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Table of equivalent applications/es: Difference between revisions

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Edumardo (talk | contribs)
new translation, spanish
Edumardo (talk | contribs)
new translation, spanish
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Revision as of 23:47, 15 September 2010

This is a table of applications that are approximately equivalent. It is not by any means exhaustive, but tries to help a new user of KDE software to find packages that might suit. The section headings are links to take you to pages with more software in that group.

El escritorio

Descripción Windows Mac OS X KDE Software
Gestor de archivos Windows Explorer Finder Dolphin, Konqueror
Centro de control Panel de control Preferencias del sistema System Settings
Intérprete de línea de comandos Command Prompt Terminal Konsole, Yakuake, KRunner

Internet & Red

Windows Mac OS X KDE Software
Blogging client Windows Live Writer Blogilo
BitTorrent Client BitTorrent KTorrent, KMLDonkey, KGet
Download Manager FlashGet KGet
eDonkey Client eMule KMLDonkey
Cliente de correo electrónico Outlook Express, Windows Live Mail Apple Mail KMail
Feed Aggregator Akregator
Personal Information Manager Outlook Kontact
Navegador web Internet Explorer Safari Konqueror, rekonq
Cliente de mensajería instantánea Windows Live Messenger iChat, Adium Kopete, KMess
Cliente de IRC mIRC Colloquy Konversation

Gráficos e Imagen

Description Windows Mac OS X KDE Software
Editor de imágenes Paint.NET, Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop Krita, KolourPaint
Visor de imágenes ACDSee Gwenview, KuickShow, digikam, KPhotoAlbum
Administrador de imágenes ACDSee digikam, KPhotoAlbum, Gwenview
Visor de PDF Adobe Reader Adobe Reader Okular
Dibujo vectorial Adobe Illustrator Adobe Illustrator Karbon14


Description Windows Mac OS X KDE Software
Reproductor de audio Windows Media Player, Winamp iTunes Amarok, Juk, KsCD, Kaffeine
Reproductor de vídeo. Windows Media Player QuickTime Player Bangarang, Dragon Player, KPlayer, KMPlayer, Kaffeine
Autoría de CD y DVD Nero Burning ROM iDVD K3b, K9Copy
Emulador de imágenes de disco Daemon Tools Silicon
Editor de vídeo no lineal Windows Movie Maker iMovie Kdenlive

Oficina y Productividad

Description Windows Mac OS X KDE Software
Procesador de textos Microsoft Word Pages KWord
Hoja de cálculo Microsoft Excel Numbers KSpread
Presentación Microsoft PowerPoint Keynote KPresenter
Creación de bases de datos de escritorio Microsoft Access FileMaker Kexi
Diagramas y diagramas de flujo Microsoft Visio OmniGraffle Kivio
Gestor de proyectos Microsoft Project iTaskX, Merlin KPlato
Gestor de información personal Microsoft Outlook Address Book, iCal Kontact
Gestor de finanzas personales Quicken Billings KMyMoney, Skrooge
Notas Microsoft OneNote Evernote BasKet


Description Windows Mac OS X KDE Software
Touch-typing trainer TypingMaster, Stamina KTouch

System Administration

Description Windows Mac OS X KDE Software
Partition Editor Logical Disk Manager Disk Utility KDE Partition Manager
System Monitor Windows Task Manager Activity Monitor KSysGuard
System Information EVEREST KInfoCenter

Utilities and Tools

Description Windows Mac OS X KDE Software
File archiver WinRAR Ark
Text Editor Notepad TextEdit KWrite, Kate

Development and Programming

Description Windows Mac OS X KDE Software
IDE Visual Studio Xcode KDevelop, Quanta
Computer-aided translation system Poedit, Virtaal Poedit, LocFactory Lokalize
UML tool Enterprise Architect Umbrello, Kivio