Kdenlive/Підручник/Ефекти і переходи
Список ефектів і переходів за абеткою
Назва ефекту або переходу | Тип | Категорія | |
3 point balance | Відеоефект | Виправлення кольорів | |
addition | Перехід | - | |
addition_alpha | Перехід | - | |
Affine | Transition | - | |
Alpha gradient | Video effect | Alpha manipulation | |
Alpha operations | Video effect | Alpha manipulation | |
alpha over | Transition | - | |
Alpha shapes | Video effect | Alpha manipulation | |
alphaatop | Transition | - | |
alphain | Transition | - | |
alphaout | Transition | - | |
alphaxor | Transition | - | |
Audio channels | Audio effect | Audio | |
Audio Wave | Video effect | Misc | |
Auto Mask | Video effect | Blur and hide | |
Balance | Audio effect | Audio | |
Baltan | Video effect | Misc | |
Bezier Curves | Video effect | Colour Correction | |
blend | Transition | - | |
Blue Screen | Video effect | Alpha manipulation | |
Blur | Video effect | Blur and hide | |
Box Blur | Video effect | Blur and hide | |
Brightness | Video effect | Colour Correction | |
Brightness (keyframable) | Video effect | Colour Correction | |
burn | Transition | - | |
Cartoon | Video effect | Misc | |
Charcoal | Video effect | Fun | |
Chroma Hold | Video effect | Colour | |
color_only | Transition | - | |
Color Distance | Video effect | Misc | |
Color Selection | Video effect | Alpha manipulation | |
Composite | Transition | - | |
Contrast | Video effect | Colour | |
Copy Channels | Audio effect | Audio | |
Corners | Video effect | Distort | |
Crop | Video effect | Crop and transform | |
Curves | Video effect | Colour Correction | |
darken | Transition | - | |
Defish | Video effect | Distort | |
Delay grab | Video effect | Misc | |
delay0r | Video effect | Misc | |
Denoiser | Video effect | Enhancement | |
difference | Transition | - | |
Dissolve | Transition | - | |
Distort | Video effect | Distort | |
dodge | Transition | - | |
Dust | Video effect | Fun | |
Dynamic Text | Video effect | Misc | |
Edge glow | Video effect | Misc | |
Equaliz0r | Video effect | Misc | |
Fade from Black | Video effect | Fade | |
Fade in | Audio effect | Fade | |
Fade out | Audio effect | Fade | |
Fade to Black | Video effect | Fade | |
Flippo | Video effect | Misc | |
Freeze | Video effect | Motion | |
Gain | Audio effect | Audio correction | |
Gamma | Video effect | Colour Correction | |
Glow | Video effect | Blur and hide | |
Grain | Video effect | Fun | |
grain_extract | Transition | - | |
Greyscale | Video effect | Colour | |
Hard Limiter | Audio effect | Audio correction | |
hardlight | Transition | - | |
Hue shift | Video effect | Colour | |
Hue shift | Transition | - | |
Invert | Video effect | Colour | |
K-Means Clustering | Video effect | Misc | |
keysplillm0pup | Video effect | Misc | |
Lens Correction | Video effect | Distort | |
LetterB0xed | Video effect | Crop and transform | |
Levels | Video effect | Colour Correction | |
Light Graffiti | Video effect | Misc | |
lighten | Transition | - | |
Luminance | Video effect | Misc | |
Mask0Mate | Video effect | Alpha manipulation | |
Mirror | Video effect | Distort | |
Mono to stereo | Audio effect | Audio | |
Mono to Stereo splitter | Audio effect | Audio | |
multiply | Transition | - | |
Mute | Audio effect | Audio correction | |
Nervous | Video effect | Misc | |
Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix | Video effect | Enhancement | |
Normalise | Audio effect | Audio correction | |
nosync0r | Video effect | Misc | |
Obscure | Video effect | Blur and hide | |
Oldfilm | Video effect | Fun | |
overlay | Transition | - | |
Pan | Audio effect | Audio | |
Pan and Zoom | Video effect | Crop and transform | |
Pixelize | Video effect | Distort | |
pr0be | Video effect | Misc | |
pr0file | Video effect | Misc | |
Primaries | Video effect | Colour | |
Regionalize | Video effect | Misc | |
Regionalize | Transition | - | |
RGB adjustment | Video effect | Colour Correction | |
RGB Parade | Video effect | Colour | |
Rotate (keyframable) | Video effect | Crop and transform | |
Rotate and Shear | Video effect | Crop and transform | |
Rotoscoping | Video effect | Alpha manipulation | |
Saturation | Video effect | Colour | |
Saturation | Transition | - | |
Scale and Tilt | Video effect | Crop and transform | |
scanline0r | Video effect | Misc | |
Scratchlines | Video effect | Fun | |
screen | Transition | - | |
Sepia | Video effect | Colour | |
Sharpen | Video effect | Enhancement | |
Slide | Transition | - | |
Sobel | Video effect | Misc | |
softlight | Transition | - | |
SOP/Sat | Video effect | Colour Correction | |
Speed | Video effect | Motion | |
Square Blur | Video effect | Blur and hide | |
Swap channels | Audio effect | Audio | |
Techicolor | Video effect | Colour | |
TehRoxx0r | Video effect | Misc | |
threelay0r | Video effect | Misc | |
Threshold | Video effect | Misc | |
Threshold0r | Video effect | Misc | |
Tint | Video effect | Colour | |
twolay0r | Video effect | Misc | |
UV Map | Transition | - | |
value | Transition | - | |
Vectorscope | Video effect | Misc | |
Vertigo | Video effect | Misc | |
Vignette | Video effect | Misc | |
Vignette Effect | Video effect | Fun | |
Volume (keyframable) | Audio effect | Audio correction | |
Wave | Video effect | Distort | |
White Balance | Video effect | Colour Correction | |
Wipe | Transition | - | |
Xfade0r | Transition | - |