Marble 1.0 для Maemo можна встановити на смартфон Nokia N900. На цій сторінці наведено настанови щодо процедури встановлення самої програми Marble та, якщо захочете, додавання тем карт та встановлення підтримки для визначення маршрутів у автономному режимі (без інтернет-з’єднання).
- For the impatient, in a nutshell: Install the marble package in the Navigation section from the Maemo extras repository to install Marble. Additional map themes are contained in the marble-maps package in the Navigation section. Support for offline routing is provided by the monav-routing-daemon package, again in the Navigation section.
Installing Marble
Get your N900 within reach. Don't own one? Time to move on, this page will be of no use to you. On the N900, open the program manager. Choose Download and open the Navigation section. Scroll down and select marble. Follow the usual installation process steps.
Installing Additional Map Themes
The Marble package installed by the one-click installer uses the OpenStreetMap map theme. Looking for something different? Atlas, Satellite and many other choices will be available when you install the marble-maps package in the Navigation section of the program manager.

Within Marble, you can switch map themes in the
Support for Offline Routing
Do you intend to use your N900 for routing? Without an Internet connection? Make sure to install the monav-routing-daemon package in that case. Just like the marble-maps package it can be installed from the Navigation section of the Maemo package manager.

Marble will automatically include Monav for offline routing once the version 0.2.release-2 of monav-routing-daemon is installed. You do need to install offline maps, however. This can be done conveniently from within Marble: See Offline Routing

- Marble/Maemo/Installation/uk
- Offline Routing →