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什麼是發行版 (distro)

雖然 Linux 不一樣,但別擔心哦

Linux 完全不同,完全是門新的語言,但是隨著時間你會慢慢了解它的。該頁是用來解釋一些根本上的不同點,以便你可以輕鬆點。


Windows 圈子沒有對應的詞語。發行版的基礎是 linux 內核,之上是各種會影響桌面樣子的東西。多數人沒興趣全部都自己折騰過來(也太需要技術),於是發行版的概念就出來了。可以把它想成團隊的品牌。你可以有裝過Mageia, Fedora, Debian, KUbuntu 等。所有那些都會提供同樣的應用程式-你可以照著教學使用其中任何一種,但是有可能他們有自己一套的主題外觀,甚至其它細微的差別。



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What distributions are there?

There are too many distros to be listed here, and new ones keeps popping up. If you want a comprehensive overview of Linux distributions, try DistroWatch.

The number of distributions is overwhelming, but don't worry. Unless you have very specific needs, most distros should be fine. Things to look out for are:

  • Does the distro support my hardware?
  • Has it been updated recently - say, within the last year or so?
  • Is the software I want easily available (i.e. in the repositories so you don't have to compile it yourself) and well integrated in the system.
  • Does it support my native language?

It can be difficult to find all the information you need from the distro homepages. Fortunately, many distros support Live CDs allowing you to test before installing.

How to make installation media

The most common method to get a distribution is to download it from the distributions homepage. Beware, that distributions are large - typically 500 MB to 4 GB, so you need a fast web connection. Alternatively, some distributions offer to ship an installation CD or DVD for a small charge. Also some Linux magazines come with a DVD, and often carry a full distro. Perhaps the easiest solution is to ask a friend - if you know any Linux users. Most distros are open source, so it is perfectly legal to copy and redistribute them.

If you downloaded the distro, what you have is one large iso file. Now you have to burn a CD, DVD or USB drive. It is important that you don't burn it like any ordinary CD/DVD. Your burning software should have a special option for burning images (or iso files).


Bootable media are quite sensitive about the quality of the burning. You may need to set the burning speed in the settings of your burning application to a low number, such as 4x.