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Amarok/Manual/Organisering/Samling/Arbejdet med medieenheder

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Revision as of 13:29, 3 December 2011 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Arbejdet med medieenheder

Brug Amarok til at spille musik fra medieenheder så som MTP-enheder, iPods og USB-enheder i almindelighed.

Tilslut medieenheder

Tilslut din medieenhed ved hjælp af USB-kablet. Enhedsbekendtgørelsesappletten vil automatisk dukke op med en liste over alle tilgængelige medieenheder. Klik på for at tilgå dine enhed.

Play Music from the Media Device

Or just wait until your device shows up in Amarok, which will take anywhere from a few seconds to a minute or more, to scan the device for music tracks. Until then the vfat volume will show 0 tracks.

After the scan, Amarok will display all the music tracks available in the Media Device, which you can then move to the Playlist to play them, or copy or move to your Local Collection.

Managing the Media
Menu Item Description
Add to playlist Adds all the selected tracks from the media device to the current Amarok playlist.
Replace the playlist Clears the current Amarok playlist and adds instead all the selected tracks from the media device.
Edit track details Opens a dialog box to edit details of the selected tracks from the media device.
Disconnect Device Disconnects the device from the computer.
Copy to collection Copy all the selected tracks to the Local collection or to any other media devices connected.
Move to collection Move all the selected tracks to the Local collection or to any other media devices connected.
Delete tracks Deletes all the selected tracks from the media device.