På denne side kan du finde information om, hvordan du får Konversation til at åbne links i din yndlingsbrowser.
Konversation og KDE-komponenter
Konversation bruger KDE's indstillinger for standardbrowser til at åbne links i en browser. Se siden Systemindstillinger/Standardprogrammer for detaljer om, hvordan man vælger KDE's standard webbrowser.
Alternative måder at få Konversation til at åbne links
Hvis du af en eller anden grund ikke har KDE's komponenter tilgængelige (for eksempel hvis du bruger en anden vinduesmanager, men stadig gerne vil bruge Konversation), så kan du angive din yndlingsbrowser inde i Konversation. Dette gøres således:
- In Konversation, click on .
- In this menu, check the checkbox for "browser specific command. " and in the input box, fill in a
- Click .
Browser specific commands
- To make links open in a new tab use:
opera -newpage
- To make links open in a new window:
opera -newwindow
For a full list of command parameters refer to:
opera --help
Firefox and Mozilla
Firefox and Mozilla use a remote control script that will send commands to an already existing process.
- To make links open in a new tab use:
firefox -remote "openURL(%u,new-tab)"
- To make links open in a new window use:
firefox -remote "openURL(%u,new-window)"
Of course, if you use Mozilla instead of Firefox, you need to substitute firefox with mozilla in the above command.
See remote control of unix mozilla for more information.