with existing frameworks, such as ''gstreamer'' and ''xine engines''.

''More info'':
''More info'':
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:Plasma is the desktop environment from KDE. It is the part of the desktop that you can see. Plasma also acts as a glue between panels, plasmoids and Kickoff. Plasma Mobile allows Plasma to run on smartphones and uses the same underlying code base.
:Plasma is the desktop environment from KDE. It is the part of the desktop that you can see. Plasma also acts as a glue between panels, plasmoids and Kickoff. Plasma Mobile allows Plasma to run on smartphones and uses the same underlying code base.

''More info'':
::[http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_%28KDE%29 维基百科 - Plasma (KDE)]  
:[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_(KDE) Wikipedia - Plasma (KDE)]  
::[http://plasma.kde.org/cms/1107 Plasma 网站]  
:[http://plasma.kde.org/cms/1107 Plasma website]  
::[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma|Plasma 页面]]
:[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma|The Plasma main page]]
::[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/FAQ/Index| Plasma FAQ]]
:[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/FAQ/Index|The Plasma FAQ's]]
::[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5RpH9HOXJA&amp;feature=related  Youtube - Plasma Applets Galore (Part 1)]
::[http://liquidat.wordpress.com/ Liquidat&#039;s Blog]
<span id="Qt"></span>
<span id="Qt"></span>
:(读音 cute ) 一个编写跨平台程序的框架/工具包。很多跨平台程序比如 '''Opera 浏览器''''''GoogleEarth''' 和 '''Skype''' 都是采用 Qt。Qt 最初是由 Trolltech 开发, 如今 Trolltech 已经被 Nokia 公司收购。Qt 构建了构建 KDE 软件用的底层函数库。
:(Pronounced "cute") A framework/toolkit for writing cross-platform applications. It is used by many cross-platform applications such as '''Krita''', '''GoogleEarth''' and many others.  Qt forms the underlying library KDE software is built on.

''More info'':
''More info'':
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:Solid 为硬件管理提供了单一的 API。硬件被分为“域”(domains);初始域涉及 HAL,NetworkManager 和 Bluetooth 堆栈。因为 Solid 的后端是可插的,Solid 帮助程序开发人员编写更少的代码,并拥有平台独立性。  
:Solid 为硬件管理提供了单一的 API。硬件被分为“域”(domains);初始域涉及 HAL,NetworkManager 和 Bluetooth 堆栈。因为 Solid 的后端是可插的,Solid 帮助程序开发人员编写更少的代码,并拥有平台独立性。  

''More info'':
::[http://solid.kde.org/cms/1058 Discover Solid]
:[http://solid.kde.org/cms/1058 Discover Solid]  
::[http://dot.kde.org/1177385913/ Solid Brings Hardware Configuration and Control to KDE platform]  
<span id="System Settings"></span>
<span id="System Settings"></span>
===System Settings===
:KDE SC 4 中的[[#KControl|KControl]](控制中心)替换,提供对于 KDE 平台的模块化控制。
:The system settings are the unified place where you can change and customize many aspects of the Plasma desktop and KWin such as icon themes, desktop effects and shortcuts.

''More info'':
:[[Special:myLanguage/System Settings|系统设置]]
:[[Special:myLanguage/System Settings|System Settings]]
:[http://www.lazytechguy.com/2008/01/kde4-system-settings.html KDE SC 4 System Settings illustrated]
<span id="Threadweaver"></span>
<span id="Threadweaver"></span>
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<span id="WebKit"></span>
<span id="WebKit"></span>
:HTML 渲染引擎,起源于 [[#KHTML|KHTML]] 的一个分支。被 Apple 采用,用于 Safari 的开发。通过 Qt,Webkit 将完整的功能带给了 KDE SC 4。
:HTML ''rendering engine'', originating from a fork of [[#KHTML|KHTML]]. Adopted by Apple and developed for Safari.

