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Archive:KOrganizer/Download/da: Difference between revisions

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Created page with '* [http://kontact.kde.org/korganizer/files/korganizer_1.0.8_arm.ipk KOrganizer/Embedded 1.0.8 Binær pakke til Zaurus] * [http://kontact.kde.org/korganizer/files/korganizer-alarm...'
Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Created page with '* [http://kontact.kde.org/korganizer/files/kopi_1.5.0_arm.ipk KO/Pi 1.5.0 Binær pakke til Zaurus] * [http://kontact.kde.org/korganizer/files/kopi_alarm_1.5.0_arm.ipk KO/Pi Alar...'
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===Download KO/Pi===
===Download KO/Pi===

* [http://kontact.kde.org/korganizer/files/kopi_1.5.0_arm.ipk  KO/Pi 1.5.0 Binary package for Zaurus]
* [http://kontact.kde.org/korganizer/files/kopi_1.5.0_arm.ipk  KO/Pi 1.5.0 Binær pakke til Zaurus]
* [http://kontact.kde.org/korganizer/files/kopi_alarm_1.5.0_arm.ipk KO/Pi Alarm Daemon 1.5.0 Binary package for Zaurus]
* [http://kontact.kde.org/korganizer/files/kopi_alarm_1.5.0_arm.ipk KO/Pi Alarm Daemon 1.5.0 Binær pakke til Zaurus]
* [http://kontact.kde.org/korganizer/files/korganizerPi.150.source.tar.gz KO/Pi 1.5.0 Source Code]
* [http://kontact.kde.org/korganizer/files/korganizerPi.150.source.tar.gz KO/Pi 1.5.0 Kildekode]
===Development versions: ===
===Udviklingsversioner: ===

You may also always obtain the ''absolute latest'' version right out of the KDE [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdepim SVN] tree. See instructions for details how to get and build it.
You may also always obtain the ''absolute latest'' version right out of the KDE [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdepim SVN] tree. See instructions for details how to get and build it.


Revision as of 14:52, 12 September 2010

Download KOrganizer

KOrganizer kan hentes mange steder fra som kildekode eller som kørbar fil. Den er en del af pakken kdepim, KDE's pakke til Personal Information Management.


For information om KOrganizer's systemkrav se venligst KDE's side om systemkrav.

Kildekode fra KDE's FTP-arkiv:

Andre distributioner (rpm etc) og KDE's FTP-spejlinger:

Alle de vigtigste Linux distributioner inkluderer KOrganizer i deres pakker som en del af KDE.

Download KOrganizer/Embedded

Stabil version:


Download KO/Pi


You may also always obtain the absolute latest version right out of the KDE SVN tree. See instructions for details how to get and build it.