From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 18:42, 19 January 2014 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)

KBibTeX er en editor til bibliografier til KDE og bruges oftest i forbindelse med Kile. KBibTeX's primære filformat er BibTeX, som kendes fra LaTeX, men andre formater så som RIS og EndNote kon importeres og eksporteres.

Der findes en stabil version til KDE3, som de fleste Linux-distributioner har i deres pakkearkiver. En version til KDE4 er under udvikling, men er endnu ikke stabil nok til almindelig brug.

KBibTeX allows you to do the following things:

  • Enter a preamble that defines how special text should be formatted in your bibliography using Element → New element → New preamble menu item or Main Toolbar.
  • Choose an entry encoding using Encoding item in Save as dialog or on the File Settings panel.
  • Enter comments that are not taken in regard by BibTeX using Element → New element → New comment menu item or Main Toolbar.
  • Preview and save bibliography entries in various formats (Source (BibTEX), Source (RIS), Wikipedia, standard (XML/XSLT), fancy (XML/XSLT), and abstract-only (XML/XSLT)) using Reference Preview panel. Additional preview styles become available when bibtex2html is installed.
  • Search for the bibliography entries data in online databases using Online Search panel.
  • View local or remote (online) resources (such as files) linked in the BibTeX entry using </menuchoice>Document Preview</menuchoice> panel.
  • Find and fix duplicate entries in bibliography using Edit → Find Duplicates menu item or Main Toolbar.