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Revision as of 14:09, 15 February 2013 by Oldgun (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Qt 是在 UNIX 平台下最好的图形界面(GUI)开发包。一个桌面环境的成功极度依赖其应用软件。使用 Qt 将会极大地促进应用软件的开...")

Qt,用来开发 KDE 应用程序 GUI 界面的工具包,最初并不是以完全自由许可证发行的,因为奇趣科技公司(TrollTech)也有商业化的一面。奇趣公司是 Qt 的创造者,那这样为 KDE 开发的专用程序必须获得奇趣公司的许可授权,而且 Qt 的任何升级都必须经过奇趣公司。但是 KDE 软件是一个开源项目,使用 Qt 做开发的做法曾一度在开源界激进分子中激起强烈争议。然而现在 Qt 又在 GPL 许可下重新授权,这些争论也就不复存在了。当然,这是 KDE 发展历程中非常重要的一环。

为什么 KDE 开发人员要选 Qt?

  • Qt 是在 UNIX 平台下最好的图形界面(GUI)开发包。一个桌面环境的成功极度依赖其应用软件。使用 Qt 将会极大地促进应用软件的开发,从而促进 KDE 的发展。
  • Qt 对所有人都是免费的,包括它的代码,为自由软件的开发和发行提供基础。
  • 我们积极地鼓励商业软件公司为 KDE 提供应用软件。这些公司需要成熟、高质量的工具包和技术支持。而在 GPL 下发行的工具包都没有达到这些标准。
  • 重新开发一套在 LGPL 下发行的,与奇趣公司发行质量相当的 Qt 工具包会耗费时间,并且也不会比先开发一个易用、自由的开放性桌面更加重要。

KDE 自由 Qt 基金会

To tackle this problem, the KDE Free Qt Foundation was founded by the KDE project and Trolltech. This foundation ensured the continued availability of Qt as a free software development framework. Namely, should Trolltech no longer make Qt available for free software, the currently released version will be re-released under the BSD style license - a license similar in nature but less restrictive than the GPL or LGPL.

This decision to re-release would be moderated by a team of 2 members representing the KDE foundation (unaffiliated with Trolltech) and 2 members from Trolltech to vote. In case of a tie, the KDE vote will gain higher weighting.

Harmony 项目

Those who prioritised the release of an GPL licensed formed the Harmony project - a project to clone Qt under a GPL license. Rapid progress was made during its time and thus gave purists no excuse to reject KDE as a respectable and compliant desktop environment. However this project was depreciated as Trolltech made the decision to re-license Qt under the GPL.

KDE 软件的大日子

12 July 1998 - KDE 1.0 Announcement "An integrated Desktop Environment for the Unix Operating System. We are pleased to announce the availability of release 1.0 of the KDesktop Environment"

23 October 2000 - KDE 2.0 released "The KDE Team today announced the release of KDE 2.0, KDE's powerful, modular, Internet-enabled desktop. This highly anticipated release constitutes the next generation of the award-winning KDE 1 series, which culminated in the release of KDE 1.1.2 just over a year ago. KDE 2.0 is the work product of hundreds of dedicated developers originating from over 30 countries. "

17 December 2001 - KOffice 1.1.1 Released "Currently KOffice has functionality well-suited for home and SOHO users, who generally write letters, faxes, memos and similar documents. KOffice 1.1.1 is a minor update release for KOffice 1.1."

3 April 2002 - KDE 3.0 Released "KDE 3.0 is a major step for the KDE project. A hundred words could be written here, but to stop boring you with details, lets just say: Check it out!"

11th May 2007 - KDE 4.0 Alpha 1 Released "KDE Project Ships First Alpha Release for Leading Free Software Desktop."

16th October 2007 - KDE 3.5.8 Released "Project Ships Eighth Translation and Service Release for Leading Free Software Desktop."

11th January 2008 - KDE 4.0 Released "KDE Community Ships Fourth Major Version for Leading Free Software Desktop."

19th February 2008 - KDE 3.5.9 Released "KDE Community Ships Ninth Maintenance Update for Third Major Version for Leading Free Software Desktop."

29th July 2008 - KDE 4.1 Released "KDE Community Ships Major Update to Leading Free Software Desktop."

26th August 2008 - KDE 3.5.10 Released "KDE Community Ships Tenth Maintenance Update for Third Major Version for Leading Free Software Desktop."

12th October 2008 - KDE Forum Launched "KDE Launches Web-based Bulletin Board."

27th January 2009 - KDE 4.2.0 Released "KDE Community Ships Second Major Update To Leading Free Software Desktop."

4th August 2009 - KDE 4.3.0 Released "KDE Community Ships Third Update to the KDE 4 Desktop, Applications and Platform."

9th February 2010 - KDE SC 4.4.0 Released "KDE announces the immediate availability of the KDE Software Compilation 4.4, "Caikaku", bringing an innovative collection of applications to Free Software users."

10th August, 2010 - KDE 4.5.0 released Focusing on "stability, the overall polish and performance gain".

26th January 2011 - KDE SC 4.6.0 Released Major updates to the KDE Plasma workspaces, KDE Applications and KDE Platform

27th July 2011 - KDE 4.7.0 released Containing compelling new features and improvements to the Plasma Workspaces, the KDE Applications and the KDE Development Platform

For a more detailed look at the history, including details of all the KDE 3.x releases, see this page