Although originally intended for use with Palm Pilot devices, KPilot can synchronise data between your PC and many types of handheld devices
- KPilot is a replacement for the Palm Desktop software from PalmSource Inc., which makes your PalmOS powered handheld (e.g., a Palm Zire 31) capable of exchanging information with your KDE powered computer. KPilot doesn't replace the Palm Desktop all by itself. It connects and integrates a number of fine KDE 3.x applications such as Kontact into a package that can do everything the Palm Desktop can, and more.
- General advice and information can be found on the project home pages. While there is no guarantee that KPilot will work with any particular handheld, there is a list of models reported as working.
- The project's FAQ page gives information about Device Connection issues and HotSync issues. It also answers a number of technical questions.