
From KDE Wiki Sandbox

Estri marc d'imatges

Estri marc d'imatges: Mostra una sola imatge o una presentació de diapositives a l'escriptori Plasma.

Vikimèdia: Imatge del dia

Widgets commonly start by asking you to pick your desired settings. This choice for the widget works from the widget settings menu, but you can drag-and-drop a picture file or a folder of photos to set it, too.

Initial widget view

Choose a Source

  • Single image from any folder on your computer
  • Slideshow from folder(s) of images on your computer
  • Picture of the Day
Three Kinds of Pictures

Picture of the Day Sources

  • Flickr Picture of the Day
  • Operational Significant Event Imagery Picture of the Day
  • APOD - Astronomy Picture of the Day from NASA
  • Earth Science Picture of the Day
  • Wikimedia Picture of the Day
Picture of Day Sources