Digikam/Gestionar fotografies des de múltiples instal·lacions del digiKam
Gestionar fotos des de múltiples instal·lacions de digiKam
Transcrit des de l'article d'en Dmitri Popov, el 13 de març de 2011
Com emmagatzemar les vostres fotos en un servidor o disc de xarxa? Voleu gestionar diverses màquines basades en Linux utilitzant digiKam? Aquí teniu com fer-ho.
En primer lloc, necessitareu muntar al vostre ordinador el directori en el servidor que conté les fotos. Assumint que el servidor està executant Linux i que es pot connectar amb ell a través de SSH, podreu muntar el directori remot utilitzant sshfs. Per fer-ho, primer cal instal·lar el paquet sshfs. En Ubuntu i distribucions de Linux basades en Debian, ho podreu fer executant l'ordre
apt-get install sshfs
com a root. A continuació, executeu l'ordre id i anoteu els valors uid i gid del vostre compte (per exemple, uid=1000 gid=1000). Utilitzeu llavors la següent ordre per muntar un directori del servidor al vostre ordinador:
sshfs usuari@màquina:/ruta/al/dir /mountpoint -o idmap=usuari -o uid=1000 -o gid=1000
Replace user with the name of the existing user on the server and host with the IP address of the server. Replace /path/to/dir with the path to the directory on the server and /mountpoint with the directory on your machine that will be used as a mount point. Once the directory has been mounted, you can use the files in it as they were on your own machine. To unmount the directory, use the fusermount command as follows:
fusermount -u /mountpoint
Next, you have to configure digiKam to use a MySQL database as its back-end. This would require, of course, a MySQL installation running either on your own server or on another remote machine. The Use digiKam with MySQL article provides detailed instructions on how to make digiKam work with MySQL.
The rest is easy. In digiKam, choose
and switch to the section. Press the button next to the entry, then add the folder that contains the photos from the mounted remote directory as a new album.In a similar manner, you can configure digiKam on any other machine you want to use to manage photos stored on the server.