Getting Started
Throughout this guide, I assume you have a Nokia N900 with an installation of Marble and an installation of Monav on it. You'll find instructions on installing the software in our installation tutorial. Getting the device is something you need to take care of yourself.
During the setup of offline routing, you also need Internet access. Once the data for the region you're interested in is downloaded, no Internet connection is needed anymore. You can use Marble to calculate routes in that region without Internet access from there on.
Please start Marble on the N900. The initial view should look similar to this one, possibly showing a different location on the map. We'll use Switzerland, a country in Europe, in this example. Let's assume we're in Bern, the capital of Switzerland, and want to use Marble for offline routing.

Installing Offline Routing Maps
To get offline routing working, we need to download an appropriate offline routing map first. Marble is able to download offline routing maps for motorcar routing. We provide maps for all countries of the world. For some countries, smaller parts of the country are available for download as well.
We'll download the map for Switzerland now. To do that, open the Marble application menu: Tap on the 'Marble - Virtual Desktop' text on the top of the screen. Choose the 'Routing' button on the bottom left.

The routing dialog is opened. It's just a stop-over; go for the 'Configure' link directly.

Pressing the 'Configure' link opens the dialog to configure the current routing profile.

Here'll we'll disable all routing backends (the services and programs Marble uses to retrieve routes) except Monav, the offline router we want to use. Once only Monav is selected like shown in the screenshot above, tap on the 'Configure' button. On the dialog that comes up, switch to the 'Install New' tab and choose Switzerland.

Done? Hit 'Install' to have Marble download the map. You'll get a progress indicator while the map is being downloaded.

Wait for the download and the installation to finish. Once done, the new map appears in both the 'Configure' and the 'Manage Maps' tabs.

With the Switzerland map successfully installed, we can continue to use it for offline routing. Hit 'Done' in all opened dialogs to close them.
Downloading Map Data
Marble is able to calculate routes anywhere within Switzerland now. The map images that are displayed are not available yet however -- if you'd cut the Internet connection now and move the map to a part of Switzerland you didn't look up before, Marble would not have a detailed map image to show to you. Fortunately there's the 'Download Region' feature to help out. It downloads the map images (which are often called tiles) for a rectangular region -- the part you see on the screen -- or along the current route.
Let's see the 'Download Region' feature in action. We'll calculate a route and download tiles along it. Move the map near the desired start, click on the start point and select 'Directions from here' in the upcoming menu.

Likewise, select the route destination using the 'Directions to here' menu entry. Marble will calculate the route and show it to you.