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La Moodbar (barre d'ambiance )

La Moodbar donne l' "ambiance" (mood) d'une piste, que vous pouvez ensuite utiliser pour signaler que quelquechose d'intéressant arrive dans la chanson.

Pour que Amarok affiche des barres d'ambiance pour votre musique, vous aurez besoin du programme Moodbar (voir ci-dessous pour le téléchargement et les paquetages binaires).

Le paquetage Moodbar nécessite GStreamer et des modules externes variés qui dépendent des types de fichiers que vous utilisez (voir les types de fichiers supportés). Vous n'aurez pas besoin du paquetage phonon-backend-gstreamer pour créer des fichiers .mood .

Il y a deux parties dans l'implémentation de la nouvelle Moodbar : le paquetage Moodbar , qui contient un programme qui prend en entrée un fichier de musique et qui génère un fichier .mood , et un interpréteur en source Amarok , qui exécute le binaire et affiche la Moodbar. Le paquetage Moodbar est lié aux bibliothèques GStreamer . Sans le paquetage Moodbar , Amarok ne peut pas générer les fichers moodbars de votre musique.

Comme palliatif, il existe un nouveau script qui peut créer les fichiers moodbar pour les pistes d'une liste de lecture (playlist) Amarok ; c'est une exception à ce qui a été dit plus haut. Le script n'a rien besoin d'autre que de Amarok pour s'exécuter, mais ne crée que les fichiers .mood comme ils figurent dans la Playlist.

Moodbar est le résultat du travail de Gavin Wood et de Simon O'Keefe, qui ont conçus les algorithmes; leur documentation initiale est ici.

Résumé des besoins

  • Le binaire de Moodbar , dans votre variable PATH (après avoir démarré
    which moodbar
    d'une console) — Pensez à configurer le paquetage Moodbar avec
    ./configure --prefix=`pkg-config --variable=prefix gstreamer-0.10`
  • La bibliothèque GStreamer 0.10 et les modules externes correspondants aux formats reconnaissables par Moodbar' . Un fork basé sur GStreamer 1.0 est aussi disponible, voir ci-dessous.
  • La bibliothèque FFTW transformée de Fourier la plus rapide de l'ouest - Fastest Fourier Transform In The West - ( version 3.0 ou supérieure (au moins en version flottant simple précision - libfftw3f) — si votre plateforme ne vous fournit pas cela ou bien si vous avez besoin de compiler votre propre version, vérifiez de bien paramètrer le paquetage FFTW avec
    ./configure --enable-single
  • Une version de Amarok avec une option Utiliser les moods dans la section Général de l'écran de configuration. Ce qui correspond à la version 1.4.4 ou supérieure pour les séries 1.4 ou bien 2.2.2 ou supérieure pour les séries 2.x .
Les systèmes munis d'un gestionnaire de paquetage devraient installer automatiquement tous les modules externes GStreamer et FFTW en même temps que le paquetage Moodbar; cette information est fournie souvent pour les personnes qui veulent ou qui ont besoin de recompiler les sources ou qui veulent faire une installation manuelle.


Aujourd'hui les fichiers .mood doivent être générés la main. Amarok ne peut pas le faire pour vous. Pour appliquer cela à votre collection entière, utilisez le Script de génération de fichier Moodbar décrit ci-dessous.

To enable the display of moodbars in Amarok, activate it in the configuration: Settings -> Configure Amarok -> General -> Show Moodbar in Progress Slider. Moodbars should now appear in the track sliders in the player window and Playlist; there will also be a mood field that you may add to your playlist layouts.


Téléchargement des sources
Latest release: moodbar-0.1.2.tar.gz — this is the Moodbar source package, which contains the Moodbar program (which generates .mood files from music files), and a GStreamer plugin that does the work. The Moodbar package needs GStreamer 0.10.* installed, plus the 0.10.* version of various plugins. Be sure to install the Moodbar package into the same prefix as GStreamer — follow the instructions in the INSTALL file.

As the Moodbar version above uses nowadays obsolete GStreamer 0.10 and the original source code link is dead, sources have been uploaded to GitHub and a forked version supporting GStreamer 1.0 has been developed.

If you find any bugs, please submit a bug report at

Paquetages Debian

A package for Moodbar is now available in Debian unstable. Simply run

apt-get install moodbar

. You will likely also want to install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, gstreamer0.10-plugins-good, and gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad for format support.

Paquetages Kubuntu et Ubuntu

A package for Moodbar is available in the official package repository; just ensure the universe section is activated (which should be default anyway). Just install the package moodbar with your preferred package manager (Kpackagekit, Aptitude, Adept, Synaptic). You will likely also want to install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, gstreamer0.10-plugins-good, and gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad for format support.

Or, to install, paste this into Firefox or Konqueror and hit Enter.

Gentoo ebuilds

Moodbar is available in Portage, simply

emerge moodbar

Unofficial ebuilds are no longer required.

RPM builds

If you are a rpm-based distro user, you can build a .rpm using rpmbuild with latest gstreamer-plugins-moodbar.spec. The binary package will be soon available for PLD-linux distro.


In Fedora 7 and higher (up to 16 as of this writing) Moodbar is available in the default repositories. Simply install it with your PackageKit GUI or with the following yum command:

yum install moodbar
Paquetages openSUSE

openSUSE 11.0 and later, automatically install the following packages:

  • gstreamer-0_10-fluendo-mp3
  • gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base

Also, if your songs contain ID3 tags, you must install

  • gstreamer-0_10-plugins-good
Installation de Moodbar

1-Click Install for openSUSE 11. - just choose your version and installation procedure will do the rest:

To install, add the correct repository for your version of openSUSE to YaST then make sure the following packages are installed:

  • gstreamer-0_10-plugins-good
  • gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly
  • gstreamer-0_10-plugins-moodbar
  • mad

Pour plus de détails sur la manière d'ajouter des dépôts, voiyez le wiki openSUSE.

