Panels in Plasma Desktop

A Panel is a widget container which can be located on any side of the desktop. There can be multiple panels on the same side. The default layout is one panel that stretches across the entire bottom of the desktop with the following widgets: application menu, desktop pager, task manager (list of open windows), system tray and clock. At the end of the panel is a toolbox button which can be activated to access configuration options.
To configure a panel, the interface must be unlocked. When locked, the toolbox buttons will not be shown on either the desktop or on panels. Unlocking can be done by right clicking on either a panel or desktop and selecting "Unlock Widgets" from the menu that is displayed. The panel can then be configured by clicking on the toolbox located on the right for horizontal or bottom for vertical panel. At that point, the panel will be in configuration mode. Panel configuration may also be accessed via the context (right click) menu in the panel.

Widgets in panel can be sorted by dragging when in configuration mode. Widget align left in horizontal and top in vertical panel
- Screen Edge: Allows you to drag the panel to any of the four edges of the screen.
- Height (for horizontal panel): Allows the panel height to be adjusted.
- Width (for vertical panel): Allows the panel width to be adjusted.
- Add Widgets: Allows widgets to be added to the panel.
- Add Spacer: Allows you to add a spacer into the panel giving space between the items in it.
- Lock Widgets: Locks the panel and widgets in position. Also hides the toolbox.
- Panel Alignment: Allows the alignment of the panel to be set in three pre-set positions.
- Top
- Center
- Bottom
- Visibility
- Always Visible: Keeps the panel visible at all times, even when windows are maximised.
- Auto Hide: Hides the panel off screen until the mouse is placed near the screen edge.
- Windows can cover: This allows windows to cover the panel and if maximised, will cover the panel.
- Windows go below: This allows windows to go below the panel, even when maximised.
- Maximize Panel: Makes the panel fit to the screen edges, if it has been resized.
- Remove this panel: Removes the current panel and all widgets in it.