Amarok/Manual/Oversigt/Amaroks menuer/Menuen Værktøjer
Menuen Værktøjer
Fra denne menu kan du bruge flere værktøjer og scripts.

Menupunkt | Beskrivelse
Lader dig gemme forskellige slags bogmærker. | |
Lader dig vise albumomslag og hente manglende omslag. | |
Vis equalizeren. | |
Tjek sporene i din samling. |
Håndtering af bogmærker
The bookmark manager allows you to bookmark different kinds of things to recall them later. You can also create folders to organize your collection of bookmarks. The search box provides a convenient way to find bookmarks. The context menu offers the possibility to
and the bookmark.
Menu Item | Description |
Saves the currently used view applets. | |
Saves the current view of the media source tree. | |
Saves the current playlist setup. | |
Saves the position in the current track. | |
Shows all albums in your collection. Here you can set custom album covers and fetch missing ones. More about the Cover Manager, shown below. |

Provides the possibility to configure sound settings. You can choose between manually adjusting the settings and using templates.

Update Collection
Checks the files in the folders you defined as your collection. New files will be added and missing ones removed from the left pane.