Plasma/Installing Plasmoids/cs
< Plasma
Instalace widgetů
Našli jste nový widget a nevíte jak jej nainstalovat? Jste tu správně!
Všechny obrázky jsou 'kliknutelné', takže se vám mohou zobrazit i v plné velikosti. Poté se z nich můžete vrátit zpět pomocí šipky zpět ve vašem prohlížeči.
Instalace z
na menu plochy.↓
Vyberte z Widget Explorer.
Search for the required widget and press .
Drag the installed widget to the desktop or a panel as usual.
Installing from local file
from desktop menu.
Select from Widget Explorer.
Select the widget type to install.
Select a local file and press .
Installing from Konsole
To install a Plasma widget from Konsole type:
plasmapkg -u widget-file-name.plasmoid
I can't install plasmoids in Plasma Workspaces 4.5.1
This is caused by a bug in kdelibs 4.5.1 (bug 251192) which prevents the installer from extracting plasmoid files. The workaround is to extract the file manually and install it from Konsole or another terminal.
- Download the plasmoid
- Open the file (*.plasmoid) with Ark and extract it to a directory
- Open Konsole and navigate to the directory from the previous step
cd /path/to/directory
- Install the plasmoid with the command (where directory-name is the name of the extracted directory)
plasmapkg -i directory-name
You can navigate to the directory in Dolphin and press F4 to open an embedded terminal.