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:柯林斯英语词典:“任何名称未知或临时遗忘的小的装置或设备。”对KDE软件来说,部件(widget)是桌面画布上单一组件。其他类似的通用名称是“小程序(applet)”或“小工具(gadget)”。Superkaramba 主题、Apple 的 Dashboard、Google Gadgets、Yahoo Widgets、Vista Sider Widgets、Opera Widgets 都是其他部件系统的实例(其中有些同样被 Plasma 支持)。
:柯林斯英语词典:“任何名称未知或临时遗忘的小的装置或设备。”对KDE软件来说,部件(widget)是桌面画布上单一组件。其他类似的通用名称是“小程序(applet)”或“小工具(gadget)”。Superkaramba 主题、Apple 的 Dashboard、Google Gadgets、Yahoo Widgets、Vista Sider Widgets、Opera Widgets 都是其他部件系统的实例(其中有些同样被 Plasma 支持)。
<span id="X-Server"></span>
<span id="X-Server"></span>
===X Server===
:X-Server 提供了一个基本层,基本层之上构建了各种图形用户界面比如 KDE Plasma 桌面。他(从本地主机以及远程主机)管理基本的鼠标和键盘输入并提供基本的图形例程来绘制矩形和其他原语。
:The ''X Server'' represents a basic layer upon which the various GUIs like the KDE Plasma desktop are built. It manages the basic mouse and keyboard input (from the local host as well as from remote hosts) and provides elementary graphic routines to draw rectangles and other primitives.
<span id="XMLGUI"></span>
<span id="XMLGUI"></span>

Revision as of 11:00, 9 July 2018

这个页面提供了非技术性的参考,同时带有指向更详细资料或解释的链接。参阅Jargon 文件


活动(Activities)是一系列拥有自己壁纸的 Plasma 部件。有点类似虚拟桌面,但不完全是。(译者注:虚拟桌面变的是程序窗口,活动变的是窗口的背景-桌面,比如说壁纸,图标,部件)
比如你有一个「工作活动」,带有 rss 订阅信息,你的一份 TODO 笔记,一个带有与你工作有关文件的文件夹视图和一幅微妙的壁纸。
在他旁边,你还有另一个「空闲时间活动」,带着家庭照片和狗照片的预览,你最爱的博客的 rss 订阅信息,一个展示你的电影收藏的文件夹视图,一个 twitter 小部件,当然还有从 80 年代初喜爱至今的铁娘子乐队(Iron Maiden)的壁纸。
在 17:00 整点的时候你从「工作活动」切换到「空闲时间活动」中。

More info:

Creating Activities


The data storage access mechanism for all PIM (Personal Information Manager) data in KDE. This allows various applications to access the required information in one place. Note that use of Akonadi does not change data storage formats (vcard, iCalendar, mbox, maildir etc.) - it just provides a new way of accessing and updating the data.
设计开发 Akonadi 的主要原因是技术方面,例如从不同的程序(例如kmailkword……)用一种统一的方式访问 PIM 数据(联系人,日程表,emails……),因此无需到处编写类似的代码。
另一个目标是将图形程序像是 kmail 从直接访问外部资源比如 mail-servers(邮件服务器)中脱离 - 这是过去有关性能/响应(performance/responsiveness)的bug回报/愿望的主要原因。
Akonadi for KDE's PIM
维基百科 - Akonadi
Techbase - Akonadi


Baloo is a file indexing and search service that Dolphin and Elisa use to get metadata for files and to allow global searches. In a terminal type, balooctl check to find out whether an index was created already. balooctl disable and balooctl status are helpful instructions as well.

More info:





An inter-service messaging system. D-Bus allows multiple programs to Developed by Red Hat®, it was heavily influenced by KDE3's DCOP, which it supersedes.
FreeDesktop.org: What is D-Bus?
维基百科: D-Bus


The default file manager in KDE Plasma. It has a side panel (Places), but navigation is mainly by the breadcrumb trail above the main window. It has various advanced features such as split windows and individual views in different windows. Mounting and umounting USB devices can be done in the side-panel. Other directories can be added to the Places panel. A Tree view is also possible.

More info:

Wikipedia - Dolphin (software)
The UserBase File Management Tutorial


Flake 是应用在KOfficeCalligra上的编程函数库(programming library)。功能上,它提供用来显示内容「形状(Shapes)」和操作内容的工具。形状可以缩放或旋转,可以组合多个形状成单个形状,可以围绕形状制作文本流(text flow)。

KDE Community Wiki - Flake


获得百宝箱(Get Hot New Stuff,简称GHNS)是个开放的标准,使得使用者能容易的下载和安装各种程序的扩展。我们的 GHNS 实现被应用在 Plasma 中(举例来说像获得新的桌面主题),以及很多应用程序和部件。

More info:

The KDE Store


这是系统内存放你所有文件的地方。 你可以在这个文件夹之外存放文件,但是所有的程序都设置成建议保存文件到这个文件夹内。保存东西在这更容易些。


KHTML is a HTML rendering engine that was the base of WebKit, the engine that powers many browsers still in use today (e.g. Safari).


