I projekthåndtering bruges nogle ord forskelligt i forskellige programmer, organisationer eller projekttyper. I mere udtømmende ordbøger for projekthåndtering vil du finde alternative definitioner for de fleste ord.
Denne liste definerer, hvordan visse termer bruges i Plan.
- Konto
- En konto bruges i en Struktur for omkostningsanalyse (Cost Breakdown Structure, CBS), hvor omkostninger fra Opgaver eller ressourcer kan samles.
- Allokering
- Opgaver allokeres til Ressourcer under projektets planlægningfase. Den faktiske tildeling sker under skemaplanlægningen. Bemærk, at tildeling ikke kan garanteres, da ressourcen måske ikke er til rådighed.
- Tildeling
- Opgaver tildeles til Ressourcer under skemaplanlægningen.
- Is the Cost Performance Index and is equal to BCWP/ACWP. When this index is below 1, means that you are over budget. If the index is greater than 1 means that the costs are under budget.
- Cost Breakdown structure
- The CBS organizes accounts into a structure to enable cost to be aggregated independent of the WBS and RBS.
- Estimate
- The estimate is the expected amount of effort or time needed to complete a task.
- Milestone
- Todo
- Program Evaluation and Review Technique
- PERT Distribution
- A simplified way to calculate Expected estimate from Optimistic-, Most Likely- and Pessimistic estimate.
- Resource Breakdown Structure
- The RBS organizes resources into resource groups.
- Resource
- A resource can be of type Work, Material or Team. A resource must always belong to a Resource Group.
- Resource Group
- A resource group is used to group similar resources.
- Resource Team
- A resource team is a resource that consists of a number of other resources.
- Is the Schedule Performance Index and is equal to BCWP/BCWS. When this index is below 1, means that you are behind schedule. If the index is greater than 1 means that you are ahead of the schedule.
- Summary Task
- Todo
- Task
- Todo
- vCard
- vCard is a file format standard for electronic business cards.
- Work Breakdown Structure
- The WBS is used to break down large projects into manageable chunks to ease planning and management.
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