Como enfrontarse aos problemas
Solucionar os problemas
O aplicativo sáltase parte da música de seguida
Pode que non teña instalados os codecs necesarios. Atopará máis información ao respecto aquí. Pregunte aos responsables da distribución que empregue.
Pois debería. Asegúrese de que o dispositivo se montou correctamente. Execute a seguinte instrución nunha consola para obter unha lista dos dispositivos que ten montados:
Amarok cannot see the predefined playlists on my portable music player
Wait for the next version of Amarok.
After I have updated my collection, the additions are not shown in the Content Browser
Quit Amarok from the Ctrl+Q to quit. Once you restart Amarok, your collection should show your updates.
menu, or useAmarok cannot find the lyrics of the songs that I play
- The lyrics are not available in the sites checked on the Internet. You may wish to add more sites via the script menu ( ).
- The track numbering system within an album in your collection is not correct.
- The title of your song contains special characters with a cedille, accent, etc. that do not show in your track title. Therefore the lyrics script applet cannot find a match for your title. Check your tags and track numbering system with a tagger such as Picard. Also see Amarok FAQ