Almindelige opgaver
Når almindelige handlinger føles underlige
Hvis du aldrig har brugt arbejdsfladen Plasma før, så er der nok mange almindelige handlinger, som vil føles underlige. Dels præsenteres du for helt nye begreber, dels er der ting, som bare gøres anderledes. Der er screancasts om, hvordan man udfører mange handlinger i Plasma på denne side.
Hvordan installerer jeg mere software fra KDE?
Hvordan du installerer software på din computer, hvad enten du bruger KDE SC eller GNOME afhænger først og fremmest af din distributions softwarehåndteringssystem. Få mere information fra din distribution.
Hvordan installerer jeg drivere til wifi/video/anden hardware?
Installation af hardwaredrivere til netværk eller video er noget, som de fleste distributioner tager sig af. Forskellige distributioner bruger forskellige redskaber til at konfigurere hardware. Få mere information fra din distribution.
Filhåndtering på steroider
Dolphin er din nye filmanager, men den virker meget anderledes end de filmanagere, som du har været vant til. Lær, hvordan du aktiverer forvisninger, opnår nem adgang til de mapper, som du bruger mest og vælger, hvor mange detaljer om filerne, som du vil se. Dette og mere i denne vejledning i filhåndtering.
Når almindelige handlinger føles underlige
Konqueror is primarily a web interface, but it can also function as a traditional file manager. If this is your preference, in System Settings, go to the and click on . In the list of Known Types, go to the inode/directory type. In the tab at the right side of the window, select Konqueror in the Application Preference Order and click on the button until it is at the top. Click on to save the changes.
Renaming Multiple Files
There are times when you need to rename a large number of files or folders at the same time. This is often referred to as "batch renaming," and can be accomplished a number of ways in KDE.
With Dolphin
Dolphin has a ability to rename multiple files by numbering them, though the functionality is currently limited and only useful in certain situations. One useful application would be renaming a set of photos. Here's how it's done
With KRename
KRename has the ability to rename large numbers of files based on many different criteria, including search and replace, file properties, mp3 & ogg metadata, and many others.
KRename can be found in the Kickoff menu in the Utilities section. It may be called "Bulk Rename".
Configuration Help
Full KDE on Small Screens (e.g. Netbooks)
- The Plasma Netbook Interface is customised to make the most of the available space and automatically configures windowmanagement to give full room to applications.
- KWin's page has hints for slimming down window decorations, making fonts smaller, and disabling tooltips in KMail.
Where did my Favourite Application go?
- Finding your Application Some applications have changed names when ported to the new KDE platforms. You may find your favourite on this page.