Entwicklung und Programmierung
Generiert das Basis-Verzeichnis und die Dateistruktur für ein KDE-Entwicklungsprojekt. Kate
Eine erweiterter Text-Editor mit vielen Funktionen wie Syntax-Highlighting. KBugbuster
Betrachten und bearbeiten Sie Bug-Reports mit dem KDE Bug Tracking System. KCachegrind
A profiling tool to determine the most time consuming execution parts of program. Kdesvn
A client to subversion. It integrates nice in your Desktop and many applications. KDevelop
A powerful and flexible Integrated Development Environment based on KDE technologies. Supports a number of languages such as C, C++, and Ruby. Kompare
Zeigt die Unterschiede zwischen zwei Versionen einer Textdatei. KDiff3
A viewer to compare or merge 2 or 3 files or directories. KDbg
A Graphical Debugger. It provides an intuitive interface for setting breakpoints, inspecting variables, and stepping through code. KFileReplace
A very capable multi-line, multi-file, multi-directory find and replace. Kommander
A visual dialog builder that can be used to create applications. KUIViewer
Display Qt Designer user interface (.ui) files. Lokalize
Computer-aided translation system using a paragraph-by-paragraph translation approach when translating documentation. Plasmate
Plasma add-ons creator that provides a "mini-IDE" for creating scripted Plasmoids, DataEngines, Runners, etc. Umbrello
A diagramming tool for creating models of object-oriented software using UML.
Web Development
A feature-rich web development environment with support for various markup and scripting languages, such as HTML, XML, and PHP. KImageMapEditor
An HTML image map editor from KDE. KLinkStatus
Ein Link-Checker basierend auf Linkstatus. KXSLDbg
A GUI for debugging XSLT scripts
Support for this application can be found from the project's home page