Konvertering er en ny funktion i Amarok siden version 2.4. Den lader dig konvertere mediefiler til et væld af formater meds du kopierer dem til din samling. En enkelt advarsel: vær forsigtig, når du bruger denne funktion, da du arbejder direkte med filer på harddisken. Lav backup!
Use transcoding while you copy files to your collection folder by right-clicking a media file then
and a menu will appear.Transcode Menu
If you choose to copy files to your collection, the following menu interface will pop up.

Menu Item | Description |
Selected media files will be copied to your collection without encoding. | |
Selected media files will be coded with the default encoding preset: medium compression, high quality, Ogg Vorbis (lossy), and a menu interface will pop up. More about this interface here. | |
Media files will be encoded to custom formats, provided that you have the required codecs. Selecting this option causes a new menu to appear. |
Custom Encoding
Whether to save space, to make your files readable by a portable music player or a particular software program, Amarok can handle it. Choose a codec from the list and a custom setting and click
Menu Item | Description |
Back to the basic Transcoding menu. | |
List of all your installed codecs; choose among them to make custom presets. If this list is empty, you need to install FFmpeg. | |
Begins encoding with the selected codecs and parameters. | |
Exits the Transcoding menu and returns to the Media Sources pane. |