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Revision as of 22:52, 18 December 2010 by Nakov (talk | contribs)


Songs are loaded in the Playlist. When a song is over, the song that is below the last one in the playlist is played. You can use Queue to change the order in which the songs are played.

How to create Queue

It is very easy to make Queue, you just select a track and move it in the center of Amarok. When you add songs in Queue each of them takes a number. The number indicates the order in which songs will play.


How to edit Queue

If you want to make any changes in the Queue you can use the Queue Editor. You can start Queue Editor from button in right corner of the player.

Queue Editor

Button Description
Move Up Move selected track ahead in the list.
Move Down Move selected track below in the list.
Dequeue Track Remove selected song form Queue.
Clear Queue Remove all songs form Queue.