User:Zhao Han

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Revision as of 07:15, 5 March 2011 by Zhao Han (talk | contribs) (page created)
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This guy(me...) is an international student at University of Manitoba...

Question: That's it? Answer: Nope, I'm not done yet.


I've contributed some [translations] at 1 yr earlier...

My name there is... yes, 程海.cX (can't read it? It's ChengHai.cX literally. actually, x in cX is a typo, which was expected to be H) Anyways....

I'm busy studying lately...

Chinese translations at KDE's UserBase

The translations here are sort of hard-translated. I mean English contents were translated so literally.

My goal is to make the translations more NATURAL.

Question: Hopefully, that's it? Answer: Yep.