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Revision as of 10:27, 21 June 2011 by Dariocambie (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Kalzium''' è un'applicazione che mostra informazioni sugli elementi chimici della tavola periodica; per questo può essere usata come banca dati con proprietà e caratteristi...")

Inizio » Applicazioni » Istruzione » Kalzium

Kalzium è una tavola periodica degli elementi arricchita da informazioni aggiuntive.

Fa parte del Progetto KDE Education.

Kalzium è un'applicazione che mostra informazioni sugli elementi chimici della tavola periodica; per questo può essere usata come banca dati con proprietà e caratteristiche fisico-chimiche.

Kalzium has already some nice features but there are still a lot of things to do. As Kalzium has been included in KDE 3.1 we are currently coding quite lot to bring in some new and nice features and make it as fast and useful as possible. You can help us by testing it or make proposals for new features or a better design.


  • versatile overview of all important data from the elements like melting points, electron affinity, electronegativity, electron configuration, radii, mass, ionization energy
  • tool to visualize the spectral lines of each elements
  • different colored views to the PSE: separation of the different blocks, year simulator, temperature simulator
  • molecular weight calculator, concentration calculator, nuclear calculator, gas calculator, titration calculator
  • an isotope table
  • 3D molecule editor, with a load and save functionality
  • an equation solver for stoichiometric problems
  • file type conversion for different types of chemical programs
  • tool to produce a comprehensive list of all Risk and Safety Statements


The main window of Kalzium shows you the periodic table. You can choose between different color schemes.

Look at more screenshots...



Other Chemistry-Applications

There are several chemistry-applications out there. A list of the ones we find especially useful can be found on the Other Chemistry-Applications page.


Kalzium has its own mailinglist: