
From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 23:44, 29 January 2015 by Nick Shaforostoff (talk | contribs) (update for kf5)
Lokalize is the localization tool for KDE and other open source software

Lokalize is also a general computer-aided translation system (CAT) with which you can translate OpenDocument files (*.odt). Translate-Toolkit is used internally to extract text for translation from .odt to .xliff files and to merge translation back into .odt file.

Lokalize with French translation of Konqueror

Lokalize under Windows

Install KDE using kdewin-installer:


Leave defaults in all steps except package list. In package list select kdesdk (all dependencies will be installed automatically). Complete kdewin-installation process.

Technical details: you install KDE 4.3 or later in standard way, and then add custom-compiled Lokalize binaries and data.

Compiling Lokalize from KDE trunk

Install libkf5i18n-dev, libkf5completion-dev, libkf5itemviews-dev, libkf5sonnet-dev, kross-dev headers packages and libhunspell-dev. Then:

git clone git://anongit.kde.org/lokalize


git clone git@git.kde.org:lokalize


cd lokalize
 mkdir build
 cd build
 cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ..
 make -j2

Tips and tricks

Search in files

Translation Memory (TM) now keeps track of where each translation pair came from. So when you want to search for string in the files on disk, you just drag the directory with those files onto translation memory tab (F7) to update TM, wait a minute or two, then type your string into right field of Translation Memory tab, then press Enter.

Then you click on one of results and this opens appropriate file, on the appropriate entry. When you want to do another search during the same day, you skip the updating step and just type what you're searching for. You can filter TM search results by filename using the field left side of the F7 panel (Filemask).


Nick Shaforostoff Facebook page

External links