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KJots/Gendan slettede KJots-bøger

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 10:19, 18 December 2010 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Nogle gange kan en bruger komme til at slette en KJots-bog ved et uheld. Dette er upraktisk, men nu kan data genskabes.

KJots gemmer automatisk backupfiler af dine bøger, hver gang den lukkes ned. Når du sletter en bog, så forbliver backupfilen tilbage. Bemærk, at gamle backupfiler vil blive fjernet 7 dage efter at edn originale bog blev slettet.


Denne sider relaterer til KJots i KDE SC 4.2 beta2 og senere udgaver.

KJots data files and backup files are stored in your local kde data directory. Usually this is


Open that directory in Dolphin.


If that directory does not exist on your system, try
dolphin `kde-config --localprefix`/share/apps/kjots
from the command line.

Use the Tools menu to open the find files dialog, and switch to the Content tab. Enter a phrase you know to be in the deleted book, and several backups of that book should be found. The name of the file is not relevant, but you can find the most up to date backup by looking at the last modified time of the files.

Simply copy the backup file to your home directory and open KJots. Use the file menu to import the backup book back into KJots.