Kopete/Jabber/Створення власного облікового запису Jabber
Після запуску Kopete ви побачите перед собою порожнє вікно.

In the bottom section it says . Click there or open to create a new account. We actually want to create a Jabber-account, so we select the menu-item and click . After clicking on , a new window opens where we can write in a Jabber-server, where the account shall be created.

You can either manually write it into the textbox or select it from the provided list, which appears after clicking on the button

After selecting a server you are able to complete your desired Jabber-ID, i.e. your username. Add your prefered name in front of the "@" in the field . After filling in your password and repeating it you should tick the checkbox for having an encrypted client-server connection.

Some servers might not be capable of this option, but most of them are. Now click on to finish the registration.
Вітаємо, ви зареєстрували новий обліковий запис на сервері Jabber!
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- Kopete/Jabber/Create your Jabber account/uk
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