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Kontact Touch

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 08:29, 16 December 2010 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Kontact Mobile er navnet på KDE's Kontact med en brugerflade til touchscreens. Omskrivningen udføres af initiativerne KDEPIM og KDE Mobile. Kontact Mobile er også en fuldstændig klient til Kolab Groupware; det overvejes i øjeblikket at bruge navnet Kontact Touch. Se skærmbillederne.

I øjeblikket er Kontact Mobiles tilstand i en betaversion. De fleste funktioner er implementeret og vi sætter pris på enhver feedback.

Installation og opdatering

Kom i gang

=== Start Kontact Mobile ===Efter installationen har du fem nye ikoner i din mobil, som åbner mail, kalender, adressebog, noter og gøremålslister i Kontact-Mobile.

Rør ved en af dem for at starte den. Bemærk, at den første opstart af disse programmer vil tage lang tid, da de skal starte nogle processer, som arbejder dybt nede i baggrunden. Første gang kan du godt regne med at skulle vente i et minut.

Kun for Maemo: Du kan selvfølgelig starte hver af dem fra kommandolinjen ved


(og tilsvarende for de andre programmer), da denne kommando sætte stien LD_LIBRARY_PATH korrekt.

=== Opsætning af dine konti ===Det første' du nok vil gøre er at opsætte en ny mailkonto. For at gøre det, starter du mailprogrammet, trækker flappen Actions på startsiden ud, klik Accounts, Add Account og følg instruktionerne.


Du kan ikke gøre dette for alle brugerfladerne endnu, men for email virker det fint. Hvis du har en Kolab Server, så vil alle andre programmer også tilgå data fra din server.

You may change the following settings, by choosing the account and use Configure Account:

  • Switch off interval sync. This might a bit too much if the initial sync has not gone through nicely (which is still possible with beta builds). You can turn it on later.
  • Switch off handling of server side subscriptions (otherwise you might not be seeing some folder you are expecting to see).
  • Enable disconnected mode for email if the number of emails you have is not that high. It mean a longer initial sync, but afterwards only changes get synced and the emails will be cached fully on the device.

Understanding the Interaction ideas

Navigate through your folders by our flatten tree view. You can also choose to see multiple folders at once, when you click on Select on the homepage.

Actions can be accessed through what we call flaps. You have to pull them out, in order to not mix interaction up with clicking through your accounts and folders.

We hope the other ideas are straight forward and discoverable, so we do not want to give you more hints... Give us feedback if you think we are wrong with this assumption.

Get encryption working

One of the core features of Kontact Mobile is your ability to communicate safely using S/MIME or OpenPGP. We do not provide the generation of keys on the mobile phone - you will need to set-up your keys on a computer, e.g. by using Kleopatra.

Contributing / Questions and Answers / Feedback / ...

There are many ways to contribute or feedback to this project:

You discovered a defect

The overall stability of the packages is good. We do not expect any data loss or severe problems, as we share much of the codebase with the desktop client. But still: This product is under development, so expect to experience any kind of bugs.

Consider doing an update before reporting a problem. The project is under heavy development and chances are good that the defect has already been fixed.

Report a bug

Please report any problems to our Bugs page.

When posting a bug report, please add some information, so we can efficiently fix any bugs:

  • On which plattform did you encounter the bug? (e.g. Maemo, Windows Mobile 6.5)
  • What is the name of your device? (e.g. N900, HTC Touch Pro 2)
  • What is the version Kontact Mobile did you use? (You can find the version number in the about dialogue)
  • Please report to the correct category: kmail-mobile (Mail), korganizer-mobile (Calendar and Tasks), kjots-mobile (Notes), kaddressbook-mobile (Contacts) or kdepim-mobile for issues that affect all applications.
  • Please tag the bug with "komo3" (keyword) to help us being fast in our response.
  • If you think that a screenshot might illustrate your problem well, consider making one and add it (see here for finding out how to do screenshots on a N900).
  • Please provide any relevant information, so we can quickly reproduce your situation.

You want to share your experiences?

We are accompanying the development by steady usability work. You are very welcome to participate in this process. For this, but also for less structured feedback, consider joining our mailing list.

You want to contribute to the development

For the people with a more technical view we also communicate via a mailing list.