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Revision as of 11:40, 29 July 2010 by Annew (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'Einige Probleme sind Distribution spezifisch, deshalb ist es eine gute Idee, in dem IRC-Kanal Ihrer Distribution um Hilfe zu bitten.')

Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar

Registrierte KDE-Bezogene IRC-Kanäle

Sie können folgende KDE-Bezogenen IRC-Kanäle im freenode IRC Netzwerk (alias irc.kde.org) finden:

Note: Depending on how your system or distribution configures your browser set to honor irc:// links, clicking on a channel name will start up your IRC client, connect to the server and join the channel. This behavior is browser and system specific.


Kanäle (zum sortieren auf das Symbol klicken)
#kde - Hauptkanal für KDE-Nutzer
#kde-chat - Für Off-Topic Diskussionen
#kde-forum - Der Kanal vom KDE-Forum Team
#kdelook - Lass KDE gut aussehen. Wirklich gut.
#kde-women - KDE Frauen
#kde-wiki - Diese Seite's - Der KDE Wiki Kanal

Gemeinschaften nach Land

Kanäle (zum sortieren auf das Symbol klicken)
#kde-ar - Argentinischer KDE Kanal
#kde-be - Belgischer KDE Kanal
#kde.de - Deutscher KDE Kanal
#kde-brasil - Brasilianischer KDE Kanal
#kde-es - Spanisches KDE
#kdehispano - KDE in Spanien
#kde-nl - KDE in den Niederlanden
#kde-fr - KDE in Frankreich
#kde-ir - KDE im Iran
#kde-cn - KDE in China
#kde.in - Indischer KDE Kanal
#kde-italia - Italienische Benutzerhilfe

Gemeinschaften nach Distribution

Einige Probleme sind Distribution spezifisch, deshalb ist es eine gute Idee, in dem IRC-Kanal Ihrer Distribution um Hilfe zu bitten.

Channels (click on the icon to sort)
#debian-kde - KDE software on Debian. Note a different network: irc.debian.org also known as oftc.
#fedora-kde - KDE software on Fedora
#gentoo-kde - KDE software on Gentoo
#kde-freebsd - KDE software on FreeBSD
#kubuntu - KDE software onKubuntu/Ubuntu
#kubuntu-es - KDE software on Spanish Kubuntu/Ubuntu
#opensuse-kde - KDE software on OpenSUSE
#archlinux-kdemod - KDEmod on Arch Linux
#kde-windows - KDE software on MS Windows


Channels (click on the icon to sort)
#akonadi - Users and developers of Akonadi
#akregator - Users and developers of aKregator
#amarok - Users and developers of Amarok
#amarok.de - German users and developers of Amarok
#amarok.es - Spanish users and developers of Amarok
#amarok.fr - French users and developers of Amarok
#rokymotion - Promotion stuff of amarok
#apollon - Users and developers of Apollon
#kaxul - Users and developers of KJSEmbed
#kate - Users and developers of Kate
#kde-accessibility - Users and developers of accessibility apps, including KDE Text-to-Speech (KTTS)
#kde-edu - Users and developers of KDE's Educational programs
#kdevelop - Users and developers of KDevelop
#kdegames - Users and developers of KDE's games
#kexi - Users and developers of Kexi
#kimdaba - Users and developers of KimDaBa
#koffice - Users and developers of KOffice
#konqueror - Users and developers of Konqueror
#kontact - Users and developers of Kontact
#konversation - Users and developers of Konversation
#kopete - Users and developers of Kopete
#kpdf - User and developers of KPDF
#kplayer - Users and developers of KPlayer
#kvirc - Users and developers of KVirc
#kwin - Users and developers of KWin
#marble - Users and developers of Marble
#okular - Users and developers of Okular
#quanta - Users and developers of Quanta+
#showimg - Users and developers of ShowImg
#choqok - Users and developers of Choqok
#blogilo - Users and developers of Blogilo

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