If you are using the Smart software management tool, add the channel by entering the following at the command line, remember to change the URL to match your version of openSUSE:

smart channel --add

Then enter

smart update home:d7

You can now install the required packages by

smart install gstreamer10-plugins-moodbar

Dependencies are resolved automatically.

Paquetages Mandriva

First of all, you need to add PLF repositories, so visit and add them to your repositories list. Then simply install the following packages:

  • gstreamer0.10-moodbar
  • gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly
  • gstreamer0.10-plugins-good
  • gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
Archive Linux

There is a PKGBUILD for Moodbar in the Arch User Repository (AUR) available here.

For more information about the AUR and working with PKGBUILDs, see the AUR User Guidelines.


There is a port: audio/gstreamer-plugins-moodbar here.

To install the port:

cd /usr/ports/audio/gstreamer-plugins-moodbar/ && make install clean

To add the package:

pkg_add -r gstreamer-plugins-moodbar

Script de génération de fichiers Moodbar

Here is a simple bash script that will add .mood files to your entire collection. It adds mood files for all files matching the extensions in the current directory and all subdirectories, so it's best run from the base of your music directory.

 control_c()        # run if user hits control-c
   echo "" > "$LAST"
   echo "Exiting..."
 if [ -e "$LAST" ]; then
   read filetodelete < "$LAST"
   rm "$filetodelete" "$LAST"
 exec 9< <(find "$DIR" -type f -regextype posix-awk -iregex '.*\.(mp3|ogg|flac|wma)') # you may need to add m4a and mp4
 while read i
   OUTF=`echo "$TEMP" | sed 's#\(.*\)/\([^,]*\)#\1/.\2#'`
   trap 'control_c "$OUTF"' INT
   if [ ! -e "$OUTF" ] || [ "$i" -nt "$OUTF" ]; then
     moodbar -o "$OUTF" "$i" || { C_RET=1; echo "An error occurred!" >&2; }
 done <&9
 exec 9<&-
 exit $C_RET

Copy and paste the above into a text file named in your music directory and run the following commands:

cd /path/to/music

Alternatively if the above does not work, you may try:

chmod +x

This may take a very long time for large collections! Note that the moodbars will not appear in Amarok until Amarok rescans the collection. The generated mood files will be dotfiles (i.e., prefixed with a full stop), or hidden files - so keep this in mind if you can't find any generated mood files.

Basé sur le script ci-dessus, voici une variante pour les CPUs multi-coeurs :

 NUMCPU="$(grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)"
 find . -type f -regextype posix-awk -iregex '.*\.(mp3|ogg|flac|wma)' | while read i ; do
        while [ `jobs -p | wc -l` -ge $NUMCPU ] ; do
                sleep 0.1
        OUTF=`echo "$TEMP" | sed 's#\(.*\)/\([^,]*\)#\1/.\2#'`
        if [ ! -e "$OUTF" ] ; then
                moodbar -o "$OUTF" "$i" &
Dead Links
The links are not available anymore. I don't know if it should be updated or deleted

There is another script at Github, which shows previews of the generated mood files on the command line while they are being generated. Read more about it at the author's blog.


  • If the Moodbar executable gives you a bus error, that almost always means it can't decode (or can't find) your file. Take a look at the supported file types below for ideas on which GStreamer plugins to install. You can also try the command below to test whether GStreamer can decode your file:
    gst-launch filesrc location=[file] ! decodebin ! fakesink
  • Si vous utilisez le module externe ffmpeg pour décoder les fichiers mp3, vous pouvez obtenir de mystérieuses erreurs bus. La solution est d'arrêter d'utiliser le greffon ffmpeg , car il est très bogué — et d'utiliser mad à la place.
  • If the Moodbar executable tells you that it can't find an element — i.e., it gives an error message like
    Could not create element of type fftwspectrum, please install it.
    — that usually means that you either don't have the required plugins installed (see the plugin list here), or that you didn't install the Moodbar package in the same prefix as GStreamer. If and are not in the same directory, then Moodbar is not installed in the same prefix as GStreamer. Please read the INSTALL file for instructions on how to configure the moodbar package correctly. Alternatively, if you know what you're doing, it may be easier for you to take a look at the GST_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable.
  • If you're wondering why the Moodbar isn't working, either not working at all or not working for a particular file, run the command below, where [file] is a music file:
    moodbar -o test.mood [file]
  • If you have multiple versions of GStreamer installed, make sure all of the required plugins are installed for version 0.10.* -- different versions cannot use each other's plugins.

Types de fichiers pris en charge

You will need various Gstreamer plugins to enable Moodbar to analyze your files. Here is a list of the plugins you will need; make sure to install the 0.10.* version of each plugin:

Extension Module externe nécessaire Commentaire
toutes gstreamer-0.10.*, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good
mp3 gst-plugins-mad (in gst-plugins-ugly) le module externe ffmpeg a des problèmes; ne pas l'utiliser sur le mp3
ogg gst-plugins-vorbis, gst-plugins-ogg
flac gst-plugins-flac
mp4 gst-plugins-faad, gst-plugins-bad
musepack gst-plugins-musepack
wma gst-plugins-ffmpeg

Captures d'écran

Barre de progression Moodbar de Amarok 2
Barre de progression Moodbar de Amarok 2