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Kdenlive/Manual/Credits and License: Difference between revisions

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
RogueScholar (talk | contribs)
Update page to match current documentation site page contents
Claus chr (talk | contribs)
m Reverted edit by RogueScholar (talk) to last revision by Claus chr
Tags: Replaced Rollback
Line 1: Line 1:
== Documentation copyright ==
The Kdenlive documentation corpus is copyrighted by KDE e.V. and licensed according to the terms of the [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License] unless explicitly stated otherwise.
== Documentation authors ==
{{Note|2=Conventions governing inclusion|1=You may add your name here if you have contributed to the handbook; please respect alphabetical order when doing so.}}
<div style="margin: 1em auto 2em; columns: 2; width: 80%;">
* [[User:Bushuev|Bushuev A.]]
* [mailto:sunab@free.fr Olivier Banus]
* [mailto:alancanon9000@gmail.com Alan Canon]
* [[User:Yurchor|Yuri Chornoivan]]
* [[User:Claus chr|Claus Christensen]]
* Dbolton
* [[User:Dadu042|David Ducassou]]
* [[User:Granjow|Simon Eugster]] ([mailto:simon.eu@gmail.com email])
* [https://fentras.me/ Skye Fentras]
* [[User:Gallaecio|Adrián Chaves Fernández]]
* [[User:Earl fx|Earl fx]]
* [https://github.com/qubodup Iwan Gabovitch]
* [http://volkangezerr.scienceontheweb.net/?dil=en Volkan Gezer]
* Jack
* [[User:Jessej/sandbox|Jessej]]
* [https://invent.kde.org/bjordan Bernd Jordan] ([https://discuss.kde.org/u/berndmj KDE Discuss])
* [mailto:mk-lists@mailbox.org Marko Käning]
* Kon
* Krugozor
* [https://invent.kde.org/jlskuz Julius Künzel] ([mailto:jk.kdedev@smartlab.uber.space email])
* [mailto:dirkolus@gmx.de Dirk Langner]
* [https://niklas.laxstrom.name/page/eng/home Niklas Laxström]
* [https://invent.kde.org/users/alund/snippets Anders Lund]
* [https://github.com/brookemahoney Brooke Marie Mahoney]
* [https://www.teachmaths.org/index.php/about-me/ Matt Maguire]
* [[User:Neverendingo|Ingo Malchow]]
* [http://davidmaranhao.com/ David Maranhao]
* [https://invent.kde.org/mardelle Jean-Baptiste Mardelle] ([mailto:jb@kdenlive.org email])
* [mailto:vincent.mcintyre@gmail.com Vincent McIntyre]
* [https://invent.kde.org/igorcmelo Igor Melo]
* [mailto:fritzibaby@gmx.net Eugen Mohr]
* [[User:Ttguy|Roger Morton]]
* [https://invent.kde.org/camillem Camille Moulin]
* Mvessi
* [mailto:kghn@ttc-cmc.net Kathryn G.H. Nicholes]
* [mailto:geolgar@yahoo.com.mx Gerardo Olvera]
* [mailto:brylie@protonmail.com Brylie Christopher Oxley]
* Drew Perttula
* [https://invent.kde.org/vpinon Vincent Pinon] ([mailto:vpinon@kde.org email])
* Roanna
* Roger
* Torsten Ru00c3u00b6mer
* [https://carlschwan.eu/ Carl Schwan] ([mailto:carl@carlschwan.eu email])
* [https://phabricator.kde.org/p/smolyaninov/ Nikolay Smolyaninov]
* [https://invent.kde.org/limerick Maris Stalte]
* [mailto:mail@xyquadrat.ch Julian Steinmann]
* Thanks4theFish
* [mailto:root@ttill.de Till Theato]
* [https://thediveo.github.io/ TheDiveO]
* [[User:TheMickyRosen-Left|TheMickyRosen-Left]]
* [mailto:avilla@FreeBSD.org Alberto Villa]
* [[User:ChristianW|Christian Wia]]
* [[User:Annew|Anne Wilson]]
* [[User:Paul R Worrall|Paul R. Worrall]]
* [[User:Tenzen|Tenzen Yamauchi]]
* [[User:Thompsony|Thompson Yeh]]

Latest revision as of 12:03, 19 November 2024


This page no longer exists on UserBase. The contents have been moved to docs.kdenlive.org. Sorry for the inconvenience.