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From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 21:47, 24 September 2014 by Andrew (talk | contribs) (The User)

Conceptual Model

The conceptual model is the most fundamental aspect of the interface, describing the relationship between the interface and the outside world. The purpose of the conceptual model is to draw on the user’s past experiences so they can readily understand basic operations and accurately predict functionality.

Application vision

A vision describes the goal of the project. It can be emotive and a source of inspiration, for instance by outlining how the final product makes the world a better place.


  • Describe the project's final goals.
  • Explain who will use the product, and how he or she will make advantage of it.
  • Make sure the vision is shared over all stakeholders, developers and users.
  • Write the vision with enough room for creativity.
  • Keep the vision as short as possible.
  • A good starting-point to describe the vision is the elevator pitch:
    • FOR <target customer>
    • WHO <statement of the need>
    • THE <product name>
    • IS A <product category>
    • THAT <key benefit>
    • UNLIKE <primary competitor>
    • OUR PRODUCT <further differentiation>

The User

KDE's personas can help identify the target users of your application and provide a common understanding among the design and development team.


Define a scenario where persona(s) interact with your application.

Specify requirements considering destinata and animata of users.