Kickoff is a launch menu in KDE Plasma in which apps are sorted by functional groups. Right-click also offers the possibility of adding applications to the desktop or panel. Rapid access to a less-used application is made possible with the search box. There are also alternatives, such as the fullscreen app dashboard.

More info:

Design documentation


KDE 平台的 JavaScript 引擎。


KInfoCenter originated as part of KControl standing alone from KDE 3.1. It can display data about your system such as energy usage, hardware info and many more.


维基百科 - KDE 资讯中心


KDE 输入/输出框架,为操作文件(不管是本地或是远程服务器)提供了一个单独的 API。此外,KIO Slaves 还为个别协议提供支持。一些尤其有用的协议是 http,ftp,sftp,smb, nfs,ssh (fish),man,tar 和 zip。

More info:

A tutorial on file transfers
Wikipedia - KIO
Linux.com - Master the KIO slaves


Kiosk is a framework for restricting user capabilities on a KDE platform system, ideal for use in locked-down environments such as Internet cafés. It has been unmaintained for quite some time now.


KPart 是 KDE Plasma 桌面的个别组件并允许应用程序彼此共享服务。KParts 允许 KMailKOrganizer(以插件的方式)整合进 Kontact 套件,或整合 KHTMLAkregator 以显示网站内容。


Kross 是一个脚本框架,提供对多种脚本语言的支持。插件系统允许今后有更进一步的语言支持。


The mini-command-line that is accessed from the Classic menu, the keyboard shortcut Alt+F2, or a right-click on the desktop.

More info:

[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/Krunner | KRunner wiki]


KWin is the window manager of KDE. This is where window decorations can be changed and themes applied.

More info:





See Kicker. In KDE Plasma the name "kicker" is dropped, and the name "panel" is the norm. "Applets"; are largely replaced by Widgets




A cross-platform multimedia API, interfacing with existing frameworks, such as gstreamer and xine engines.

More info:

Wikipedia - Phonon (KDE)
Phonon website


Plasma is the desktop environment from KDE. It is the part of the desktop that you can see. Plasma also acts as a glue between panels, plasmoids and Kickoff. Plasma Mobile allows Plasma to run on smartphones and uses the same underlying code base.

More info:

Wikipedia - Plasma (KDE)
Plasma website
The Plasma main page
The Plasma FAQ's


(Pronounced "cute") A framework/toolkit for writing cross-platform applications. It is used by many cross-platform applications such as Krita, GoogleEarth and many others. Qt forms the underlying library KDE software is built on.

More info:

The Qt Toolkit


Solid 为硬件管理提供了单一的 API。硬件被分为“域”(domains);初始域涉及 HAL,NetworkManager 和 Bluetooth 堆栈。因为 Solid 的后端是可插的,Solid 帮助程序开发人员编写更少的代码,并拥有平台独立性。

More info:

Discover Solid

System Settings

The system settings are the unified place where you can change and customize many aspects of the Plasma desktop and KWin such as icon themes, desktop effects and shortcuts.

More info:

System Settings


这个线程编程库用于多核处理器的工作,在排队执行它们前将它们以优先次序排序。ThreadWeaver 提供了用于多线程编程的高级作业接口。


为什么使用多线程? (技术文章)


基于 Unix 的窗口管理器的一个流行的概念是「虚拟桌面」。这意味着你不只有一个屏幕可以用来放置窗口而是有多个。但你切换到另一个不同的桌面(通常用「分页器」)你只会看到新桌面里启动的窗口或移至新桌面的窗口。窗口也可以做的 "sticky",意思是他可以出现在全部桌面。


HTML rendering engine, originating from a fork of KHTML. Adopted by Apple and developed for Safari.
Webkit 主页
维基百科 - Webkit


柯林斯英语词典:“任何名称未知或临时遗忘的小的装置或设备。”对KDE软件来说,部件(widget)是桌面画布上单一组件。其他类似的通用名称是“小程序(applet)”或“小工具(gadget)”。Superkaramba 主题、Apple 的 Dashboard、Google Gadgets、Yahoo Widgets、Vista Sider Widgets、Opera Widgets 都是其他部件系统的实例(其中有些同样被 Plasma 支持)。

X Server

The X Server represents a basic layer upon which the various GUIs like the KDE Plasma desktop are built. It manages the basic mouse and keyboard input (from the local host as well as from remote hosts) and provides elementary graphic routines to draw rectangles and other primitives.


一个用来设计用户界面的编程框架。他被广泛的运用在 KPart
维基百科 - XMLGUI
维基百科 - Qt Style Sheets