Tidslinjen er en central del af Kdenlive. Den udgøres af fire forskellige områder (se skærmbilledet).
- 1 - Ikon til at ændre spors størrelse. Disse to ikoner lader dig øge eller mindske sporenes højde. Standardhøjden for spor kan indstilles i Kdenlives indstillingsdialog.
- 2 - Timeline ruler. This shows the time in frames or in hh:mm:ss notation. The area highlighted in green is called the selection zone, and is useful if you want to render only a part of your project. Left clicking in the timeline ruler will move the timeline cursor and seek to that position. The Timeline ruler context menu allows you to manage Guides.
- 3 - Track header. This box shows some options for a track. First is the track name (Video 2 in the screenshot). That name can be changed by simply clicking in it. Below are icons to (prevent adding / removing clips), , and from this track. Right clicking in the track header will give you a context menu allowing to manage (add / delete) tracks.
- 4 - The track itself, this is where you can drop your clips.
The timeline is made of tracks. There are two kind of tracks: audio and video. The number of tracks is defined when creating a new project in the Project Settings Dialog. Adding a clip in timeline can be achieved by dragging it from the Project Tree or the Clip Monitor.